

Let’s invade this r/askwomen post. Go to the bottom comment where and keep replying until you get banned. I wanna see how long we can make this thread look

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Women have been getting more college degrees than men since 1970. And they're still taking L's 50 years later

It means the social engineers have been working to catapult women into importance.

THey know that if women run things that the global government will be just around the corner.

Only someone totally brainwashed and not in the workforce thinks that women have evolved to surpass men.

The female dating strategy subreddit is proof enough for me that women should be property. Screenshot related

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If you want proof that women are just awful try twoxchromosomes.

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True, female dating strategy is just more transparent about it, but both subreddits essentially espouse the same views.

True but it would still fall apart.

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>le xD doesn't le like le memes lelelelelele
This bitch is more shallow than the beach she is on.

Fuck reddit. Let it drown in its broken dreams.

>Fuck reddit.

I think it might be the most cancerous and evil place on the entire internet.

The group think and social pressure are real.

Nah, let Reddit stay. It’s great at blackpilling normies on the woman question

does that mean i have to be good househusband now in order to attract a cute waifu?

just imagine your waifu making you embarassed by poking your morning tent.

i don't mind cooking breakfast while wearing just an apron for my senpai (female).

>tfw your wife will never insert a boiled egg in your asshole while stroking your dick from behind

aaah why live

That is a good point.

Someone post this there.

Attached: assemblywomen.jpg (867x1000, 375K)

>the future is fem-

Attached: final solution to the ovaro-jewish problem.jpg (690x400, 40K)

ebin. i downboated them all and upboated the OP

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I'm betting a lot of soibois and trannies are posing as women there.

>>work harder
Haha this is a joke right, women are given preference in govt. sponsored apprenticeships over here in Ireland cuz much equality, at least that's what my electrical engineer apprentice cousin says

>less selfish/more altruistic
>less egotistial

Fucking PLEASE. What a joke.

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