Whenever a discussion about Lauren (who is a political figure) is posted Jow Forums bans asap. Even though she is obviously a subject a political discussion.
Why does Jow Forums hate Lauren Southern?
E-celeb I guess. Most are trash anyways.
Think of Katie Hopkins here. Based on muzzies, but she has a positive view on kikes.
coalburning tradthot that jumped on the bandwagon of libertarian conservatism while stealing attention away from more important voices. doesn't name the jew. whinges on softcock issues of boomer indignance and whatnot. haven't seen farmlands but i can imagine it doesn't get to the root of the problems, i.e. negroes and the jews that sicked them on the afrikans.
She’s a jew
I'm proud to be a $200 monthly supporter for the last 20 months.
she made good youtube shorts but her recent work was just self admiration and "here's a 10 minute shot of me creeping through the bush scary lol!" #goyfundme
The coalburning before she even said anything alone was enough to discount anything she said after
she's fake attention whore, that's all you need to know
Didnt she fuck her way to the top?
Who cares what a leaf like her thinks
she has cute feet though, i wish i could rub them all day lick her asshole
She has some of the most ugly feet I have ever seen.
She needs to use that cooter for the purposes it was designed for.
The only Whamen Jow Forums listens to are mothers of white children.
katie hopkins is a fucking retard plant.
positive view on kikes is the most apparant symptom.
Alt light grifter who knowingly collaborated with a couple of scamming fags. And once the story came out she went into hiding.
Her real name is (((Simonsen))) her father is a Danish rabbi
Pro-israel e-celeb.
kys faggot.
>scamming fags
Who? The Finlandian?
She's literally the 21st Afrikaners Emily Hobhouse.
if Emily Hobhouse had an online presence
>hate Lauren Southern?
No I think shes the best looking jew out there
I just don't like
She's a coal burner
She too the alt right on a ride
and fucked off to crash everything.
typical jew I suppose but she's really good looking anyway If I do say so my self.
No doubt OP is a butt blasted kike
True, but was giving an example from home.
>Why does Jow Forums hate Lauren Southern?
>a literal who?
what does this painted lady (aka "cocksleeve") have anything to do with (((politiks)))?
>pic related is the extent of modern wahmens political (((thinking)))
>Even though she is obviously a subject a political discussion.
Nice eceleb thread, you fucking nigger. Why don't you mention her politics and start a dicussion.
Oh right, you're just a faggot paid shill who should be strung up by your neck.
"Sounding wholly sincere and emotional for the first time, Robertson said: “Lauren had something happen to her — something really horrible,” and this had changed her views, and his.
To me his tone and emphasis implied that “something” was male violence or abuse.
He told festival attendees that Lauren Southern’s sudden disappearance from public life had one, shocking, main cause.
He alleged that she had been raped by a well-known figure in the British far right. There is an old, unproven rape allegation against the same man."
that blonde has ugly legs
Katie Hopkins is a fucking controlled op jewess that's why. Jesus Christ get your shit together.
her ugly legs are the least of her problems
She only fucks with BBC and this makes white bois triggered.
There is no such thing as a read women only a chameleon that tells you what you want to hear but will still fuck you over given the chance. That and she’s a jewess that wants Israel dead. I don’t understand why liberal Jewish people hate conservative Jews so much.
Jow Forums doesn't hate anyone, Jow Forums is a board of love
ja ons sal haar onthou en n plekkie he vir haar wanneer ons n vry republiek kry.
Die englese met afrikaner harte is ook welkom.
no, where is the Finnish Lauren Southern white knight?
You're gay
That looks disgusting and she has a case of hammertoe if you look at them from the side.
how likely is the rape accusation to be true? Was is Stephen Molyeux?
I'd sniff those with such voracity, my sinuses would collapse.
Post proof of the coal burning
She's a total e - whore larper, if you've seen her sister it runs in the family
That pic. The west in a nutshell.
They all do.
The question is; why does Jow Forums allow it with her but kvetch about it with Quinn?
Could it possibly be that the board is full of horny teenaged retards?
>He alleged that she had been raped by a well-known figure in the British far right.
Stephen Molyneux isn't British.
The accusation is coming from Lauren's former producer, who is a known liar, so we can't be sure. But Lauren's sudden retirement was weird, she didn't even promote her last documentary, so this would explain it.
Why are Finns so autistic about this sort of thing. There was a Finnish stalker on /asp/ that followed around Paige and her mother for a long time.
Worked for (((rebel Media)))
Gr8 b8 m9
E celeb garbage toasty roasty
Instant options field
Amazing thread. Upvoted.
Weren't there rumors that in the course of making her last documentary she ended up falling for and fucking an Iranian refugee? Consequently she ended up going really soft and half-assed the whole project. Her last documentary was super disappointing.
She's out of the game get over it.
but the rumor is that she was """"raped""" got into a bf/gf relationship and dumped by a British person
I'm surprised someone from finland hasn't popped in here yet to correct you
and post evidence of her genes and whatnot.
What in the actual fuck is this gay ass language?
it's a dialect of Dutch. When the Dutch went to Africa, they literally named their new dialect Afrikans
Laurel Saturn
Moarpheus shilled against her 24/7 and all of the low iq and boomers fell for it.
I wonder what happened to the Finn.
She was cute'ish.
Had a very manly voice though.
Probably got pumped and dumped by Paul Joseph Watson.
>*It was rape in my mind*
if that is true, then Watson shouldn't have done that. He knows Lauren is traditional and would've expected marriage
Caolan Robertson is full of shit. He was working with Hope Not Hate for years, sabotaging practically everyone on Britain's dissident right, while also siphoning large amounts of money from Tommy Robinson.
Honestly, I'm not particularly fond of any of these people, but no one should put any stock into what Robertson says. The guy just wants to be famous.
then why did Lauren half-heartedly make her new documentary and refuse to do any promotion or publicity for it? Why did she suddenly retire
You think if he accuses an innocent man Lauren would remain silent?
>controlled opposition
>Stephen Molyneux isn't British.
E celeb coalburning scum who only band wagoned to tap that alt right betabux market
Slated for torture mutilation and execution for the post racial revolution world.
In the past she has proven to be quite entertaining, but I suppose that's the only point of her.
I was one of the biggest defenders of Lauren until she pussied out.
It's a bit of a tradition to hate her, in reality she's fine and did things for us by the bucketload.
More like...
>Do what you've must. I've already won.
Seething jew detectet, she exposed the fat NGO kike bitch that imported scum to Greece
She didn't half-heartedly make it, she spent nearly a year making it. And she didn't refuse to any promotion for it. I saw her talking about it plenty of times. You're making shit up.
As for why she quit, my guess is that getting banned from Britain woke he up to the fact that this isn't all fun and games. She's a 23 year old woman who spent most of her time trolling libs and making Youtube videos. Then one day she's being held under a terrorism law and getting banned from a country that she had previously spent a lot of time in.
She made money, had fame for a time, then saw she was on a downward trajectory and got out. That seems a lot more likely to me than a known liar saying she was raped, and that's why she left. Of course, the same liar ALSO said that the reason she left was because she was convinced she had been wrong about refugees and felt she couldn't continue anymore.
After she released the documentary how much time did she spend promoting it? A week, maybe two?
The only promotion after release I remember was The Blaze (American) and Molyneux (Canadian). She didn't promote it for Europe at all.
Controled opposition.
because she hasn't sucked everyones dick on
Jow Forums, if she will, then the horrors will stop.
btw the british should get nuked by russia.
It was half hearted in that the camera work was worse than amateur
Because she's a fraud. A fake ideological roastie just looking for attention. Mark my words she'll become a half shaved SJW in a couple of years.
because shes a jew
her last name is simonsen. shes a kike
Lauren went full patreon e thot, any point she made before now looks like some easy outrage cash in
>I'm proud to be a $200 monthly supporter for the last 20 months.
You fuckin' beta cuck. STOP THAT.
How does this skanky, e-Whore grifter get a thread with over 80 posts still? She's not even good looking.
I bet she's hot in the sack.
E-celeb does not make you a political figure.
We need an e-celeb board so /ck/, Jow Forums ,/v/ and other boards can be free of shit like this. It's as bad as pony fuckers and I'm not exaggerating.
Just testing this out
I will never get this, listen incels I’m about to blow your mind, want sex? Really easy sex? There’s this thing called fat girls with cute faces, they will
Fuck you for some Arby’s and a supernatural episode, you don’t need to give hundreds of dollars to some e thot who won’t even let you eat one of her used socks
2016 called, it wants this thread back