American "food" hate thread

Why is it so disgusting?

Here, take some pasta, dump some cheese sauce and pretend the absolute pig slop is food.

Attached: Easy-Creamy-Stovetop-Mac-and-Cheese-1200.jpg (1200x800, 48K)

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Mac-n-Cheeze is fucking awesome
Put some chili in there and you have a complete protein meal

>food hate thread

This is why they took out 8/pol/ with a false flag shooting and a false manifesto. As pozzed as it was, gay jew D&C kikery like this would never have been allowed.

bah, whats that?
looks like someone puked out smashed eggs

you can do that for anyone's cuisine if you shitpost hard enough.
>be Brazil 1800s
>take bread
>put cheese in it
>opa, serà o meu prato nacional
>gibe pao pls uma delicia

Attached: Cheesebread.jpg (1920x1277, 263K)

Don't you have a monkey brain and a glass of fermented spit to consume,banana fucker?

> the cheapest of cheap carbohydrate
> thinks it's full of "muh proteins"

You country deserves to be that fat and retarded like you are anyway...

You forgot to deep fry it and dip it in ranch, you pleb.

Attached: IMG_1720.jpg (733x1100, 149K)

America gave the world the STEAK.

Pure 100% beef STEAK.


The proteins come from the Chili, or can't you read?

I refuse to eat anything that looks or smells like microwaved vomit.

Mac and cheese is delicious

they're made with cassava flour, which makes them different. An authentic pão de queijo made with proper canastra cheese is heavenly.

Wtf Mac and cheese is great

Thank dog Americans invented the cow

American barbecue > all other food on this planet

Attached: 1234766313245634577743523456247.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

nobody understands your pao de queijo spigger green text

Look at this, disgusting

Attached: 920x920.jpg (920x688, 86K)

of course it is delicious. I've been to Minas and had it for myself. I've also had delicious macaroni and cheese. my only point is that you can make things sound retarded if you shitpost.

also this thread belongs on or maybe not Jow Forums

muh dik!

I don't understand OP's problem. I mean who eats raw Mac & Cheese? You have to deep-fry it.


Attached: heart.jpg (678x381, 22K)


get your faggy caramel meat out of here

Attached: (1080x608, 84K)

it's all repackaged stuff from Germany and England, lol. of course our country was at it's best when we were just a bunch of Germans and Brits LARPing as the SPQR. we had an identity, then

American pizza looks fucking abhorrent.
Too much cheese, crusts are too thick, no fresh ingredients.

Attached: baconcheese.jpg (670x479, 123K)

I'm gonna puke, just look at this "food"

Attached: 1d8219ca1c613249a9c0fb63680bedd5.jpg (444x444, 54K)

>no fresh ingredients.
Says the guy who's national dish is rotted ammonia smelling fish turned into jelly.