How do you view Russian immigration to your country?

How do you view Russian immigration to your country?

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stop sending thots to myrtle beach. other than we're fine.

Send your thots here plz.

Have bigger problems than caring about russians here.

pretty well, it's the best immigration wave we're had in our history.previous migrants we had to uplift from ape-civilization to our level but russians were educated,civilized and hard working.
also our fertility rate that was going down previously started going up ass soon as they arrived and has been going up ever since.

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hey can we borrow these girls for some idf photos?

Good cheap prostitutes, useless drunks. That's about it.

Guys, I'm a future immigrant from RU to CA and i want to make this world better. I will testify in a Canadian court against Russia and Chechnya and defend gay atheists from Chechnya. They can kill me. Wish me good luck.

*Not they. but the Russian government can hire a killer.

they drink alcohol on the streets, pee their pants, clean toilets for 1 euro an hour, dress like slobs, or at least here in my country.

Who taught them how to apply camouflage paint?
That's some fobbit-level shit tier camo paint.

There's like 60 Russians living in PR, they got a little office at Cuartel Ballaja, 3rd floor, they sometimes hold little cultural events which are quite cool, most of them live in San Juan tho so the rest of PR doesn't know about it. There's also been some representation at the international folk fest in Isabella. As to how they are perceived, well that depends, most people here see russians as cold and calculating but hardy and strong willed.

Russian is bettter tthan muslim and nogs for sure.

I don't realy care if migrants are white.


Every (((Russian))) I personally know is Jewish, I used to think Judaism was the largest religion in Russia

We shouldn't seek to create mutts, not even euromutts.

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You literally signed an agreement to let in all Soviet Jews into the US

I mean, a world war and a few dozen years under communism didn't cause as much damage as our current government will do in the long term.

So yeah, can always be worse.

Poorly. Whenever slavshits come here, be it north or south slavs, they only bring with them crime and discomfort.

russians > spics and niggers

There arent many, which is bad if ppl had more contact with ivans wed hate them too, sadly most ppl are just vatniks

Jews are just the most educated people from Russia. Thats's why a lot of Russian Jews work in science related industries. Meanwhile, the average Russian slav is as brain dead as a nigger or a beaner.

Russians, Poles and a few Yugos are about the only whites left in this country

>How do you view Russian immigration to your country?

Like any other immigration. Its absolutely fine if its less than say 50 people per year.

If we had mass migration from Russia it could end up like Crimea where certain parts of the country feel more Russian than they do English and may vote to join Russia.

Everyone should be careful of that type of thing with regards to mass migration.

Good. The less Finns the better. Please take this shithole over and genocide it.

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I only know one russian from wich I buy raw materials for my business and every time I meet him he calls me son and then tells me he likes me even though I am jusy a small fish in the grand scheme of things. He has a bulletproof s brabus

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Good thing!

White people with balls. They are brothers of the American redneck

Wait, that image actually makes a lot of sense!

but Russians not urlas,
Learn language and admit you guys did occupie the Baltics.

Better than all the africans and central anericans we're getting

Can you explain the psychopaths vs. schizophrenics?

good luck homo


they're so annoying

i'm just trying to enjoy my vacation desu

Russian thots get impregnated and take advantage of the US by dropping their bastards in our country to get citizenship. I don’t blame the little hookers, and it’s actually funny liberals don’t know it’s going on or they would lose their minds.

Having said that, I’d like to take a Slavic qt as a bride and so she could give me a little Boris to raise.

Don't think I ever met one.

I am willing to take Russian immigrants in return for dumping niggers into the ocean.

that's a lot better than mexicans doing that to get in, or hell, indians/arabs.

Fine. It's hard to migrate here as a Russian, so there aren't many. But there are some shops and they always have Baltika. I am just talking about ethnic Russians though. Everything else can stay out.

Cringe and shitpilled. Not being able to read Hebrew as a so called Jew...

>that's a lot better than mexicans doing that to get in, or hell, indians/arabs.
you’re god damn right it is.

I have only seen russian women here in uni, never russian men and a russian girl told me: "There are no men in Russia. It's all women. And Putin."

Total cringe.

They know though and condemn this

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I don't mind much, because 90% of actual russians coming here are just women, who mostly fit in very well.

The only problem are the chechens.

you cant expect boomers to learn a new language, also they like it when you speak russian to them even if they know some (very broken) hebrew.

They actually know, there was a big story about a year ago about american libs having a meltdown over russians using the birthright citizenship.

Afaik, russians in the US lean republican.

It was a very funny answer in my opinion

as long as their white please come

They don't live here, for some reason. Many in Belgium.

Who cares what they like. They aren't jews, just leeches.

I bet it made you hard.

Who? Russian women, or chechens?

We border Russia, so especially in the north, there is a lot of intermarriage, in the bordertowns.

Tsjetsjenen. Belgium is a weird shit country and also harbors tons of analbanians for whatever reason.

Figures. Schools in Brussels are around 15-20% european, based on what numbers you go by.

Every majority russian area becomes a shithole, in Estonia at least. I don't care for them.

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what are you some GIGAKIKE 100% davidian bloodline ?

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I love Russia and russians. Hitler was wrong about slavs. Just because you were the first to fall to the jews doesn't make you sub human.

Look at anglos and Germans now. Full blown golem.

And btw you border them in the absolute north a tiny bit. If you have anything like a border and a border control, it wouldn't make much sense for them to get into Norway any more than they would in any other country for which they could get a visum.

>They don't live here

This famous Russian lives in Holland.

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Better than turks but still shitty.

I'm Dutch and fake jews in Israel annoy me.


>The new face of holland

Russians, Indians and Asians are the only large immigrant groups who have mainly good reputation here. As long as there aren't any Putin bots coming, Russians are welcome here. I used to have these Russian construction workers as neighbors and they were the top fellas to have a drink with. Also, there used to be a lot of Russian students in my uni, all based as fuck and the chicks were fun.

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Yeah with mostly moroccans and turks... But they got lots of other weird minorities living there in larger numbers. Belgium seems to attract scum because it's a chaotic shit country.

plz send russian boo boos to replace our trash

as an idiot from country, in which we have long history of beating/being beaten by ruskies and three or even more millions of ukrainian immigrants - you are welcome brothers.

It is not even real jewish language, who cares.

Its only that high because poland was part of the russian empire

Jews are Polish-Lithuanian

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Who fucking cares what you think, Jew?

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I don't know a single Russian from Russia come to think of it. Just Slavs from other countries.

unfortunetly our kings always liked them too much, especially our last king from the Piast dynasty Casimir the Great. he gave them too many rights because of his dick, which was in his jewish mistress, Estera.

>From the founding of theKingdom of Polandin 1025 through to the early years of thePolish–Lithuanian Commonwealthcreated in 1569,Polandwas the most tolerant country in Europe. Historians have described the labelparadisus iudaeorum(Latinfor "Paradiseof the Jews"). The country became a shelter for persecuted and expelled European Jewish communities and the home to the world's largest Jewish community of the time. According to some sources, about three-quarters of the world's Jews lived in Poland by the middle of the 16th century.



never met a russian

Germany is thinking about opening flood gates for young Russians. Because rapefugges doesn't want work.

The hot young ladies can come over. The rest, stay out.

Russians are white and most of the time pretty based. I view them as equal and I personally like them. Currently texting with a russian qt3.14, she is a distant niece of my best friend. And yes, she is proud of her white and european ancestry

please. do this. get the fuck of my country.

Most Russians I've met in America have been great people.

With that said, two important points of consideration
>I don't live anywhere near thot-magnet cities, like LA or NYC
>I assume that, like Indians, generally only the best among you are able to make it here

Regardless, your expats in the US often give your people a very good reputation here.

Shit taste
Russian women are soulless golddiggers but Russian twinks are prime boipussi

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this guy on the photo is from Ukraine

Baltika isn't that good, just a regular heineken-tier standart euro-lagger

The sooner YOU get out of Russia, the better for the nation.

I generally find Russians to be agreeable. Russian men are bro tier.
Russian women tend to be very attractive but in my experience they are gold diggers and value expensive tastes above all.

>The only problem are the chechens

send them to prison the same moment the come in. or later they will definitely cause you fuck ton problems.

Only the women, please.

They had Poland in 1900. When Poland got independent that was reduced in 2 million.

>t. Russian schlomo

You canucks can have the twinks then.

Can confirm. Russians are absolute best bros. The russian woman, who arent gold diggers, usually dont leave russia and are rather conservative and family-orientated

Same thing applies to Ukraine

They didn't fell for it. It was FORCED on Russians.