What a coincidence

Center for Strategic International Studies did a video about the Saudi plant being vulnerable to Iran last month.


Attached: abqaiq.png (622x349, 425K)

Other urls found in this thread:


imagine my shock

Another screenshot.

Full video

Attached: IranTarget.png (693x389, 596K)

Read the analysis.
Its a targeting how-to.

Attached: 190805_fugure3.jpg (2000x1127, 903K)

Merely a (((coincidence))) :^)


Attached: 190805_figure1.jpg (2095x1479, 265K)

C_A = Central ____________ Agency
Iran = C_A stronghold since the regime change.

>You attack those who threaten you the most
The anti-Israel narrative has C_rAnian roots, it serves to remove the threat to their geopolitical power by pitting allies against each other.
"Big Satan" America against "little Satan" Israel.
[Source obscuration is cyber 101]
(((Mask yourself as the enemy you seek to destroy)))
So they're using useful idiots to get rid of their fear; The pinnacle of their military might is PROJECTION.
You really thought they'd let everyone keep knowing who they are?
Sunlight's a great disinfectant, when you don't know who the C_rAn(i)an Deep Sweeties are~
Especially when all this is Ch_nA trying to force America off of Asia.

Weird that they just met and signed a 25-year strategic partnership with Iran last week?
Iran lets them pay in RMB.

China would have the drone and targeting capability to pull this off.

Attached: IranChina.png (1439x598, 1.79M)

They didn't touch the storage tanks. The whole place would have been burning for a week or more, if they had been struck. I don't know if it was a false flag, exactly. It definitely was struck. But I definitely think we're being misled on the why and by whom. Netanyhu and Bolton made some moves behind the scenes before he got kicked out? One last fuck you? And Netanyhu gets to cancel elections?

How scared does one have to be to shut down the entire internet from exposing the lies.
How sad is it when you're such a disgusting human being, you're willing to destroy the entire world to not be exposed.
How disgusting does one have to be, to go along with censoring entire interwebs of truth for demented plans of world domination.

Asking for a fren.

maybe they read it and thought it was a good idea

99% of primarily civilian infrastructure is vulnerable as fuck. Because it's built for accessibility and not defensibility. SA just fucked up in particular because 50% of what is essentially their entire economy was concentrated in that refinery. 4 well placed 500lb bombs could disable most of the transportation in central europe

I don't think this would have been, exactly. I mean just about anything is vulnerable to drone attack. But I'd be willing to bet they contracted with DynCorp or Blackwater for defense of the facility otherwise. Again, no one can really be prepped to handle militarized drones or cruise missiles, though.

>Chairman of CSIS is wealthy member of the jewish Pritzker familiy
>North America Western Asia Holdings, (NAWAH) is an investment firm founded in 2011. It was established by Hyatt Hotels executive chairman Thomas Pritzker and former Pentagon official Paul Brinkley to build businesses in the Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa

Color me surprised. Disgusting zio-pigs

Oh, you sure can be prepped against drones and cruise missiles. It's just not a good image to project in peacetime. Having SAMs pointed at the sky at all times might not be good for your diplomatic relations with your neighbors

The American military is now powerless to stop this. The multipolar world is here.

Disgusting jews being jews

Attached: Udklip.png (604x208, 48K)

True, but I'm not sure if it's acceptable for a PMC to run those types of installations anyway, it would need to be a state military. And for drones, the smaller commerical ones are sorta fucking everyone up right now.
With a preprogrammed flight path to ensure it was in and out quickly, a remote detach rig, and like 40 dollars worth of thermate compound, I imagine you could burn through just about any holding tank in that site, and the drone would be in and then gone in under 10 minutes. A little sound baffling on the rotors, and it wouldn't even be noticed. The ignition shit in pic related is crap, but the mixture itself is solid.

Attached: incendiary grenade mix.jpg (436x1024, 121K)

crazy that saudi arabia was defeated by this

Attached: NINTCHDBPICT000430785139[1].jpg (2048x1218, 268K)

What a cohencidence!

It's always a falseflag until Iran takes credit in which case it was totally justified and based. Lol just like leftists and niggers in the US... they are always being framed until its undeniable and then when that happens- it was justified or excused. They wuz good boys Iran dindu nuffin, they wuz persians an sheeit.


Attached: 4d9.jpg (400x300, 32K)


These were LNG storage tanks.
Look at how precise these holes are.
Laser guided from a drone?

And why no explosions?
It should have gone off like a bomb.
The tanks were empty?

Attached: Trump-says-US-locked-and-loaded-after-Iranian-attack-on-Saudi-oil-field.jpg (597x298, 50K)