Asian-Black relations in America?

I have heard blacks say that Asians leech off the community by having all the liquor, wig, and nail stores and that they don't give a fuck about black people or the hood and just want to enrich themselves and suck the black communities dry while treating the blacks who frequent the stores poorly. Remember Ice Cube made the song "black Korea" attacking Asians.

Also, how come blacks get on better with Hispanics and Middle Easterners than Asians? Many blacks like Islam and Habib in the corner store is considered the big homie while Juan and Jose in the Mexican gang are "them niggas from the other side" but are generally left alone to go about their business. Asians however seem to be the only people besides whites that blacks have genuine vitriol and venom towards.

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dude, who gives a fuck. Why are you obsessed with trivial shit about niggers, you want to suck one off or something?

I’ll take blacks over racist Asians any day. Asians are a fifth column that are sabotaging the west and sending money back to their own countries.

At least blacks are mostly integrated to their host countries and culturally western.

Nigs are the leechs to asians.

Blacks are asshurt that off the boat gooks moving into "their" neighborhoods can go from nothing to owning successful businesses in like a decade, by virtue of being high IQ and industrious. They obviously can't accept / take responsibility for being low IQ and indigent, so instead it has to be a conspiracy

>get along with spics


the original ending of "Romeo Must Die" had Jet Li kissing Aaliyah but was re-filmed to where they shared a "tight hug" because, "Mainstream America, for the most part, gets uncomfortable with seeing an Asian man portrayed in a sexual light."

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Spics fucking hate Niggers

Puerto Ricans and blacks are like brothers in NY. Many of the beefs between the Cali gangs have been smoothed over too. Many promote black and brown unity now. Many crips and blood sects have a good amount of Mexicans in them. Stop living in 20 years ago

Lol. Talk to some Puerto Ricans and Dominicans in NY sometime. There are black gangs in LA with fully active Mexicans in them. "Black and Brown pride is a thing"

"Wouldn't be LA without Mexicans"


whoa shit dude tupac so wise man shit...


Where do I even begin...

>Asians however seem to be the only people besides whites that blacks have genuine vitriol and venom towards.
Blacks envy those who are more successful, and besides whites, it's asians who make money.

Any black person can apply for a minority business loan from the government and open their own corner store.

Many black businesses owner has done so.

Asians hate niggers Because they are loud and rude. Pretty much the opposite of asian demeanor.

>Hispanics and Middle Easterners
citation needed? my understanding is that both those groups despise blacks as much if not more than asians, especially arabs. I know niggers have a tendency to embrace islam because they're stupid and illiterate, but they're regarded as little more than monkeys in muslim majority nations. The only race I know of that hasn't historically despised blacks may be the american indians, I've read that they were really fascinated by niggers, although with how subversive american education is who can say how accurate that is

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what do you think.

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>leech off the community by opening businesses and selling them shit when everyone else was scared off by self preservation

ooga booga give me free thing

This is your brain on burger

Hahahahaha you fuckin deluded burger. Enjoy your niggers. I'm sure one was fucking your wife as you wrote that post.

The fact that a lot of Asians were in North America as slaves yet overcame and became productive members of society without whining and bitching every day really pisses black people off.

i think there was a push through hollywood to intergrate blacks and asians but then china realized american nigs arent worth the hassle and they just focus on africa.

Well how many times do you see Hispanics and Middle Easterners charged by blacks (especially ghetto blacks) with oppression and racism against them in America? Almost never. They may have tit-for-tat problems with groups of these people in specific situations and circumstances every so often but the vast majority of the "they hate me cuz i'm black", "they keep me down cuz i'm black", "they harass me cuz i'm black" is leveled at whites and Asians. Even parasitic Jews sometimes are called out by blacks (though granted that is usually more educated blacks like Nation of Islam, woke blacks, etc) but by far it seems like blacks view Whites and Asians as being against them more than other ethnics.

Hows the weather in Vancouver Chang?

ironically in la county jail blacks and asians are allies aganist southern mexicans, there are a lot blacks and southeastern asian gangs in long beach due to thier love of nig culture.

Asian immigrants are literally the only human beings industrious and humble enough to feed the nogs. I have all the respect in the world for them.

If you've never been to a carry-out, don't talk. The nogs are unbelievable. Every fifth one wants to throw a fit because something is wrong with his chikkinz. They insult the workers with ching-chong slant-eye nonsense constantly.

Remember, this is how nigs eat. What would happen without the Asians behind the plexiglass?

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time for a negerkuss

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nigs are ultra aggressive and in the hood the alpha negro is usually the most loud and ruthless and takes zero shit for even the pettys things. They probably hold disdain asians for being passive and view them as inferior.

Can't stand someone else working for a living and earning honestly?

Hahaha what? I cant fucking stand niggers, they DO NOT integrate. Even the most civilised of niggers will still join their fellow monkeys to attack whites whenever they get the opportunity.

All that nigger cum is rotting your brain

>haha he's a leaf
How's that nigger dick taste?

>blacks are mostly integrated to their host countries and culturally western.
>culturally western.

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'upfrom slavery' by Booker t Washington. He described in detail that native Americans hated the shit out of black people and looked down at them in his day.

Ok Jamal


Dominicans are black not spic retarded mutt

Asians can too