Sorry reichfags. The data is out. IQ isn't all about muh haplogroups.
"According to Galloway, students who got a full two years of extra schooling showed an IQ gain of more than 7 points. Those with just one additional year of compulsory education during the phase in period gained approximately 3.7 IQ points."
BDNF and NGF obtained from a healthy lifestyle and everyday cognitive effort / learning.
School is a shitty outdated system, centralized, barely changing curriculum at the necessary pace and only breeds indoctrination and conformity.
Jace Cox
30 mental subversions, you faggot. however, iq is a mental construct and thus you can subvert it to achieve a higher score. which is why jews have the highest IQ
Adam Parker
>School is a shitty outdated system, centralized, barely changing curriculum at the necessary pace and only breeds indoctrination and conformity.
Based gypsy. I personnally dread the day when my son will start school.
Standard deviation on IQ test is 15 points also, so anything less than that isn't statistically significant.
Dominic Edwards
they didnt gain you niggers the ones with lower iq dropped out DUHHH
Parker Mitchell
>80+7=87 >102+7=109 Jow Forums btfo
Nicholas Lewis
What a load of crap, why is every black public school suffering from a n F average then?
Carter Allen
dude we all know IQ is a meme on doesnt really exist. its extremly hard to tell what intelligence is beacuse it depends on other chemicals in your brain how well you can express yourself
Tyler Peterson
>qt ayy lmao wtf, I love aliens now!
Andrew Gomez
no shit retard, but this is what (((scientists))) will have you believe
And you need a stable family support and a barely reliable community to be able to have formal education. I bet it doesn't chage shit or even lowers IQ scores.
Elijah Butler
>state education was totally not part of an authoritarian dictatorial government though
Dominic Fisher
Wrong we know those with very high IQ are extremely good at mathematics which is pure logical reasoning btw. Those capable of creating philosophy theories are also high IQ but not comparable to mathletes. Thus we can use a basic math test to determine if a human is a retard, the average dindu cannot comprehend simple division for example so we know the average dindu is a retard.
Easton Collins
>study 2 years just to get better score from IQ test >surprised even retard can memorize things WOW
Eli Long
What about the six million dollar dog?
Tyler Brooks
Because dog's aren't humans.
Black people, however, my racist piggy, ARE people. There are black scientists and mathematicians that would make you look retarded with how smart they are, you fucking dumbshit. >Durr WHADABOUT DOGSS DUHHHH Fuck you.
Christian Ramirez
Wow, two years of schooling added a whole 7 points of IQ at testing?
So Layshawn went from 73 to 80, and Phillip went from 103 to 110?
Brayden Brooks
Not if you only go there to use the shower.
Owen Price
No shit, sherlock. IQ is comparative to your age group. If you are smarter than your peers your IQ increases.
Most discussion of IQ on Jow Forums refers to the 'g factor', or general intelligence, which is considered to be the outside, usually considered to be genetic, factor of intelligence that goes beyond similar measurable circumstances.
People actually believe this I live in a medium sized town with brand new extremely nice high schools, free lab tops , labs with iMacs, all the latest and greatest technology, everything you would need to get ahead in life
I made perfect marks repeatedly. I slept through class and learned on my own. I was labeled a troublemaker because of this while the c average retards that stayed awake were ignored. School is not about learning. It's about teaching you to conform.
John Clark
This. OP, as usual, is a colossal faggot.
Jace Ross
What percentage of the black population do you suppose become scientists and mathematicians? What percentage of the white population?
Now, how what percentage of each of those populations wind up in prison?
If you find a bulldog, are you going to assume it's a kind-hearted, sweet, loving animal, or are you going to assume that it's a vicious beast moments away from murder? Would you let children play with a strange pitbull? Why or why not?
Brayden Wright
Yes and there are white super genius quantum physicist but notice we arent calling whites a race of super genius now are we, you liberal retard.
Asher Gutierrez
retarded and unsubstantiated conclusion. who is to say that the ones who stayed in school longer weren't smarter to begin with?
Ethan Gray
Right so after 4 years.....
Jason Carter
Kind of like niggers only going to school to sell drugs eh?
Nicholas Morales
Which percentage of each drops out of school?
Christopher Bailey
Nolan Wright
Calculus maybe not, but even the neural networks of birds can be trained to perform basic algebra. They have enough spare neurons and with proper conditioning can indeed be trained to solve easy math problems.
Henry Green
>Black people, however, my racist piggy, ARE people. I see, so that means that all genetic differences vanish?
this sounds like a whole lot of correlation being paraded as causation... keeping your mind active will improve your iq. Someone who goes to school for hard sciences will definitely improve their iq, but someone who goes for gender studies or some retarded course in exercising confirmation bias will be worse off than a person who stayed home and spent their time plucking the guitar or reading books.
Isaiah Cook
OFC school affects IQ. It just doesn't stimulate the brain as much as it could. Moreover, 7 more IQ is almost nothing. It's like saying that going to school makes you a better reader. No shit sherlock
Connor Hill
>7 points
Wow, so if you sent them to college Equitorial Gunieans could have an average IQ of 72!
So who’s pushing the dumb young boys to drop out of school and lose IQ? Because we all know women are more educated than men on average
Thomas Scott
White is entirely subjective. Black culture being a negative force on their people is entirely the fault of white oppression over decades and decades.
If not for white republican subhuman congressmen, black culture would've flourished to be just as successful as white culture in America. MLK would surely be rolling over in his grave if he saw the state of black fathers and the tarnished legacy of Bill Cosby, but it takes a very small amount of intelligence and understanding of historical context to understand that these american Blacks are a downtrodden, beaten and confused people. their entire cultural legacy is not knowing where the fuck their ancestors came from other than Africa because white slavers beat, raped, enslaved, inbred and mindbroke them for fucking centuries until some of them decided they felt bad for what they had done. Redlining, Jim Crow, segregation, racial profiling, poor opportunities, run down schools, poor wages, the list goes on.
The fact that you would kick a people like that for acting out when they're already completely on the ground is sickening. I always laugh whenever I see Jow Forumstards post fucking FBI honeypot DNA tests trying DESPERATELY to prove how "white" they are.
I couldn't be more disgusted and ashamed of my ancestors from Europe. The least they could've done is kept their foul fucking ideologies and racist destruction of other civilizations to themselves. But no, they just weren't content with the fucking ENTIRETY OF EUROPE AND MOST OF ASIA. Fuck you, seriously.
Jacob Harris
It depends on who gets the 7 IQ. If only the retards get it, then it would help them not be such a drag on society. If normal people get it, then it's not really that big but still useful. If the geniuses get it, then it's really good.
Noah Powell
That's like saying that because the result of a stew is effected by how long you cook it, it makes no difference what goes into it.
At the end of the day those extra seven points from two years of schooling doesn't even close half the gap between whites and blacks. You could force every white kid to drop out after 8th grade while niggers go through high school to 12th and whites would still have a higher score.
Julian Lee
>the students who stayed on at school were more inteligent than the ones who dropped out
Ryder Perry
Outstanding post. Individual learning central ecofash tenet. How am I gonna find a wifey that wants to homeschool our kids..?
Yeah but base fluid iq does still matter, that 7 points is nice but...
Lucas Brown
You can teach it to fuck a white woman which is proof of extremely high iq and extremely good taste
Josiah Miller
>black culture would've flourished to be just as successful as white culture in America No it wouldnt, niggers are feral retards. Observe the West Indies to see the primtiive culture Zoofrican Americans would create without whitey around.
Caleb Garcia
You cant teach dogs to fuck its pure instinct.
Ian Carter
>7 points My fucking sides
Joshua Moore
Oh, we're so sorry for ENDING slavery world-wide
Josiah Russell
If this study is correct, it's the first study in all of history that shows that IQ can be increased through studying. Sounds like bullshit. All previous studies show that studying does not increase your IQ, it can only be decreased by things like bad diet, using drugs, being sick etc, and any increase in IQ can be attributed to fixing those problems.
I am supposed to believe that all those studies are wrong now because this one study shows IQ can be increased through studying.
Colton Perry
Indeed, if a population has an average IQ of 70 then having an IQ of 100 (standard for a white person) is almost as rare as a white person being a genius. Being a genius for such a population would be almost impossible. On the other hand, literally half of the population is on the lower end of the curve, and is dumber than what scientists have measured the IQ of a gorilla to be at.
Thomas Young
IQ is 90% genotype and 10% phenotype. and how well you use that 10% is up to how you use that 90%.
Benjamin Wright
Somalis have no thinky thinky their brain is nothing but a maelstorm of simian instincts like a chimpanzee.
No one on earth ever thought haplogroups were tied to IQ. Whatsmore Haplogroups are probably a better indicator of IQ than Schooling. Someone with I1 in America typically does as well as someone with I1 in Sweden. See Minnesotan and Swedish IQ scores, very similar, haplogroup is only reliable in so far as it correlates with ethnic group. There are a bunch of I1 retards living Poland. There are also a few in Polynesia. Neither place is known for particularly high IQ not even the ones with european heritage 1/4 of their genome.
Jace White
thats not how statistics work dumbass
Kevin Martinez
There is no evidence that education improves IQ. IQ does not measure education and education has no impact on your IQ, unless the one single study that OP pulled out of his ass is true and contradicts everything we know about IQ.
Oliver Garcia
cant even do basic math 7/2 < 3.7 you niggers
Angel Gonzalez
>IQ is all about muh haploid Not once has anyone here made this argument you fucking mong OP.
Robert Hernandez
You forget the exponential decay factor or both IQ and education. Attending school always has temporarily increased IQ, and I'm not sure anyone here argues against that point.
Cooper Rodriguez
Almost nothing is based on your haplogroup... fucking idiot. Haplogroup is just who your father was 40,000 years ago. Here’s what you’re trying to do, you’re trying to lure in Jow Forumsacks who don’t study genetics/haplogroups and try to make them think you are saying IQ isn’t genetic by getting them to associate haplogroup with genes. This is stupid, everyone knows what you’re doing, a thread died for this. Just. Stop. IQ is heritable, it is genetic, bringing up haplogroups is a red herring. Stop shilling the board. Wish the mods would perma ban shill faggots
It's how standard deviations work, now I know that they would probably not even be able to know how to breathe but they should exist, statistically speaking.
David Myers
Chase Roberts
They're out there. Keep up hope.
Gavin Campbell
Did they pay for random people to go to school or did they just generalize from existing data? People who go through school for engineering or medicine are generally of a higher IQ, but that isn't because they went to school.
Lincoln Long
Maybe for other races. But with my experiences with niggers, no matter how hard you try to teach them, they don't perform at all. Lower sets used to be full of niggers who couldn't do basic algebra or comprehension. I'm sorry they are a lost cause. Best if they are left in the jungle to ooga booga.
Nathaniel Rogers
tested at 148 IQ at 12. got a degree to say i have one here to tell you that you are a fucking retarded ingrate
Blake Ross
They were even given so much extra support by the teachers, and they still didn't want to learn to try. Guess only way to make those lazy monkeys work is a whip.
Logan Phillips
that's american blacks, which are 20% white
Xavier Jenkins
lower IQ wouldnt tamper with basic bodily functions. it would however deny simple logic and problem solving to an incredible extent.
Jordan Hughes
Nigger, depending on haplogroup you may benefit more or less from that education.
>black culture would have flourished without whitey dragging them down The only great thing ever accomplished on Africa before the arrival of europeans was the construction of the pyramids, which was purely the result of slave labor. Jewish slaves built the pyramids and Jewish slaves engineered them, too. Niggers did nothing but crack the whip and sit on their asses. Oh, and let's not forget that it was Africans selling their brothers and sisters into the trans-atlantic slave trade. Whitey wasn't out trapping jungle bunnies in the darkest heart of Africa, he set up shop and let Africans do what they do best: destroy themselves for short term gain. Africans are parasites, and if they're not sucking lifeblood off whitey, they'll bleed each other dry.
You never answered any of my questions, either. That's how I know I'm poking holes in your narrative.
Oh, and let's not forget that MLK is on tape raping a woman and laughing about it. He'd be more ashamed of Cosby for giving the skanks drugs than he would be that Cosby raped them.
Same here. School bored me out completely, but still got excellent grades on pure talent.
James Young
Aaron Russell
>Jewish slaves built the pyramids and Jewish slaves engineered them Exodus never happened >Oh, and let's not forget that it was Africans selling their brothers and sisters into the trans-atlantic slave trade. The kangs are actual enemies of the nigger kingdoms that sold them off to jews. >Africans are parasites When stupid altruistic eurasians try to help them they are parasitic but on their own they manage okish by nigger standards.