Skin colour doesn't matter, the ideology of each person does.
Skin colour doesn't matter, the ideology of each person does
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shut up nigger
>the ideology of each person does.
People with ideologies don't matter
Yes it does, it all comes packaged. Niggers are more prone to violence and aggressiveness and crime.
Only the NPCs care about race
Says the Portuguese NIGGER.
I found the snowflake.
It's ridiculous. Civicnationalism doesn't work because ethnicity matter whether you like it or not.
Plastic black bitch. Any part of her real except her fucked up fingers?
> fake skin tone
> fake nose
> fake eye color
> fake hair
She looks like a silicone sex doll. Real 100% "inclusive" bimbo. Bimbos are getting diverse.
>Skin color doesnt matter, the size of the ass does.
t. Moortuguese.
Good luck finding a matching bone marrow donor to treat your leukaemia!
>Civicnationalism doesn't work because ethnicity matter whether you like it or not.
except it does
That line of thinking is absolutely retarded when trying to organize a nation.
>race doesn't matter
>each individual is what's important
>so let's indiscriminately let everyone from all groups in
It's why libertarianism has fallen out of favor due to the autistic pie in the sky aspects you have to assume for it to work. They will preach one thing and then in practice do the total opposite.
I would like to ask libertarians that have an open borders immigration policy, why they don't feel the need to check every single individual before letting them in, to make sure they're not a retarded 3rd world shitskin, if it's about the individual?
The other one is
>"It doesn't matter if we have open borders so long as we abolish the welfare state."
>proceeds to advocate for open borders before there is even any glimmer on the horizon at all whatsoever of abolishing the welfare state
You guys that fit what I described are fucking stupid. I used to call myself one of you but because I'm not a brainlet I fell out of it after about a year. Race is THE most important thing, and it always will be for so long as multiple races try to coexist together.
Do people with differing skin colors have the same culture?
Does culture contribute to perspective?
Does perspective contribute to ideology?
This idea that all peoples are identical and essentially fungible is so jewish that it should have died in the holohoax
Race is not skin color you retard.
she looks like a soul less creature designed only for fucking and sucking dick.
Where does it work? Give examples.
>Skin colour doesn't matter
Fode-te, tenho vergonha de seres meu compatriota
i didn't remember talking about race retarded.
I said skin colour not race
Cola of dey skeeeein
>Skin colour doesn't matter
>Do pigmentation and the melanocortin system modulate aggression and sexuality in humans as they do in other animals?
> In 40 species of wild vertebrates, darker pigmented individuals are more aggressive and sexually active.
> Cross fostering studies and pharmacological dose manipulations establish the role of the melatonin system.
> We review the human literature within and between populations and find similar relationships with pigmentation.
> Darker individuals average higher levels of crime, sexual activity including HIV/AIDS, and lower IQ.
yea dude
>Skin colour doesn't matter, the ideology of each person does.
Would you be okay if we flooded Portugal with tens of millions of Arabs since color of skin doesn't matter?
Chances are that ho only takes white dick. Nigger hos that good looking always go for white guys because they think they too good for a nigger baka.
Race is the basis for civilization though.
>Skin colour doesn't matter
Black Americans have an average IQ of 85
Chronic adult criminals have an average IQ of 85
At each poverty concentration level, the violent crime rate is substantially higher in black than in white census tracts.
IQ and self-reported lifetime violence accounts for racial disparity in criminal justice processing
In 1959, the American Association of Mental Retardation set the threshold of mental retardation at
>I said skin colour not race
Race is more than skin color. Race is real and race matters.
The US is the biggest superpower for example.
I am unironically for stuff like this happening because it would galvanize white unity which is the most important thing.
the thing is, i dindn't talk about race why did you brought that up in the first place?
>Skin colour doesn't matter,
>The US is the biggest superpower for example.
Then why is the USA collapsing and why is a majority of interracial crime non-White on White?
>I said skin colour not race
i can tell a nigger by it's skin color, cuck
>the thing is, i dindn't talk about race why did you brought that up in the first place?
Because we all know you're a disingenuous anti-White shill.
You're literally advocating for White genocide.
Ideology doesn't matter. Unity and blood and the struggle for the future of OUR children are the only things that matter.
>Skin colour doesn't matter.
Jungle fever thread? Jungle fever thread!
>Skin colour doesn't matter
Aggression-related Gene Weakens Brain's Impulse Control Circuits
Exploring the association between the 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene promoter polymorphism and psychopathic personality traits, arrests, incarceration, and lifetime antisocial behavior
The 2R was related to arrest, incarceration, and lifetime antisocial behavior.
>These associations were only observable for African-American males. >Only 0.1% of Caucasian males carried the 2-repeat allele.
>MAOA genotype modulates default mode network deactivation during inhibitory control
>It has been demonstrated, in a long line of research, that the low-activity genotype of the monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene is associated with aggression.
>The 2-Repeat Allele of the MAOA Gene Confers an Increased Risk for Shooting and Stabbing Behaviors
it's not collapsing. US is still the biggest supower in the world
>Jungle fever thread?
You love diseased nigger cunt?
>Beastiality thread? Beastiality thread!
>Skin colour doesn't matter
Are you trolling? The more multi-cultural it becomes the worse the country, and the US taking in low IQ foreigners aswell.
>White genocide.
it isn't real user
>it's not collapsing.
Says the anti-White racist that supports turning White countries into non-White countries.
>US is still the biggest supower in the world
That doesn't mean it's not socially and racially collapsing.
>it isn't real user
Of course you deny White Genocide. You're an anti-White racist attempting to justify White Genocide.
>Skin colour doesn't matter
>if a snake's skin color is red and yellow stripes, it's venomous
>if a subhuman's skin color is shit, it's got retard-tier IQ, low impulse control, and will commit crime at vastly increased rates
looks to me like skin color DOES matter, fren
Quite a nice specimen. Still worthy of being kept as a slave though...
>You're an anti-White racist attempting to justify White Genocide.
so im the racist but you type nigger 100 times a day in Jow Forums and still aren't racist.
Got it champ
Portuguese are surely whites.
>so im the racist
Yes, because you wish to deny Whites a nation of their own.
>but you type nigger 100 times a day in Jow Forums and still aren't racist.
The difference being, you believe being racist against non-Whites is bad but being racist against Whites is fine.
>Got it champ
You're an anti-White hypocrite.
Yes. But I still don't find black people sexually attractive unless they have something other than black in there too.
nobody said we aren't racist.
after considering the facts, statistics, data, and evidence, racism is the only logical conclusion, brainlet.
thank you for making this thread and allowing me to drop facts, statistics, data, and evidence that clearly demonstrate that you can absolutely judge a person by their skin color. threads like this are great for redpilling newfags, normies, lurkers, and r*ddit on the nigger menace.
Skin colour doesn't matter, genetics do. And only Frisian genetics matter.
This is amazing you bash white people yet dont realize you are being racist.
Nah, being a nigger means you suck.
>skin color
You mean skull structure
i don't base my worldview off of radical outliers. same reason why when i see a nigger who isn't a complete retard it doesn't convince me that all niggers aren't retarded. NAXALT.
>Skin colour doesn't matter, the ideology of each person does.
Whether you judge someone by his skin colour or bahavior, it doesn't make a statistical difference.
No you stupid fuck those things have completely normal nigger skull structures but only their skin color is different proving that difference between us is not skin color as libs put it but its something even on a higher level of genetic distance our skull structure.
see image here and have yourself a lmao:
>The difference being, you believe being racist against non-Whites is bad but being racist against Whites is fine.
i don't remember sayng that in this thread buddy.
Why do you assume i stand for that?
turns out niggers' and jews' ideology is "imma get mine" and this just collapses back onto racism with no difference
>difference between us is not skin color as libs put it
no shit, look at my previous posts you dumb nigger. my point is that if you see shitskin you can very safely assume that that is a shit person.
>i don't remember sayng that in this thread buddy.
>Why do you assume i stand for that?
Because you're anti-White, non-White and claiming that race aka "color of skin" doesn't matter.
You'd replace Whites with non-Whites in White countries while claiming only ideology matters.
The truth is, culture/ideology comes from the race.
> Eating poisons barriers doesn't matter, only they're flavor does