For the people saying
>I lost my guns in a boating accident
are apart of the gun problem.
By saying you lost your guns ins a boating accident you're implying that you'd rather hide like a coward when the time comes; RATHER then fighting like you SHOULD be doing. The people like hide their guns in the great Boogalo shouldn't even own guns to begin with.
For the people saying
You ain't gonna do shit, sit down tough guy.
Fuck you cock sucker.
why not just take care of your guns and not lose em like a dumb nig?
I'm sure they want their dad to get shot defending some piece of paper.
>implying americucks wouldn't just give up their weapons
none of these retards would fight.
Agreed. Fight like a man. Don't lose your Guns because >ermergawd de gberment ios coming after meh
Just hand over your guns, loser.
Oi Vey! I agree with OP! you goys should just turn you guns in. AshTrayvon and Jamarquios will turn in their illegal guns becuase it will now be illegal to own illegal guns. No one should have guns, only the police,, military, rich, elite and Jews (for self protection).
It's basically just non compliance. A gun law is only effective if people comply with it. If it doesn't do what it's intended purpose is, then the law might be rethought.
If it wasn't for that piece of paper you'd be getting dry fucked by putin himself a long time ago.
they're not coming for anything that's why you have the second amendment.
>boomer confirmed
unironically, take a long dive off a short pier.
If you lose them you could always find them later and use them on the families of those who tried to take them.
No need for a fire fight on your front porch when it can be relocated to your local officials house
Fuck off fudd phone posters.
You'll be the first to go during the Boogalo because
>Heh all i need is a musk-
>Gets shot from Ar-15 300 yards away
>shoot through your front door, kill a couple cops, then get killed in the ensuing siege of your house
>hide guns and lie about losing them when confiscation team comes, and join any kind of resistance and have a chance of being useful to the cause
Sounds like a good idea in the long run
To every thing there is a season
depends what shape the action takes
a) stand and deliver like lexington and concord
b) long term death of a thousand cuts like vietnam or afghanistan
match the strategy to the circumstance
Beto O'rourke literally announced he would confiscate AR-15's and AK's if elected and received thunderous applause.
This is actually happening, and possibly as soon as next year.
Unless people get organized there will be no chance
Basically this.
I doubt Beto will have any success with the Ar-15 ban, but it does make me slightly scared because it's almost like the edge of a great iceberg of what's to come in the near future.
You won’t do shit nigger
Well if people get organized it sure as hell won't be people from Jow Forums. The lot of you couldn't tighten your own velcro shoes -- much less run 300 yards to get out of harm's way if we get flanked by communist pigs
turner diaries
lurk moar
it's not happening bruh he basically committed political suicide
I'm on a PC, boomer.
>go worry about Putin more you literal baby.
nice girl
Not being a smart ass, but what makes you think he wouldn't have any luck with the ban?
Virtually all mainstream media and, at this point, most of the general population are in support of stricter gun control with the mindset of "no one needs a military-style weapon".
The second amendment should have prevented Reagan from banning automatic firearms but it still happened anyway. I just don't think the government really gives a shit about what the constitution says anymore, they're just in it for the votes, and no one with any sort of real power seems to be calling out what sort of infringements they're all advocating.
Nice fake ip jake from statesandnigger
This thread is for true Americans.
yea dude
>hide like a coward
all undercover agents are cowards, gotcha
Fucking glow nigger OP
As if anyone would fight for your dumb country to begin with.
Its foolish to fight a fight you will lose. Only battles that can be won should be fought. Courage is only a good thing when it is correctly applied.
For that comment? I don't buy it.
He said what every Democrat wants to hear, and he secured a good deal of support just from proclaiming his support for confiscations.
From what I've been seeing, he's got the best chance if winning the candidacy right now. I feel like the only other Democrat I really hear about is Biden, but to a much lesser extent. Beto is getting pushed pretty hard.
And he's nowhere near as polarizing of a figure as hillary is. If he gets the nomination, there's a very good chance he could win the election.
>Not being a smart ass, but what makes you think he wouldn't have any luck with the ban?
>Polls 8%
And yea, the 1986 ban on Machine guns was highly fucking unconstitutional. I think they got away with it because they didn't go door to door confiscating people's Machine guns, but instead allowed people to legally register them and keep them. They could do the same thing with Ar-15's in the near future, but if they start going door to door confiscating peoples firearms; there will be a large push back of violence.
>fake ip
you really are a boomer, aren't you?
Anyone that says that doesn't understand the left. If we were at the point of gun confiscation we would be way outside constitutional rights. The leftists in charge wouldn't believe you and would take great pleasure in beating the truth out of you.
Literally not the same thing you massive faggot.
>glowniggers literally changing b8 tactics to get declaration of intent
>Nevered owned guns to lose in a boating accident
Registration is confiscation
I know where the boat is.
You should walk the plank for hiding when your brothers needed you.
you shills aren't our brothers.
>hey anons, why not declare some illegal shit...if not you aren't my bro!!
man glow harder.
I'd rather them think I have nothing so when they turn to fight with you I can shoot them in the back for being traitors to the country.
wait do you idiots believe they actually threw their guns overboard on a boat? lmao how fucking braindead are you kike shills
>he's got the best chance if winning the candidacy right now
a dude that's literally for gun confiscation is gonna win the candidacy ? i think you're being a bit alarmist.
Well, that's fine in my book i guess..
You cannot fight a traditional war against the system the same way the Americans couldn't fight a traditional war against the British in 1776.
By saying you lose your guns, you have the ability to choose the time and place to do battle.
Read seige.
Deception is the greatest weapon
>By saying you lose your guns, you have the ability to choose the time and place to do battle.
That's an interesting comment. I will ponder this.
It's just a joke faggot. Relax
Literally no one here is an Anime girl, who are you deceiving with your fat moldy ass?
True. I lost mine down a mine shaft.
White cucks will vote for him for saying that
Most spics and nogs will vote for gibs
Trump won because thankfully minorities dont vote
Do you think I fucking care about what your faggot ass thinks?
>turning the other cheek means letting yourself get curb stomped
Some cop actually got fired for shitposting with this to another cop in text message.
you get fired for anything these days
saying I like the president is grounds for at least suspension these days
>taking the bait
>interpreting it literally
Actually, in Rome, where the term was coined, backhands were used to insult, while front handed slaps were used to challenge; in this context, it means forcing them to acknowledge you as an equal, or to stop hitting you.
Turning the other cheek, thus, means to be smart about how you challenge evil, you availability heuristics-prone faggot.
For Christ’s sake, get smarter.
Why not both?
>Sorry officer, I lost my guns in a boating accident
>Later that week, you shoot him.
>Says some bullshit
>Says get smarter
k, guess i'll go read a book.
Sen Tzu says if fighting is sure to result in defeat then you must not fight.
Yea, this point was brought up earlier in the thread here. It's something i haven't thought about much, but a good opinion/thought indeed.
Think of it this way; it’s analogous to retarded zoomers seeing a # and thinking it’s only a hashtag. History is important, especially with regards to how ancient platitudes are interpreted.
Your reaction to my first post illustrates this perfectly.
Suck a dick.....shill !
You can keep guessing whether or not someone has a gamblin' man ? Bwahahahaha !!!!
Did this really not occur to you before?
>Implying me saying Duh wasn't to further strengthen your comment.
This is literally 4d Chess
i don't think about the Boogalo much either, just bored on Jow Forums.
Damn dude.
You would do well to educate yourself on asymmetric warfare in the modern world. Getting shot in your house resisting 40 SWAT thugs is not a Revolutionary act. Assassinating the local marxist gun grabber politician is.
This is why conservatives always lose. You must stop thinking like a conservative and start thinking like a Revolutionary.
if someone asks about gun buybacks tell them you cant do that because government officials can't pass background checks.
If i really put in some brain power behind this thread i obsly wouldn't start killing people because muh guns. This thread was purely born out of boredom. However i have NFA items in my house, so i'd get fucked hard fast in the boogaloo.
...aren't you just inciting people to kill cops? Be better than BLM or those Bumble bitches who put ACAB on their profiles. Civilized people fight in court, where we would obviously win. The government does not have the authority to seize property without a court order, even ignoring the obvious 2nd Amendment issues and case law.
Plus, there are about 30 sheriffs in America out of 3,000 who would actually try to go door to door seizing guns. That means the job will get left to the ATF. Being a group of lunatics, the ATF would show up at your house with a tank, two APCs, a dozen snipers, and a detachment of the Wolf Brigade. I don't care how many AR-15s you have or if you have an NFA trust that lets you own RPGs, you're not beating the ATF in actual combat. You have to let them expose themselves as wannabe SS LARPers so your odds of beating them in court go from 100% to 114%.
You excited to die for Israel?
I'll excuse the newfaggotry this once; here's something that explains my point in greater detail, if you'd like to see it.
>I have all this shit in my home
You dumb nigger. Go have a boat accident but leave the guns at home.
But i don't have a boat...
Then make sure Bert and Ernie "visit" your house......then report them stolen.
Fighting an overwhelming force when they come to your door isn't brave. Run away run away live to fight another day.
>that trigger discipline
Good father.
I think the point is that when people show up at your door for you guns is when you should be shooting, not making excuses to not have to.
And they're right.
WRONG ! Don't listen to this shill, people...he wants to get you killed.
Hide them, and as soon as they leave empty handed.....go politician hunting !
I'm sure you can find a way to sneak into the pool at the YMCA and drown yourself.
we would be better off regrouping afterwards not dying one at a time
>The second amendment should have prevented Reagan from banning automatic firearms but it still happened anyway.
My understanding is the legal mechanism was to prevent new sales to individuals, not an actual ban on ownership. You can still get "banned" firearms by setting up an NFA trust. In practice, all "gun control" does is keep it out of the hands of poor people. In the event of an actual uprising against an unconstitutional government, there are enough civilian owned firearms to distribute like 4 to every fighting age male.
You can't possibly believe that they will just shrug and go away because you say you lost the gun. You DO know it's a crime to lose a firearm and not report it, right? Anyone doing this is going to be taken into custody, at which point, they're just going to flip your house and bring you up on worse charges when they find them.
When they show up and ask you to turn them over, THAT'S when you shoot them. If you want more strategic value, talk to your friends and neighbors first who also have guns so they know what to do when things go down.
It would be funny to see the little fella on the left trying to fire with that shotgun
There's nothing to do when the cops single you out as a "red flag" target, fucking retard. Even in a civil war going in the streets with guns blazing would be retarded.
But the YMCA is like 30 mins away, i don't have a car.
Of course you're gonna report them "stolen".....dummy !
Holy shit you're even dumber than you seemed initially. That's the point of "boat accident".
You think all these fudds are calling up their local police stations to confirm that the "boating accident" happened and their gun was, in fact, lost? Bullshit.
stawb bein mean 2 me
How do rough seas make me a coward?
Sometimes theres a chop out there on the water