Katy Perry is just focusing to get her timing down for the lip sync.
Brittney Spears is legitimately schizo and bipolar. Her dad has custody of her or some shit. He's her legal guardian or something... makes decisions for her.
Shaq was just lost in thought or tired.
Al Roker is on the s.o-y and probably on pills. Just realized his life is pointless. High paying dead end job in the fakest show on TV.
Josiah Murphy
I swaer to god somewhere in the music industry there is a guy who puts stuff like this in just to fuck with you guys.
Andrew Perry
>>Cardi B... that's just cocaine. Was just about to post this, you can see she has just swallowed a big lump of cocaine and nasal mucus. t. Person who has many associates who do this cokehead crap all the time
Christian Lopez
MK Ultra exists and was real but is it really to blame in these instances? You guys can put out these arguments but there is never any supporting details. It's just "celebrity acts weird, therefore MKUltra brainwashing" celebrities are humans and humans always act weird, putting a camera on them 24/7 is going to catch some weird things.
The details would be asking when exactly were they submitted to this programming? Was it voluntary, involuntary? Who really gets to decide who the talent is and who gets to perform on stage and tour and be in these videos? Those decisions and who gains from them shed more light on what's going on with celebrities and politics than just calling them brainwashed by the government for ______ and leaving it at that.
>aliens It's the fucking devil and demons are real. Use whatever name you want for him and them but the great evil exists.
Lucas Jones
These aren't MKULTRA glitches this is just what doing a lot of drugs does to a person
Luke Anderson
Al Roker always just seemed like a goofy retard to me. Don’t think there’s anything to look into with that one. Remember when he talked about shitting his pants at the White House?
Jose Ramirez
Scripting is behind this, it always has been, Does anyone ever ask themselves what is going on here? too focused on sounding off and behing heard by somone who likely agrees with you already?
Anyone know anything about Jow Forums itself? lets see what you got? what is this shit?
I always thought they were just possessed by demons but I wouldn't be surprised about mk ultra
Cooper Rivera
Why do people think dinosaurs 'died out' and didnt simply evolve much like we believe apes did? Ancient lizard people could potentially make logical sense.
Josiah Collins
This is actually the premise of a lot fiction I've been working on, but it's like a secret thread in everything. There are lizard people who can possess humans others and very controlling and cruel to humans. They aren't from outer space and aren't from another dimension, they WENT to those places over time and come back out of those places -- but evolved here under similar conditions as us. Which is more plausible than space/dimension travelling really.
In fiction I just wanted to explore the idea because I'm sick of aliens. This idea refocuses the narrative's attention on Earth. I wanted to explore the idea because I wanted to also think about where it comes from in reality.
We evolved from smaller mammals, who at one point were subjected to the rule of very large reptiles. I think this ancient instinct of having to run away and flee from huge, controlling reptiles is what gives rise to our cultural idea of secret reptilians ruling the government. Are the reptilians are a cooping mechanism of sort for us? Relate modern evils with the ancient evil predator that shaped our evolution?
Blake Moore
where's the wendy williams one?
Luke Evans
You into HP Lovecraft at all, user? He wrote about Serpent People...