Real talk, economic effects of yang's 1000$month?

Besides the memes, the what would be the result on the economy of the Yang money bag? I had finance classes in uni and I can't really imagine the effects.
What would happen for example in hoods/projects?
Will the Yang bag replace section 8 or food stamps?
Who will benefit the most?

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>Oh fuck it might replace section 8
But what will I do with my ghetto flats?

well first hes going to ban fire arms and then hes going to give every person 1000 dollars A month, making your currency worthless because hes a communist silicon valley shill.

>What would happen for example in hoods/projects?
Niggers have to learn to spend wisely and get jobs.

>Will the Yang bag replace section 8 or food stamps?
Yes, every other form of welfare will be cut in exchange for the flat $1,000 a month

>Who will benefit the most?
People who traditionally haven't gotten free handouts and would actually use that money wisely and reinvest it into themselves and the economy (hint not women or minorities)

The result would be tears. He was crying.

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>making your currency worthless
And giving 48 billion a year to Israel doesn't?

Whites would benefit the most because they wouldn't blow the money, and the ones who owned business could sell things to non whites.

See im a slumlord, I'll always have guns regardless of the law, and having a shitload of broke niggers is beneficial to me, but removing section 8? FUCK YOU YANG, Why should I have to repair the damage niggers do to my houses myself, they're fucking monkeys that dont deserve to fucking live, they break fucking everything, WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO FUCKING PAY FOR IT YOU FILTHY CHINK NIGGER

The guns are staying. Civil War happens if they try to take them. Those are the rules.

Remember Tim McVey? He didn't do that alone and it was a direct response to Waco.

Stop treading on us.

Calm down Moshe

>Who will benefit the most?
The people that don't get nigger rich and invest their $12k/year would do well. The rest would just piss the money away on stupid shit like the good consumers they are.

yea dude

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>Siegers "supporting" Yang
Kek, he's fucking toast with normies. You yanglets better hope their memes don't spread.

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Wait, Yang said he would cut foreign aid to Israel? When?

Yang is a fucking moron the guy has the charisma of a cardboard box. Not to mention his stellar debate performances that ended with " WE SHOULD WORK WITH CHINA ON EVERYTHING GOOD NIGHT!".

Depends 100% on what changes to the Federal Reserve are made at the same time.

He didn't. They've been making up wild claims about Yang for a long time now. He already said he wouldn't cut Israel's gibs.

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It's not fucking rocket science, fucktards; it's called an "automatic stabilizer," and we need a new one. The US economy has, and always will be "trickle up." Reps know this, but they also know that stupid white people will believe anything.
>poor people stop spending
>small business suffers
>middle class stops spending
>corporations suffer
>recession downward spiral
>everyone fucked except mega rich
Here's your redpill, faggot:

As poor people will live better they will spend most (really all) of it. This will cause a spike in the velocity of money.
>yes that's a real term
This will cause a one time spike of inflation on the order of 1-3% above current inflation.
As stated this is a one time spike, inflation due to an increase in the velocity will only continue if the velocity continues to increase, but this is not the case unless the freedom dividend gets increased, then we will see another increase in velocity and thus another inflation spike.
>but what about inflation from free money
That type only occurs if money is printed, that is not where the freedom dividend comes from, but rather taxes.

>one time price bump of 1-3%

Yang has made me so racist against chinese people
Yang and google
frankly we need to gather up all of the chinese people and dump them in china
so sick of china shitting its worthless pests all over the world

Is it 1k to literally every person, regardless of age or wealth?

It's populist af, but meh, im always for less money for the government, and more for the people.

the main problem with chinese people is that they think Americans are too free and they think the American people should be enslaved
I really fucking hate the chinese and I want them gone.
I'm a racist, and if the chinese people don't leave, I want the government to kick them out of the USA.

If it makes you feel any better, he's a faggot crybaby.

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Jesus Christ dude. Study more. First of all, to the people actually paying for it, it won’t matter. The increased taxes would end up being more than 1000 a month. I’d rather just have a 1000 a month tax cut. As for ghetto people...fuck me running dude. I was in Houston when the Astrodome became a refugee camp for poor black folks from New Orleans during Katrina. They gave out 500 or 1000 cards so that people could get their shit together. Know what they were buying? Nikes, champagne, lobsters, and whatever expensive shit they could find. See, these people didn’t think: “Oh, we’re in a shit situation, we’d better get ourselves sorted.” The just saw: “Cool! Free money, let’s go buy shit.” That is what the effect of this idiotic plan would be.

Honestly, for a Cambodian like you to attempt to influence a USA election is just pathetic.
Your country is a 3rd world shithole.
Your leaders are genocidal maniacs.
For a country like the USA to listen to you is just absurd.
We need to start bombing Cambodia against just to break the will of worthless idiots like you.

You should be old enough to realize that two wrongs don’t make a right.

I swear
we need genocide in the USA and we need it now
so sick of being told to act like a fucking chink
>you don't work hard enough, work like a chink
>you demand freedom of speech, shut up and be quiet like a chink
I fucking hate the USA

No you fucking moron. Spending money doesn’t devalue a currency. What’s more, you utter fucking blockhead, most of that money is in the form of loans or cash to be used to buy US equipment.

>Besides the memes, the what would be the result on the economy of the Yang money bag?
Won't consumer prices be rise in response to the fact that everybody has an extra g?

I worked at google, and the simple fact is that if the USA allows a totalitarian anti-competitive communistic bunch of psychos like google to lord it over the USA, then a race law should be passed to kick out the chinese
I'm serious
pass an Amendment to the Constitution banning chinese people from entering the USA and kick out all of the ones that are already here

the yang candidacy is so sick and twisted
I think the democrats may be called enemy combatants before the 2020 election is over.

I'm using my yang bux to buy a truck trailer trencher and a bobcat.

I wouldn't cry if they were all removed.

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>cambodian illegally influences US election
this is a violation of global rule #1
illegally influencing an election is a crime in the USA
OP is guilty

Use yangbux on Nike stocks. Easy

>your leaders are genocidal maniacs
You jizz brained fuck stick. The Khmer Rouge haven’t run Cambodia since 1979. And it’s been a Constitutional Monarchy since 1993.

If the entire welfare and social bureaucracy was replaced by the $1,000 UBI and society agreed that between this payment and charity that's the new social safety net, I could see that working to some moderate degree better than what we have now. At least it would be more efficient by removing a lot of layers of bureaucrats and encourage some form of personal responsibility to manage your life.
If Yang's proposal keeps the existing system mostly in place maybe with some minor budget cuts, it's probably even worse than what we have now. What will happen is there will be a small temporary cut to some social services to fund the $1,000 program, niggers will still be poor and manage their lives poorly (there will be a heap of niggers living in the ghetto with great new car speakers, sneakers, new iPhones, gold rims, great nail jobs and fresh weaves, though) and there will be a new wave of "we ain't getting enough school books and food for dey kids" kind of articles coming out to agitate for a return of social services AND boosting the Yang Bux total.

The problem with the welfare state -- especially in the case of blacks -- is that you can't fix recklessness with money. The amount they get increases over time, but it never works because they never learn.

And then we get into a situation where it "can't" be cut back because of how many became reliant on a bad system.

Everyone thinks they're an economic expert now that Yang's running.

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Put another chip on that first square, yanglet.

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And the USA (and Europe) is even also trying to run a welfare state at the same time as a large portion of their people are agitating for open borders.
It's total madness. You're going to kill the goose that laid the golden egg.
California is #1 in diversity but dead last in state rankings for quality of life. Welcome to the future.

You're a fucking retard.
>Everyone has more money
>More money in the system means its worth less since its easier to get.
>Inflation skyrockets. You have to earn $80/hr to make ends meet.
Actually believeing Chinkbux will fix anything.
>What is up with Asians and devaluing currencies??

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>people buying things is bad

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>What would happen for example in hoods/projects?
Short term stimulus followed by longer term inflation in the price of basic goods and services.
>Will the Yang bag replace section 8 or food stamps?
No, Yang has no interest in trying to do that.
>Who will benefit the most?
Billionaires who want inflation to exceed 1.5% per annum again. Hence Yang's campaign slogan, "Make fiat currency raise prices and lower real wages again!"

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if Yang literally printed the money that he was giving to the public, then yeah, there's more money. But that's not the theory.

By your logic, if a country increases taxes on the rich, and spends that money on welfare, that causes proportional inflation.

What gives you the right to the wealth of others? Why should the rich be taxed at a higher rate than anyone else?
>Why $1000? Why not more? Why not less?
He wants to try and play Robin hood. This is not how weath is created in a nation. This is bullshit socialist faggotry. Work, effort, production is where wealth is created. The ones who propel that work are entrepreneurs, small, mid, and big businesses.
$1000 to latisha roniquan with 10 kids to 11 different dads isn't going to do shit but fuck us all hard.
>Thinking taxes will only go up on the rich.
t. retard shill.

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>Real talk
Came here to say you're a zoomer faggot.
Leaving now.

>people have 1k dollarydoods more to spend
>the economy: hold my beer!
Yangbucks will dissapear in a price hike, just like that.

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>Takes money from the rich that would have otherwise been invested into our markets or used to expand industries.
>Gives it to OP and other faggots
Actually thinking this is a good call.
>Money that would otherwise be tied up in investment and out of circulation suddenly flies into retail markets.
Yeah, that's inflation you fag.

White people benefit the most.
Illegals will be priced out because they will not collect the $1000 but will be paying the VAT.
Blacks will pay the VAT but will be in jail so they cannot collect the $1000

>give stupid people 1k a week
>they blow it all on cheap Chinese shit

Why not cut out the middleman and just send a billion dollars a week to China? It'll save filling up the landfills at least

Don't try to change the subject. He was crying.

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If you're over 18, yes

>This will cause a one time spike of inflation on the order of 1-3% above current inflation.
>As stated this is a one time spike, inflation due to an increase in the velocity will only continue if the velocity continues to increase, but this is not the case unless the freedom dividend gets increased, then we will see another increase in velocity and thus another inflation spike.
All government welfare tends to increase in the nominal amount over time, because otherwise it eventually becomes worthless. As the "dividend" causes inflation, it becomes less valuable, prompting an increase in the dividend, causing inflation, prompting an increase in the dividend, causing inflation...
>That type only occurs if money is printed, that is not where the freedom dividend comes from, but rather taxes.
Increasing the money supply increases inflation whenever the supply grows faster than actual GDP. Given that free money guy's free money plan will likely reduce see where I'm going with this right? We could do a lot better just by making increasing eligibility to the EIC, which has been proven to pay for itself precisely because it increases employment.

Sort of like how everyone thinks they could get elected President now that Trump won.

>If Yang's proposal keeps the existing system mostly in place maybe with some minor budget cuts, it's probably even worse than what we have now.
You are 100% correct. Yang has no interest in reducing existing welfare. That's why he's "pro-"UBI instead of pro-negative income tax, which could actually be used to replace welfare. Yang's real goal is to prevent NIT and get famous.

i didnt say Yang was increasing taxes on the rich, i don't fuckin know how his plan is being funded.
i didnt say increasing the taxes on the rich is a good thing
I was using your argument to show how flawed its logic is. And I know this previous sentence might as well be written in Klingon for you.
I literally prefaced it with
>By your logic, if
but that means nothing to you

I believe the logic goes
>Effective demand increases because everyone has an extra $12,000 to spend
>Effective supply decreases because work sucks and if you have granny's house to crash in you don't have to work thanks to yangbux
>Prices increase because Econ 101.
>Effective supply and demand either returns to equilibrium thanks to the inflation or Congress increase yangbux amount like they have for every other welfare program ever
>The cycle repeats

>i don't fuckin know how his plan is being funded.
From his website

He wants to add a 10% corporate VAT. Apparently, he also doesn't want to give anyone on welfare the yangbux, but be realistic, this is something he would somehow have to get through a Democrat controlled Congress. That provision will never see the light of day and people will get both.

He was moved.

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I wish this was as funny as jeb but honestly this crying stuff is really forced, like isnt there one with a fetus in it? its trying too hard

There won’t be a price hike, you fucking retard.

Every nigger moves into your neighborhood and you realize your $1000 a month isn't enough to do anything about it. Faggot.

oh, he wants implement a 10% VAT. Lol. I think Americans don't have that so they understand what he's selling them until it's too late, and when they see those
added at the bottom of their bills they'll fuckin hate him.

>Yes, every other form of welfare will be cut in exchange for the flat $1,000 a month.

No. Money would be deducted from the recipient’s dividend.

Giving white peoples money to niggers for them to buy shit from china. 4D market chess genius.

Yeah, Yang has several bad goals that he assumes the "yay free money" voters are too stupid to understand.
>Prevent a negative income tax
>Create a national sales tax
>Return inflation rates to "normal"
>Increasing poverty rates
All in the name of robots somehow stealing ALL our jobs, unlike every technological revolution that has ever happened before. The more realistic outcome (since Yang will never be elected) is that we'll go back to single earner households with stay at home wives.

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1000$ will lose their economic value, since they don't represent any value anymore.