Whats the deal with Somalians being so ugly? Even other African nations have somewhat better looking people.
Their foreheads make up 80% of their face, their noses are all crooked and their teeth don't look normal. The same criteria applies for the women, who in my opinion are the ugliest in the world. Definitely too much inbreeding.
Most Sub-Saharan Africans, even though they are retarded by white standards, at least they evolved gradually over time. Zoomalis are mutant rape niggers combining moozelums and nignogs in an unholy abomination to form these Islamo nigger ratlings.
Ironically, ethiopians are were one of the few civilized peoples to resist bantu expansion. It is why they are so distinct. Coincendentally, its why black look alike so much. Ethiopians are, what ive found, workable. Eritreans guys are usually willing at least. The woman are useless though, but no suprises there.
Parker Hill
Cherry picked photo, in which she's covering her huge ass forehead.
Luke Williams
They have big brains like Yakub.
Parker Butler
Horn of Africa girls look nice since they are mixed with Arabs.
Jayden Hall
Meanwhile, the Muslim Hadith says the following about blacks:
Narrated Anas bin Malik: Allah's Apostle said, "You should listen to and obey, your ruler even if he was an Ethiopian (black) slave whose head looks like a raisin." (Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 89, Number 256) Hadith; vol.9:162,163: Muhammad warned that dreams of black women meant disease was forthcoming. Black Muslims today are so uninformed that they don't even understand that Muhammad had many black slaves and called them raisin heads (Hadith vol.1:662, vol.9:256)
Muslims are told that Africans have hearts “grosser than a donkey” (Surah 9:61) . Ishaq: 243 "I heard the Apostle say: ‘Whoever wants to see Satan should look at Nabtal!' He was a black man with long flowing hair, inflamed eyes, and dark ruddy cheeks…. Allah sent down concerning him: ‘To those who annoy the Prophet there is a painful punishment." [Surah 9:61] "Gabriel came to Muhammad and said, ‘If a black man comes to you his heart is more gross than a donkey's.'"Y
Brody Foster
>Inbred >Nigger >Mudslime Not a good combo at all. And as a result, the outcomes have been disastrous. Just a bunch of low IQ inbred apes who offer no benefits to a civilised world- their main profession is being literal pirates kek.
>Their foreheads make up 80% of their face It's their hair for the most part, some somali men have like the most ridiculous hairline, not sure why but even at a younger age. Like hair just refuse to grow on their forehead. It mentions ethiopeans but i think it was just referring to africans in general, who has a complexion much like the color of a raisin. >Narrated Anas bin Malik: Allah's Apostle said, "You should listen to and obey, your ruler even if he was an Ethiopian (black) slave whose head looks like a raisin." (Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 89, Number 256)
They might look ugly but they're at least fuckable compared to the average britbong
Camden Wood
Somali are an ape subspecie / Race
They are on the same level as gypsies, imagine if those 2 started interbreeding
Jack Perry
Here's another example.
It's not even their fault just genetics probably due to living in africa where your hair is very coarse and not really necessary.
They can't help it it's not their fault. Hair just do not grow on their forehead, you can find ridiculous amounts of somali men, very young. It's not even that they have hairloss, the hair for them just does not grow there for some reason, period.. So they have this very round face for that reason. Even very young somali lads.
>imagine if those 2 started interbreeding We would have to join forces with the Jews to stop them.
Jonathan Anderson
the rodent/rabbit gene is strong in them... really makes you wonder
David King
Even for Africans their foreheads are exceptionally huge. Compare to say Congolese who in most cases have a more normal sized head. Its something to do with fucked up genetics caused by a little bit of sister fucking.
Jose Adams
Say what you want about mudslimes, but that is some top quality ancient bant
Gabriel Jackson
Look at him. He da lightbulb now.
Colton Davis
user I...
Cooper Clark
>Even for Africans their foreheads are exceptionally huge. Compare to say Congolese who in most cases have a more normal sized head. Its something to do with fucked up genetics caused by a little bit of sister fucking. I am far from expert in somali genetics, but they do have large heads, but at same time it doesn't make it better that hair just grow very on the back of their head rather in front. Becaues it makes your forehead look bigger no matter what visually. So they have like a natural receeded hairline. As for the teeth, that must have something to do with their diet i guess. Crooked nose that you can see a lot with people with bad teeth also. Teeth heigh and alignment and archwidth are extraordinarily important for how your face jaw even eyebrows and cheeks and nose and ofcourse area around your mouth looks, most people don't realize that. >Say what you want about mudslimes, but that is some top quality ancient bant Well they said some really bad things about africans, but yeah i guess you could interpret atleast that quote as bants. Or just a description of their tint. wikiislam.net/wiki/Qur'an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Racism
Also forgot to mention how every Somali man has the same body type. Very rarely do you see a fat or buff one. 90% of them are so skinny, a gust of wind could knock them off their feet. This includes both the ones living in the west and the ones living in Somalia.
Eli Clark
Yes exactly that's why the US military called them skinnies during the whole mogadishu thing.
many africans don't have a lot of bodyfat in general, nobody needs fucking bodyfat in africa. Not exactly like they are going to freeze anytime soon, but these are some tall skinny fuckers in general for africans.