Are "generations" like Millennials, Boomers, Gen X, Zoomers, etc. just a scam? Over the years, they're always changing...

Are "generations" like Millennials, Boomers, Gen X, Zoomers, etc. just a scam? Over the years, they're always changing, never consistent.

Attached: evolution.png (741x487, 85K)

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It's astrology tier pseudoscience

The memes are funny though

Millennial is probably the worst category. 80s and 90s kids are very different.

People born around 1987-1993 are pretty similar

Boomers are shit
Millennials are shittier
Zoomers are the new Boomers

Only Gen X was worth a damn, skeptical as fuck, but we dropped the ball by not taking the lead.

Also the last generation to play outside.
The last generation to have experience the best KINO, the best MUSIC, the best GAMES.

Everyone is chasing that nostalgia high from our generation.

Go make your own shit you lazy fucks

I think so too, but the time spans in the pic are way larger than that

Gen X is literally when all the degeneracy started taking over.

>Also the last generation to play outside.
That's millennials dude

Divide and conquer technique. Don't pay any attention to it.

Yes its a scam. Characteristics of people are determined by the race. Also its personal choices and education. Its not about generations. Im 93 but i like zoomer stuff

Gen X were the last generation that could have pub fight between 2 willing parties without the whole world getting involved. Fucking CCTV, cameras everywhere. Punch some cunt who deserves it and you're guaranteed to have the cops get involved. Now kids can talk shit and not get a slap. Shits gone crazy.

They serve to disassociate older persons from younger persons, and vise versa. This is a very effective propaganda tool to divide and conquer. So that there is no pre-capital identity.

Attached: FA0ABBBB-991E-4A4E-9B6F-F32FB4B7F184.jpg (834x1024, 215K)

Everyone with an IQ above room termperature knows generations are not a concrete cut-off. A guy born on december 31st 1995 and someone born on january 1st 1996 are not from different generations, no matter what some autist on Jow Forums says. These cut-offs also don't take into account differences between countries and even shit like growing up poor or with older brothers which meant you were stuck with older shit. Being a zoomer or a boomer are mainly attitudes. Zoomers like minecraft, ironic memes and being a faggot online. Boomers are faggots like myself who are stuck in the past and can't let go of the fact that the 90s are never coming back.

Attached: repent zoomer.jpg (443x455, 34K)

The 2019 definition seems accurate.

The 2000 definition of Gen z is not correct. I don't see people born in 1995 and 2000-something as the same generation.

~ Millennial (1992)

I agree. Gen X was based and politically incorrect. My generation (Millennials) destroyed that all. Take a look at this movie from the 80s (pic related: Soul Man): it's about a white college student pretending to be black to show how affirmative action sucks. Do you think it can be created now? Nope, definitely not.

Gen X was the last based generation.

Attached: interracial_movies_11.jpg (320x255, 14K)

But millennials had a lot of un-pc stuff like American pie and South park. I think it's more older zoomers (born late 90s-early 00s) who started the SJW crap, but the media thinks they're millennials and blames millennials for zoomer stuff.

Yet every Zoomer thinks anyone over 30 is a "boomer". Official definitions be damned!

People born in the late 80s have a lot in common with people born in the early 90s. Now people born in 80-85 are completely different are more similar to Gen X. The same as people born in 97-99 are more in common with zoomers than Millennials.

People born in 83-85 could still fit into millennials if they liked Power rangers and pogs.

>think it's more older zoomers (born late 90s-early 00s).

Yeah, i think you are right. This SJW shit started in 2014/2015, i think.

Of course it’s a scam. Every year new kids are born. Are they lumped in to one category? No, it’s just a new generation every year. Yeah there’s major trends between them but you can’t claim every single boomer is the same.

Well real boomers think everyone under 30 is a millennial, so it checks out


The idea was to encapsulate eras not by birth generation but by some cultural context. Companies like to study it to figure out how to sell and control that demographic. It changes because their criteria are subjective so they keep re-asking the question and peoples answers change over time.

I'm usually counted GenX sometime a Millennial or something in between they tried to sell for a while. I'm definitely self sufficient and thick skinned but economically I got screwed the same ways Millennials did. While we were busy looking after ourselves the adults were corrupting the system they used to rip everyone off.

Gen X are per definition late Boomers. A generation is 40 years. You fall into the same categorie as anyone else born between 1945 and 1985. Sellfish whores raised by television. Similar voting behavior, similar consume behavior, similar carrere path. You deserve the rope together with the early boomers

>a generation is 40 years

Let me guess, you are a special snowflack. You are your own generation. Typical for Millenials, which is admittedly fractured, but not along age groups

it's a way to categorize the world

Generations aren't 40 years

In about 10 years time people born in the latter part of the 90s will be looked at as the younger half of millennials, instead of gen z. I distinctly remember when they used to say if you were born in like 1976-1979 you were part of the 80s/early 90s generation. Now if you said that you would be dismissed.

Generations are never set in stone, and are always changing as people get older. Even when it seems definitions are settled, there will always be people with their own varying opinions. The only thing that is actually set in stone forever is the decade you were born in. That's something that can never change.

>In about 10 years time people born in the latter part of the 90s will be looked at as the younger half of millennials, instead of gen z
Other way around. People born in the late 90s were mostly considered millennials in 2012, but now they're being considered gen z. Unless the media decides to reverse their decision.

go Kurt Cobain yourself, old man

what do we call gen alpha? the gen after z

I dont think they'll be alpha at all, so they need a name

there are more zoomers than millennials, and there will be more aoomers than zoomers
if they ever turned on us, we'd be in trouble

If virtual reality becomes popular by then, they'll probably be called Transcendentals or something like that.

Nate Silver unironically used “zoomer” on Twitter the other day, so congratulations, you lot have meme’d another piece of slang into the mainstream.

should we call them aphids?

>Aphids are sap sucking insects that feed on young plant growth. They have the capacity to increase in number very quickly under the right conditions

perfect, that's them!


I’m not sure how useful a classification it is, but it makes sense they’d change over time depending on how things/society develop. For instance, the zoomer defining point is having access to social media since childhood, and this probably affects their mentality as a whole.

There are general characteristics of the generations, like Gen X tending to be more nihilist (on average), but you spergs take them too literally.

and they'll be eating bugs too by the time they are adults