It's all to hard Jow Forums

it's all to hard Jow Forums
>get a job working for chump change
>find a woman
>work for the rest of your life for nothing
>live among normie mongrels
>fit in

it's all too much Jow Forums I can't do it I can't stand this world. On top of that I am genetically inferior and weak, I can't do it.

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>live the rest of your life for nothing.
Hello smoothbrain shill, go to Jow Forums.
They're easier to demoralize.

>I am genetically inferior and weak, I can't do it.

If you're white, yes.

Start your own business. Wages are stagnant and aren't going anywhere any time soon, but productivity and corporate profits are still skyrocketing. When you work for someone else you're effectively buying the shittiest income protection insurance ever - trading away most of your potential income for a small amount of security.

I honestly thought all this "life is depressing when you're redpilled" thing was just a meme at first.

After 1 year of lurking here and gathering shit ton of knowledge on all things, I must admit I've become different. I contemplate the state of this sick world every time I go outside. I see all the NPCs, I see the jewish tricks everywhere, the one-eye signs on the magazines...

Shit, the struggle is real

1 post by this ID.

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Never stop evolving. You know the truth, now use it to your benefit and the benefit of your community.

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I believe it's all useless, but I've ben wrong before.
Do what you think is right.
I chose to give up and all the consequences.
But if I'm wrong you'll have a beautiful life. You might as well try.

im genetically inferior, too. I understand that this means not only am I unlikely to ever find a mate and reproduce, it also means that in the small chance that I could do so I SHOULDNT find a mate and reproduce. I should refrain from all sexuality and allow my genes to perish for the betterment of the white race. none of this, however, means I cannot live an otherwise productive and successful life. I just have to do it alone.

To a certain extent, you have to develop a hybrid mountain man lifestyle. I still work a corporate retail job where I hide my power level.

Aside from that, I have pretty much dropped out of society. I've gone full blown MGTOW and after learning Jewish Lies and Tricks, I pretty much stay out of social media; pop culture; (((entertainment))) and such.

I spend a lot of time here. I read books. I research things online. I cook for myself. I live in a tiny cabin. That's about all you can do. Find a rural area. Make just enough for basic needs and live a cabin-comfy lifestyle.

We are living a kind of Zombie Apocalypse type of era. You just have to step back and let all the low lifes kill each other before you can go to the next step.

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Reproduction is a human right, don’t give it up unless you really mean it. And consider who will be reproducing regardless, while you aren’t.

Complete Gibberish man. Not even a good troll event.

How does one move to the country and get a cabin? Did you buy the land with the cabin or did you build it?

If possible you should buy rather than build to minimize encroachment on undeveloped land.

You have to find a plot that unrestricted in a rural area. You can erect a 12x12 house for less than $1,000. Fuck the man. Fuck mortgages. Fuck being a wave slave.

"Yes, yes goy. Buy a terribly overpriced house from a Boomer and get yourself into a 30 year mortgage so you can pay me usury for the rest of your life. That is the correct and proper way to do things!"

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You don't need a 30 year mortgage for a rural property with a small house on it and nothing else. People pay more for cars than such properties will cost you, at least here in southern Ohio.

Life is but a passing event.
It will end eventually.
What comes after doesn't affect you.
Honestly, all those threads about breeding are retarded, as humans aren't anywhere close to extinct.
You have to accept the nonsense, and admire the deadlock Mankind put itself into.
If we couldn't see that coming, then we're too retarded to be anything more.
Get over it.

How many acres do you have? Can you target shoot on it? Indiana Fag here, most of my family lives in Ohio so I might move there.

When life isn't going your way, you faggots already know the story. bing boom bop pow.

That's the way it goes.

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no, i have nigger blood.

no its not

If you have even an ounce of brain matter between your ears, you can easily live a life of upper middle class.
Life is a game, and it’s not even a hard one.

I have 9 acres and change in Jackson County. It cost me ~$35,000, and I can most definitely shoot on it. I built a backstop but I have no idea if you actually need to.

The wagie life isn't even fucking worth it. Literally waking up and commuting to work every day to do shit you don't care about so you can pay your bills and your taxes towards a government that hates you. This isn't life.

nigel plz
bada bing amirite goyz?


Last week I found out I'm 7% Native American. Explains why my eyes are kind of slanted, one of my friends said that the slight slantedness makes me look more white. I don't wanna tell him my true family history.

Pic related guy's eyes look like mine except my hair is light brownish. I used to be blonde as a child.

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Shoot a gun faggot

a dose of savage blood makes you like blade, you get all of the nigger power with none of the weaknesses, except for love of malt liquor.
you are the scion user.

You sound like a kike.

No I don't think you understand. I've drove past Indigenous reserves and they are GHETTO. People drinking in broad daylight on their porches and kids playing around trash infested parks. Murder, gangs, poverty, substance abuse, rape, etc... I don't wanna associate with these communities but it's in my blood.

>it's all too much Jow Forums I can't do it I can't stand this world. On top of that I am genetically inferior and weak, I can't do it.

start training, alpha up

the world needs you to swing some bats in on the guilty faggots of the day

What's the internet speed there?

>your nation is not only provably evil but has never won a war and exists as a puppet state to the jews.
>There is no great cause for you to strive towards, the best you can hope for is climbing the kike corporate ladder and joining in the exploitation of your people
>Your generation has no defacto enemy to rally behind. As it stands now, you are the villain of the world for holding any sort of conservative values.
>You don't even have a people, just a collection of muts and shit skins with no shared heritage, no shared religion, no common ground of any kind beyond a piece of paper that they are ravenously trying to tear apart.

I need some white pills, its all so tiresome.

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Not great but passable.

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Is there anyway I can private message you?

Been in here since 12. Its been a long journey. Many ups and downs. Now its monotone loss of all hope. I have realized nothing will do. We only have our own lives to worry about now, anons. I am getting more and more into nature. I want to buy some equipment and just spend my weekends alone with my dog, some books and a good scotch in the wilderness. The week days are a drag. I will never be able to fit into this society.

Godspeen anons

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Every race has its niggers, user.


Where do you live user, Alberta? Where I live, there are a bunch of sandniggers, niggers and shitjeets so consider yourself lucky.


stop being a fucking wagie and figure out how to produce value
hint it's what you love and are best at so follow your dreams you fag. i promise you that freedom is far better