Why roasties and faggot normies hate the chans!

Because they can't judge and dismiss people based how many followers they have or don't have, and thus actually have to consider the things that are being said. It essentially levels the playing field, which celebs, faggot lefties and roasties absolutely hate, because it undermines their ability to subvert objectivity by turning everything into a highschool tier popularity contest with no actual substance.

Attached: carolinerosepress.jpg (1920x1080, 379K)

The irony is that genuine equality was only achieved by the alt-right.

They also know, deep down, that we are right. That terrifies them.

fucking cringe. can't believe I share a board with you retards

Attached: 1546652459664.png (1600x2200, 3.15M)

Chans are shit because of the scum here with the same whore baby attention needs as social media roasties, only it translates into shitting out 20 bait/copypasta threads in desperate, cringy need for gathering a you. Nothing but slide from losers 24/7 due to this.

Says the leaf

Thanks for adding to the discussion leaf, the X is up and to the right, don’t let the IP tracers hit you on the way out, see you tomorrow!

Shut up leaf

Seething normalfag cuntwads

OP is right and you know it

Says the leaf

You're right I'm really mad and this place is flawless. Go post another coomer or black'd thread or something, brain man.

Yep that’s me, got a problem leaf?

>hides flag
>reeeeeeee leaf reeeeeeeeeee
guess how I know you live in a third world country

chan is what you make of it

that's some empty shit and yet I agree

Today OP was not a faggot.

Caroline Rose has a some fun records. The track “Money” was redpilled.

They don't like anonymity because they can't attack the people. They would want nothing more than to silence you, ruin you and your family's livelihood if not worse.

Sure, the most, perhaps only, meaningful things in life are those that you give meaning to yourself. Checkem, leaf on a roll with the hollow sentiment!

There's no use talking about that here. The target audience is absent.

Also, Caroline Rose’s “Bikini” song calls out degenerate industries too:

We're gonna fly you off to Tokyo
You're gonna travel all over the world
We're gonna put you in the movies and our TV
All you've got to do is put on this little bikini

And dance
Put on this Bikini and dance, dance, dance
>InB4 leddit spaces

Based teenager going through his introspective phase

>the chans
the oldfags would've slaughtered you for this

>people i don't like don't like Jow Forums because no upvotes XDDD

what an original thought

well said OP have a bamp

As a leaf, are you even allowed to use living in a shithole country as an insult? I thought you were in the process of importing them all.

> turning everything into a highschool tier popularity contest with no actual substance.
> Shut up leaf

"The superior debate platform."
Humanity is shit, no exceptions.

>still absolutely terrified to show his flag
100% confirmed for albanian


How come socialists call anyone not socialist a 'Fascist'!
While Fascists call anyone not fascist a 'Faggot'!