Black women trash an Asian man's store then have a fight with him

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wow, another racist thread on Jow Forums, I can only imagine what kind of intelligent discussion this topic will inevitably foster

Shut it you leaf goynigger


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These retarded sheboons should be in a shit hut in Africa being pummeled by their latest "lover", not out in burgerland, or over here for that matter, flailing around.
We mostly have dosile "lettrboxes" though. Our skinnies know better how to keep their waman in check. Still; gas, gas and thrice gas.

I sometimes wonder how many of you canadian pissants live among enrichment,. You always seem so aloof.

Dat bish was ignant shiiiiiit dat asian man gonna call up his red cobra bloods on the real real ya betta axe sumbody skeet skeet niba

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Bugs vs monkeys : the new sci-fi movie.

oh wow another nigger chimping out theres totally no pattern to this or a reason why they are globally disliked for the same reasons over and over again

Spoiler alert
Nobody wins

>based white man has to use science to stop the groids from destroying the world.
>bonus keks for MC named Nate Higgers.

Based insectoids and chimpanzees fighting in the US of Gay

I live deep innawoods. you mad retard?

Bugman vs sheboons!

This is just sad especially on the heels of seeing a single slav btfo 3 muzzies all a head taller than him

>Remember goyim that diversity is our strength

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Poor education for sure

Blame your educational system before you attack the race, don't be a divide and conquer jew rat

God I hope China is sterilizing them all.

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Remember these are the same Asians who yell die whitey, Fuck whitey, Whitey is privileged, always vote democrat in every state except Montana.
Get free Schools because of their race, and get hired because of affirmative action.
If you think yellow people are on the white side, you're dead ass wrong. And these fucking chinks wouldn't hesitate to pull the race card in an argument.

Fucking sheboons have their niglet with them. Gross.

Good. I hope the chinks and niggers tear each other apart

Asains might hate black people more than whites

Good goy, divide and conquer for us you dumb goy.

*rubs hands*


such beautiful diversity, why would anyone not want this in their home country?

You're right. I'll never side with whites. You are disgusting genociders (eg : natives americans ) , scavengers ( haiti debt is an example ).

I really hope you scream chink louder , like in a public space like reddit , so every POC understand how whites , liberal or not, absolutly hate non whites (anyways it's pretty easy to detect it just need to confront them racial injustices and observ how they react)

Is that a Korean owned weave and more store. Hahahaha. Those nigresses spend $300/month on their weaves.

Shut up niggêr

Friendly reminder also that anti white racism doesnt exist . WHITE PEOPLE CALLED NON WHITES POC TO HIERACHIZE RACES , we didn't do it to say " oh look whites have no color they're so sad haha.

I'm a "chink" actually . I'm not moving out of France , even if my family is rich , after all my parents didn't get any reparations from France for forced WW work .

Did you float over to France on an inner tube?

d/c shill like detected

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They have reasons to

You aren't a nigger, calm down. Get some French pussy and enjoy life. Watch out for those niggers that are invading France though.

Racism is a Jewish invention. Let that sink in.

Unless you're a good little goyim.

The problem with Canadians is two fold.
>They are very verbose, and overly sure of themselves
>The ONLY news stations they have are liberal trash akin to CNN.
So not only are leafs literally brainwashed, but what they have no problem telling you all about it.

Thus we have the eternal leaf.

Eat shit niggers, facts don't lie
What was that i didn't hear what you said, i was too distracted by your white flag.

I think there's some kind of nuclear homosexuality bomb they tested on canada

Oy vey


>waaaaah canada waaaaaah
Stop projecting. Amerimutts are by far the most rabid faggots in the world.

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Man, just imagine having neither of them in your country and living peacefully, the horror

You spelled jews wrong.

You know ALL about racism, dontcha, 'nuckie? Treating all those Natives so badly for centuries, yet you have the gall to defend badly behaved blackies? Get off your high horse. You are most certainly NOT speaking from a position of moral authority.


Also, he's fucking weak

Tribalism and racism are natural things. Jews have merely knocked out our (white) people's capacity for tribalism and are now trying to knock out our capacity for racism like you're doing now, kike.

just stop being disrespectful to black people, she was just shopping fucking racist

lol idiot.

The gook should have just shot the sheboons.

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Around niggers never relax

Just because you're a racist piece of shit doesn't mean everybody else is too. stop trying to bring others down to your level retard.

Around blax, never relax

more intelligent than nigger certainly

Gorillas in the Thrift.

user, you do know where you are right?

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What happened to Colin Flaherty? Is he off JewTube?

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all the racism on Jow Forums was ironic edgy humour until you retards showed up

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They closed his channel for simply compiling news articles that the MSM wrote.

why did you abandon your people to live in the shadow of whites?

How is justin? Did he dress like a moron today?

One based southern chinese man vs 3 baboons

>all the racism on Jow Forums was ironic edgy humour

I bet there's newfags who unironically believe this.

>Around niggers never relax
>Around blax, never relax

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I am white. deal with it retard.

Guess how I know you got here in 2016

>Also, he's fucking weak

Actually, he was slapping them in the face, which is hilarious

How does one defeat Southen Style Temple Ho-Fun Slap Boxing?

>I am white. deal with it retard



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If you hate Whites so much go back to Africa nigger

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hating on niggers is a time-honored Jow Forums tradition, newfag

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but niggers are their top customers

shittiest larp ive ever seen

just because you live in Toronto doesn't mean everybody else does you fucking brainlet.

>he doesn't remember when Jow Forums was mostly leftist libertarians
just because you thought you were in good company doesn't mean those people were being earnest

Been here since 2006. It became serious as soon as people started to examine the contents of Third Reich policy, philosophy and intention.
Now it's an unrivaled hidden momentum.

Read Myth of the 20th Century.

>he doesn't remember when Jow Forums was mostly leftist libertarians
i have an SA account regged in 2002 with posts in adtrw discussing Jow Forums from late 2003 or early 2004. if you have an sa account then i'll pm you with my account. if you don't, then lurk moar newfag. Jow Forums has always been racist

>like anyone cares about anything other than America
Irrelevant countries shouldn’t be given electricity

Yes, but why? That is still getting physical.

Um user everything i post is satire and shitposts. You don't have the right to assume my position on race.

niggers are disease reservoirs for STDs.

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It's all they understand

speak for yourself brainlet. I've been here since it was a .net site hosted on godaddy. if your SA account is still active that means you're a colossal faggot, everybody knows Ebaumsworld is where it's at


post-chanology newfag confirmed

At the very least carry protection so you take a few of them down with you.

>t.racist chink
you don't know the struggles of black people ching chong

That asian dude... could he be... is this even possible... is he... /OURGUY/ ???
Those slaps he gave the fat one made me coom.

Fuck, they’re censoring everyone.

Shut up idiot

literal fucking chimpanzees. you have to be willfully ignorant to not hate these subhumans

>fucks niggers relentlessly

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Go back to Africa
I simply want to work with my own kind.


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Sasha Grey perfect? At least she doesn't smell like a nigger.

is this a new pasta?

imagine trying this hard

Link to this!!??!!??

>post-chanology newfag keeps posting about "i've been here since"
the hallmark of the newfag

Mean while these niggs constantly complain about Asians being racist. I wonder why you dumb pavement apes.

>Does not live close to them or lives in a mostly white town/city.
>Does not have to deal with them a regular basis.
>Most likely have never lives close to or in a ghetto.
>Is a leftist and defend these apes.

Like pottery. Anyone with even a shred of sanity will want niggers out or dead after spending even a day around them.