Stop shilling NM right for the picking

Look at all that red

>Trumps flipping NM

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WA would go red if Trump intervened in the election system
It's all vote by mail, and counted by soros machines

This pollster does state by state approval

This is how new mexico voted, by subgroup.

Comparing the two you can see 1) a jump in white support 2) a massive jump in Native American support (listed as "Other").

Keeping in mind that there are about 40,000 whites who voted in 2004 but not 2016 and large numbers of lolbergs who could swing towards the right, as well as the fact that develop trends show that Trump would likely end up with 46%~ of the vote even if he does nothing at all it is entirely a reasonable move to go to NM and drive up turnout among his base you absolute retard.

>people on this board are so fucking retarded they saw PA flip for the first time in 28 years but still shill the "other blue states can literally never flip" narrative

Just an absolute fucking retard you are

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>Retard who's never been to NM sees big red spots in the sparely populated areas and thinks he's winning

>Bernalillo County: 676,773
>Doña Ana County: 215,579
>Santa Fe County: 148,750
>Sandoval County: 142,507
>New Mexico: 2,095,000
Those four counties are more than half the state’s population and are all blue.

I guess it's a good thing Trump's rally is in Rio Rancho, which is a suburb of Albuquerque?

39% of latino males voted for Trump in NM in 2016

thats kind of crazy if you think about it

and like 11% voted for gary johnson

I live in NM and trust me it’s going red

>screenshot this shit

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I live in nm and you’re delusional it isn't..

taos here, same.. people are going libertarian/hippie minarchist if anything up north.

abq is going straight to hell :(

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oh and trump, bernie, and friends please leave - don't come back.

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College educated whites, including women, went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.

"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote demographics Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.

Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.


We are at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (jews, immigrants, blacks, radicals etc.)

Just look at the demographics vs counties won.

It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Time is short.




The country can easily be saved if we do just those 3 things.

Attached: 2016 vote.jpg (2031x1154, 654K)

Attached: non-white vote.jpg (546x496, 72K)

Attached: jew funding voting.jpg (1666x1346, 591K)

Attached: if only whites voted.png (4200x3105, 563K)

The 2016 usa election was obvious, you can use it to check what state is redpilled or not and what state is most redpilled.

There are two ways of doing that:
1-Check the state with least amount (% not quantitity) of hillary votes.
2-Check the state where trump won with biggest margin (again %, not quantitity) over hillary.

The most redpilled choice under BOTH rules is wyoming, BUT......
trump lost at wyoming at primaries, being the third place with 7.04% (ted had 70.94%, marco 14.53%)

This may mean two things.
1-They really hate kodos (democrats) and voted against hillary because of that.
2-They really love republicans and voted trump because of that.

Between the states where trump won the primaries too, west virginia (that is second place at BOTH rules I said at start of this test) is the winner. So, if you use both rules I said before but with a modified rule that trump must be the winner of the primaries too, to some state count, west virginia is the winner.

If you get the state with smallest biggest hillary % at an county AND trump won primaries, thats west virginia too, at monongalia, hillary had 40.78%, his biggest percentage at an county of the state, but thats the smallest % if compared with the other state counties where she had the biggest % of the state.

But there is even another way to look at it:
If to each state you get the biggest of A and B (lets call this value X) where
A=the % of votes hillary had at the county where hillary had most % of votes
B=the % of votes other candidates other than trump had at the primaries at the county where trump had the lowest % of votes at primaries.

The state with smallest X, is west virginia too.

The previous two methods could include (trump + rand paul) vote at the trump votes and the result would problably be the same).

Abq fag here

Sadly I don't think we're likely to go red. too many shits.

Other New Mexicans, notice the presence of literal African migrants are central in Albuquerque lately?

this is interesting. my parents live in NM and my mom goes to abq every few months. i'll have to ask her.

This except for the white part change it to Traditional

>American is a ideology
>liberalism is a mental disorder


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abq is only there so us rural folk can come for supplies. don't live within a hundred mile radius of it if possible.

i lived on central and louisiana for a couple years, it was as close to hell I've ever been

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Are you retarded? I live in New Mexico and I can fucking guarantee nobody lives in the red parts. Everybody lives in ABQ or Santa Fe. Some other settlements but the red parts are just small towns and boomers. It's not flipping red, especially since it's the only state where Spanish is spoken more than English.

I'm planning on moving to cedar crest and starting my family out there.
It seems safe and comfy.

it's not very far away but better than ABQ for sure.
whats cost of living like there user?

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>not voting for your former governor

Kek, pathetic.

just saw a vid of the crowd outside the trump rally and lefties are mocking the number of people for being too few.

nobody lives there Dumas

>EU flag
checks out