Tennis Today: ‘Serena Williams looks like those monkeys at the zoo’

Romanian TV host fined for “extreme racism”
“Serena Williams looks like those monkeys at the zoo with the red butt. If you put some pants over that butt, they look exactly as Serena Williams looks on court,” Radu Banciu said on TV, according to CNCD, which commented that the statement is discriminatory and breaches the right to dignity.

A couple of years ago our own president of Russian tennis federation said on the national TV that Williams sisters look more like Williams brothers and they fined and banned him too, but everyone here were laughing their asses off. Fuck nigger. Every monkey must know its limits.

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that's mike tyson in drag

it's not even that. she took roids and in turn that has magnified her into a crazy hormonal bitch. she is constantly shilled in the usa but many cannot wait for her to retire and release us from the toxic grip she has on the tour. even when she loses (now because she is old, fat, and her baby almost killed her so she cant roid) they still make it about her very toxic

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I am surprised considering how PC we are and how anti racism policies we have.

she's a gabroon

>The US is represented by some roid using niggerwoman
When will the US replace her with an actual cute Tennis player? no one watches Tennis to see nigger trannies playing.

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Serena Williams is literally a man.

>“Serena Williams looks like those monkeys at the zoo with the red butt. If you put some pants over that butt, they look exactly as Serena Williams looks on court,”

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niggers man... how can anyone view them as equals.

>...a ruined and terrible form of life. And now… perfected: my fighting Uruk-hai.

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>right to dignity
that's the first time I heard that and I am amazed that such bullshit exists.
Didn't she do the same when she was shittalking against male tennis players?
her chimping out in many games doesn't help her situation.

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Shes a hulking monstrosity, she'd be hideous even if she wasnt a nigger

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Truth stangs the kangs

Jesus fucking Christ, even Eastern Europe has PC shit?

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>hulking monstrosity
thank the world anti-doping agency for exempting her from drug tests.
If it weren't for the, Coleman would never have been a tennis player.

so now we know you have atleast one based man in your country

He only got 1000 Euro fine,kek
If it was any other nigger like Sloane nobody would have noticed or cared.

He will be fucked for his life CNCD lead by a bozgor will make sure he will not have a job for the rest of his life.

They have the audacity to say it like it is. (Looks like steroid abuse to me.)
But the worst that happens is that some Jewish cousin inside the media/sports corruption makes here pay a fine, they don't purge them from the job and never mention them again.

>she took roids

Yeah, you can definitely tell serena has taken roids and venus hasn't. Just serena's jaw and shoulders tell you that.

That's if serena is even a woman. I'm pretty sure venus is a woman though


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Yeah right.
He had his show on this very night.
WTF are you even talking about?

she is leterally full of roids. she can't even hide her roid rage anymore.

LOL based ubergypsy
monkeys on roids

Why do they always insult my little princess Serena? Are they envious of her beauty or achievements. These lice-ridden rats.

Suck Muh Shit Serena

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really? Even you are PC? Jesus christ is there anyone non-PC left in europe?


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The CNCD will be disolved soon,after the Homosexual Bozgor Director get's lost.

Look what happened to all politicians that say non agreed things, none of them are allowed to talk or even in position.
>"I've never cheated in muh life"
>"I have a daughter"
>"we wuz tennis kangz"

God I love Romania

Sweetie pie schnookums, it's because she takes steroids. Black women in general are very masculine though, which is why blacks are so often gay

Yes and antisemitic laws that land you in 3 years of jail.

pic looks more human than serena

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Definitely masculine and not traditionally attractive. It's no wonder that black men prefer white, asian, hispanic women.

Thanks fren,saved for later use!

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Are you Stupid?
We literally have Gheorghe "Kill all Bozgors" Funar running for President.

Da-te-n mm de pizda

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>fined for telling the truth

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>Serena Williams looks like those monkeys at the zoo with the red butt. If you put some pants over that butt, they look exactly as Serena Williams looks on court

He ain’t lyin’

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Now why on Earth would he say that?

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No. Not until we figure out a solution for the refugee crises (global warming)

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>who imitates who

No one watches tennis at all,spic. They put that bullshit on during the daytime when only housewives and useless faggots might see it.

>antisemitic laws
kek. Atleast we don't have those since everyone here hates the jews for betraying us during the muslim invasion

My ass.
I've been ranting on Jews every where and i'm free as a bird.

>that casual CRUSHING of the racket

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>PUNR president
Its a meme party that nobody has ever voted it so you are proving my point.

The solution is quite clear. We just need to implement it

You have them too only that you get a fine
Do it online bitch boy and see how quick you get shut down from criticizing the chosen ones.

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This is the current situation in Romania. Radu Banciu is getting shit cause he talks about the bozgors and CNDC hates that. He's pretty based and I recommend watching him.

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can you give me a quick rundown on romanian politics

He's still a serving politician in Cluj and all he does all day is say how he wants to Genocide all Magyars.

He still has a salary of over 2000 euros.
I did you bitch.
How do you think i got 2k+ Karma on Reddit:))

Radu Banciu is a troll and wannabe frenchman.
I saw him in real life. He's like 1,6m.

They're literally never enforced. We don't have holocaust denial laws either

This guy is Ultra-Right Wing and wants the genocide of all Bozgors in Romania



I knew this was going to get posted

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You may not like it. Peak performance.

It's fuckingh amazing. Niggers are given every single advantage and still they are dangerous animals. The experiment is over. White man's burden is over.

Do it on social media or make an website to express those views and tell me how long it works even far right websites get nuked or pay fines for doing it.I know what I talk ffs.

nobody's watching female anything... not even playmate shit which are filled with ugly sjws.

You're also run by a left wing gov right? What are the chances that this right winger wins?

Romania’s had very PC laws since the early 90s. Enforcing those laws only became a thing in the last few years.

Normies? Where the fuck you think you are faggot?

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Literally every orthodox forum

Seriously stfu.

Even that PSD jew Ilan Laufer got troll mail that he needs some gas

Damn. Imagine a roided up Serena in bed with you fucking the shit out of you and pounding the bed with both fists like Blanka from Street Fighter.

>actually thinks that anyone will spend 1h30 of their time watching women slice the ball 15 times per rally until one misses

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Slim but people are warming up to him.
There is no left or right in Romania.
It's those that Steal and those that Steal Less
Nobody gives a shit about em.

>Serena literally dates reddit

When you are taller than men and weigh 2 times as much as other tennis players then you have advantage.

I’d scream like Tarzan

Its a honey pot
Dont know about them can you give an example
>Literally every orthodox forum
They call them in a historical sense and are not antisemitic only talk about their shitty book.
>Even that PSD jew Ilan Laufer got troll mail that he needs some gas
Dont remind me of PSD and how they forced a law to make a massive holocaust museum when everyone at the local level was against it.

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Need a tennis racket shop on this

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Right-wing political parties have been dead since 1944. It’s mostly the remnants of the communist party duking it out for a piece of the pie + neo-marxist shills promoting their degenerate ideology.

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Can you provide some evidence?
Other than being a bitchboy?

We have a Iron Guard/Legioner party that is legal and you talk shit

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Stfu and Vote Funar,ND or Serban Suru.
And stop being a bitch

Is there any video of the Russian tennis president saying it and the crowd laughing?

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>It's those that Steal and those that Steal Less
>tfw you feel identified with this statement

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>We have a Iron Guard/Legioner party that is legal and you talk shit
Where? Outside of a 2 events they do per year one at the local memorial for their captain and maybe a march for family they dont exist and their party is a complete copy of the Democratic party promoting (((Judeo-Christian))) values.
No thanks I will vote USR PLUS

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Sa moara mata atunci

If its all become so shit then what was the point of killing Ceaucescu?

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wow orc shaman

Ignore him dude.
He's just a drugged up troll.
He lives in a Garsoniera in Ferentari(gypsie ghetto)
He is just bitter.

Nice insult there boy, better to vote for the marxist and accelerate even more the destruction of the country than to drag it like you.

Is it? The way it's spoken about, I'm almost positive various solutions would have already been implemented.

YOu fucking sucker,you are always here.
Always saying the same shit and weak ass trolling.
Do you even have a life?Seriously now?

Double k solution. Kicking n' killing. Always works

So was life always shit in Romania?

>Romanians bitching about black people

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It was way worse under Communism