Who has it worse- America or Europe?

America with its spics, europe with its muslims.

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spics as in like spanish or mestizo

like would a mexican guy who's like straight up spanish be lumped in with like a straight up mayan guy

well 90% of our spics are mexishits so mexicansi guess

All white nations are fucked. Give up, white man. Otherwise, you and your families and friends will suffer inthe coming global revolution against white privilege. Us darkies and hybrids are sick of your unjust system of inequality. Sick of your Anglo-Jew money hoarders, sick of white "culture". You're all greedy, nasty, smug asswipes and each of you deserves extinction.

America 50% white
Europe 90% white
This will answer the question.

i got bad news for you, kraut user...
my state is still 90%+ white (montana) and we have dirt cheap land + gun rights, unlike your hellhole eur*pean country...

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Yeah yeah, shut the fuck up Jorge.

I know some mutt would post that picture. But let me tell you something.. 80% of immigrants in Germany are Europeans. Mostly Italians, Polaks, russians, croatians

America is vast with plenty of (((unspoiled))) area's, everything bad in Europe is magnified by the fact that's it's as big as a cattle station.

Doesn't Germany get a shit load of eastern European migrants??

Spics are shit but they are no where near as bad as mudslimes.

Well seeing as I don't live in the city, probably you mutts. But if I was, then of course you guys are better.

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yeah right krautnigger, it's totally all those italians and poles (whos native countries have

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i don't live in the city either, niggerboy. i live in montana, 10 times better than whatever "country" you have in bong-land.

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Implying America's problem is mexicans instead of niggers

Spics are the future Whites.

I'm pretty sure the person living in Germany knows more about what's going on in his country than you

>America with its spics
Funny you didn’t mention the nigger infestation

America's 60% tho...

Lmao spoken like a true jew.

>a fucking leaf
speak when spoken to, leaf.

it's almost like the person living there will cope and defend their country

yea but its stable, not gonna grow...spics however are another story

Exactly, we are looking at this this on an individual basis. Either way, you guys are still fucked with your non-white populations. At least ours are contained in the cities.

I’d say spics are to America what Italians are to Europe.

Both spics and Italians have good food, and curvy women. However their music sucks, they are lazy and hard working at the same time, criminal, and both hold up their past (spics have the Aztecs and Italians have the renaissance, but neither modern day incarnation can really claim either). Muslims are to Europe as Niggers are to America. Dangerously violent, they do not integrate, and expect white people to support them.

If you mean criollo jo, they are white. However those make up like less than 10 percent of all hispanics and 90%+ are mestizo

America is demographically in much worse shape, but if you can find a cozy corner off the beaten path to have a family farm, the US has better laws and regulations to live without being bothered.

America is much worse off, i.e. le 56%, anything with a caucasoid skull is considered white etc, but it has some benefits in that some states are like European countries and are 85+% white, better gun laws and stuff. The most interesting fighting once the collapse happens will be in America, as balkanization is attempted, race wars and civil war within their massive army. Think about how many nuclear subs could be on either side, how many carriers may be.

yup, only hope is to balkanize america. spics and nogs are literally all concentrated for the most part in the mexico border states and bible belt, it'll be them vs us, and as long as we kick off the war before it's too late we will crush them easily

You mean like Americans not accepting there they're the least white nation in the anglosphere? Maybe even in all of Europe?

Luckily for you niggers cannot into civilisation and all live in cities, which are easily starved out.


I don't know. Sounds like words from a pajeet in Ireland.

It's all about the Jews, stupid. Who has the worse Jew problem, America or Europe?
I would say that America does. We are about to start World War 3 for the Jews, yet again.

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Criollos and Castizos don't illegally immigrate to the United States, they're middle to upper class in Mexico and if they were to come to the US they'd be in a worse off economic situation than if they just stayed in Mexico.

non-whites aren't american, sorry leaf

just hope it starts soon, if it doesnt start within 20 or less years, theres no chance

>hahahah 1 state that has a low population still has a majority of "white" (means almost anything that isn't a tar-black coon in amerigolem census data btw) people so you have it worse
supreme cope

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Dude. Your children are going to be literally fucked without us and you know it.

There will be no where left to immigrate once you destroy us.

At least America has rapidly growing Mormon and Amish populations.

I am pretty sure your sister works as an “escort” here

America is literally over. Europe is only as bad as America was like 50-100 years ago. In reality we're probably both doomed, but there is at least some realistic hope for Europe while there is absolutely none for us.

Niggers are the real problem, spics are just a new threat because we saw what niggers do.

Everywhere is fucked.

i mean if you remove the bible belt and mexico border state us is back to like 75%+ white. a civil war of them vs beaners/nigs are my only hope

Lol, in your shitty island?

Not much point in being 90% white when you are 90% cowards.

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I'm going to see you in a mass grave, shitskin.

They want a Latino majority, smart enough to follow simple orders, dumb enough to not question them.

yeah, one day the world wars started out of no reason whatsoever. Just pure envy on the German side... the English were soo great, and their people were soo wealthy, we couln't help ourselves.
thank God the jews and the anglosphere stopped us, and teached us how to a nice human.

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Our whites are still men leaf.

They started because krautniggers have more in common with central asian invaders than they do with Europeans. Your kin have the bloodthirst of a turkomongol insectoid and half the courage.

Imagine if Germany tried fighting their wars with some semblance of honor and didn't resort to building their army in the shadows and pouncing on unsuspecting and unprepared peaceful neighbors, and then break ceasefire pacts with over a decade still on them. Spineless genetic trash.

As soon as the krauts weren't fighting under equipped soviet children who were rushed to the front lines to delay the krautnigger advance, you useless dipshits were on the run with your tails tucked between your legs lmao

just wait for the civil war user, we will be back on top again and back to raping euroniggers and them being jealous of us once more

lol you can’t legislate away nature. whites won when there were no rules. this means they will win forever when all hell breaks lose.

seriously. this has happened before...

>Their prime minister

Americans can't comprehend how good they have it, as per usual.

Your black men are your neighbours, preachers and cops yet you still vilify them for the small cultural differences they have. Spics are usually pretty cool and their women are hot, but seen as I'm talking to faggots let me regress to the guys: they work hard and there are just as many bad seeds in percentage as there is in white people. The difference is that they come from poor places and have more reason to behave like apes, but don't. Their cultural differences do not interfere with yours.

Regarding muslims, all their cultural differences must be catered to, otherwise you are against Allah and a racist who hates them. They form groups as to integrate the least possible. Those who integrate are showcased as a "bad muslim" and kicked out of their savage guild.
Their culture evolves around torturing the animal before slaughter (read on halal meat), crushing the spirits of any female in their family from the earliest stages of life, screaming they need rights while they already have more than the people in their host-countries and the list goes on. Their culture and behaviour intercepts our lifestyle like nothing else, and by their words and beliefs: we can't coexist.


> Yeah, totally cause there are only Castizos in Mexico

Unironically, if you have papers you can legally go back to Italy and Spain. Germany doesn't have such offerings. My mom did that to Spain from Venezuela

> Spics are usually pretty cool and their women are hot, but seen as I'm talking to faggots let me regress to the guys: they work hard and there are just as many bad seeds in percentage as there is in white people. The difference is that they come from poor places and have more reason to behave like apes, but don't. Their cultural differences do not interfere with yours.

Did you ODd on onions this morning Norwegian? Most Mestizos aren't that great and Niggers are best placed on an electrical chair.

At least the spics arent Muslims, and some vote conservatively. We’re both fucked though.

Mohammedans mostly keep to their own kind, but mestizos are slightly more pleasant. Spics can understand a peaceful interaction across racial lines much more easily. Although if you find a muslim who can do that, they will be more capable than any spic. Would you rather be around angry, retarded gooks or slightly less angry but even more retarded whites?

That's due to selected migration. In general Arabs are less intelligent on average than Mestizos.

Only an anglosaxon protestant is considered a white, you dork dumbasses.
Continental europeans larp themselves as Mediterraneans, Aryans, Franks and whatever, but they're not whites.
Calling yourself a white guy means that you've already submitted to American globohomo terms and been utterly brainwashed by their globohomo culture.

After Dunkirk the Anglos were sitting on their island until 20 million russians died and they sucked enough american cock to land at Normany.

>Anglo seething.

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I have been in the US several times. I bet you just recently found out who the word 'spic' refers to. Blacks have a bad rep that many hold up, but surprisingly many were really cool and normal. I was in a few ghettos as well, and even though they come up saying "whatchu doin whiteboi" you can eeeasily come to terms with the guy that you aren't doing much and have a normal conversation. I talked myself out of a robbery, the guy just hated whites cause his brother is in jail and that's all he had. Mexicans treated me like family if I treated them normal.

Did you overdose on kraut and halalpig, Hans Mohammed Müller?

Germans literally are retarded. that 'proud face' on the graves of your dead ancestors. You germans are honestly a pathetic, bizzare lot. Imagine having a retard contest like this and bragging about it. You guys really are genetic trash if by nothing but virtue of your lack of self-awareness.

>europe with its muslims.
And gypsies and now african niggers.
All that being said, I'd say America has it worse demographically. Since we European mutt people our sense of racial identity is weaker than Europe. They have a much greater chance of a white rise up than America does.

>Since we European mutt people
Since we started as*

> whatchu doin whiteboi" you can eeeasily come to terms with the guy that you aren't doing much and have a normal conversation.

Yeah, come to terms using a Mozambique drill.

> Mexicans treated me like family if I treated them normal.

Mestizos and their crappy voting behavior made my family leave. They love socialism because they are incompetent. See how much you like em if they vote a Chavez on your ass.

Peak beta

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speak for yourself, mutt boy

what the fuck is a montana?

Congratulations, you're irrelevant to the point. In the grand scheme of America we're overwhelmingly mixed. Initially among European people, but now, unfortunately, with subhumans too.

Most Mexicans are pretty based people like drink beer watch soccer do man shit with. I think muslims would be pretty faggy to hang with especially since most muslims in the us are black so there's that too.

Oooo the kraut called me a beta oh u got me, AlphaAli! You smell goat through the screen

Muslims are the worst people on earth.

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Mexican isn't even an ethnicity, it's a nationality. It could literally be everything. Technically even a freaking Japanese-Mexican. The screwed up terminology is a clear pointer as to why shit is fucked up in the US. Same as with these othering terms as Hispanic and Hispanic-Whites. What does that even mean?

If you had any level of reasonable reading capacity you would have known already that I am indeed of migration background, not a Turkish one though. And yes, the idea to coexist with niggers is utterly foolish.

Cry me a river.

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I insta-replied to OP, so your second ad-hominem failed too. I'm not "for" anyone here, all I'm saying is that there are bigger culture clashes between middle-easterns in western countries than the ones between american blacks and hispanics with american whites, although there are a few.

I thought it was unwillingness rather than inability. But I am probably conflating Turks and Iranians with Saudis and Egyptians. Then again true Mexicans are far better than central americans, so you need to subdivide these things.

America. We aren't native here.

Greatest whitest freest place on earth, slav boy.



Spics don’t mutilate their children’s genitals. So I guess there’s your answer.

Culture clash is for the ass. Thats Ben Shapiro talk. In reality every race is against niggers wherever they hit shore. It's a racial struggle. Niggers are fundamentally too incompetent and look too different to live in the West. Same with Jews, they are a problem in Latin America as well, especially in Argentina. However Jews are also trying to grab Mestizos

First based answer I am reading here. Your taxonomy of racial understanding is heavily jewed in a way to promote segregation between Whites and the terminology to be anti-White (Example poc is not about being pro something but purposely othering Whites)

It makes you morally attackable.

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Pretty much this, US is awful


Muslims have totally taken over my state


europe is the correct answer
[spoiler] because of Germans [/spoiler]


what area? are they moving out of dearborn?

They pasted blacks as the second largest ethnic group

nice i would convert for an arab wife.

I've met a few with some nice brapcutters

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A European nation is similar to an American state (very simplified, but go with it) and now imagine your state putting forward authoritarian, anti-native laws and slowly stripping your rights while simultaneously denying state history and culture, deracinating the states populace and covering up mass rape/murder etc cases within said state - imagine your state then telling you that the millions of newcomers who're slowly overtaking the original inhabitants in demographics are actually the original inhabitants and placing them into your history books, television shows, news channels and having you arrested for disagreeing.

Europe is worse than the US in many, many ways.

I'm just so tired of it all.

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Dear America. Dont focus your energy on Europe. Divorce yourself of your former creed and be America. Focus on our problems.

It’s not as bad as you think. Whites may make up a smaller portion of the American population in the future, but they will always own the country. The other ethnicities simply lack the capacity to maintain a civilization as advanced and complex as ours. The proof is everywhere, when the whites leave, the place goes to shit.

Over the next several decades you’ll see the American white population and business community start to concentrate in right wing states. Eventually these states may form a new country.

Thats europe hate you have, focus it on the united nations. You are being manipulated.

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