Ok this guy is starting to blow my mind. If stars arent far away suns then what the fuck are they?
Ok this guy is starting to blow my mind. If stars arent far away suns then what the fuck are they?
Other urls found in this thread:
Who the fuck is he? Give some context not everyone keeps up with all the Jow Forums fads
Owen Benjamin
The souls of deceased organisms
Cmon be more useful, what video or podcast or article are you referring to?
Sanpaku eyes........
Owen benjamin is a fucking lunatic. Stop listening to him seriously. Besides a couple quirky jokes and random bits of truth telling he’s insane.
>Owen Benjamin makes his daily obligatory namefagging thread.
You're so smart Owen. Good for you.
I was thinking the same, some sort of self-shilling
Stars are literally far away suns
His wife, Amy, was caught fucking his neighbor because she found out he was still drinking. Don't mention it to him, it makes him suicidal.
He's like Sam Hyde but actually funny and not a pedo fraud like Sam is.
that man is going to freak out and kill someone eventually
>it's his fault she cheated on him
I hope you don't actually believe this.
Help me downvote
are are nightlights
nah he's no violently insane, Terry A. Davis was majorly insane and all he ended up doing was kill himself
I didn't mention who was at fault. Just stating the facts. They both failed each other. If he can't put down his liquor, he's a piece of shit, though not on the same level as Amy.
Have any proof for those claims big fella?
Why is space so big tho
So untrue. What do you get out of lying about another mans marriage? Thats the gayest thing a man can do. You're the nerd lying about the jock out of self hatred. Kill the negative energy, find a better use of your time.
Anyone who watches just one of Owen's streams knows that he preaches nonviolence every single day.
Jesus Christ “super star”
Sauce? If proven, I will KEK.
No, but if true, and if he is still with her, he’s a cuck
>He's like Sam Hyde but actually funny
Maybe it's just a projection or maybe what you see is a simulation
>That's the gayest thing a man can do.
No, the gayest thing a man can do is to latch on to an E-celeb's dick. How much money have you given him this week?
My shattered hopes and dreams
This is merely hearsay. I've seen it on several livestreams and several threads over the past couple of months. There's no way I could possibly confirm, but it is worth checking into. At the very least, I would guess that the drinking part is true. Can any GayBears confirm?
Nice. Remember when they were all riding Mr. Metokur’s dick?
I'm pretty sure Owen Benjamin posts these threads
None. I gave him ten bucks a year ago, only to attatch a message with some intel i had. I don't mind paying for all of the knowledge I've gotten from watching his streams though.
Wow. Do you call yourself a bear.
Thanks for trying
Is your mind gravy?
He's a drunk idiot who appeals to other drunk idiots.
nah, never had a bear name in my life. I don't agree with changing my name to support another mans cause. his is a noble one, just gonna change my name.
The sun is different from the stars.
Guy blows my mind too.
Bought a little stein with a bear on it.
Great talks.
Mediocre standup (sorry Owen, just because it's scary, and you do it anyways, doesn't make you good at it.)
Kek, holy shit. Well, then you tell me, is it possible that the rumors might be true? Run over to his stream and give him $500 and ask. Hurry before the jannies shut this down!
Grabler post detected.
No, hes right dude. You are more of a faggot than men who actually fuck butts.
Owen is literally everything Jow Forums ever larped as and it is really delicious watching the buttsalted faggots like you come out of the woodwork to criticize someone who is acting out your larp better than you could have ever.
People who get a laugh once a week from a comedian we enjoy FOR FREE are normal people. YOU sit around and spend your time watching a guy you (apparently) really dislike and making up stories about his marriage.
Ill repeat myself: there is nothing more gay on this earth than a man who spends his free time SPREADING GOSSIP about another mans marriage. You realize you are a literal woman right?
Sonoluminescence. Earth is within a "snow globe" submerged under water.
A complete fucking retard.
Yup. The duper's delight in people mocking another man's foibles is pretty obvious. Pretty gay. And petty.
that's an odd photo you have saved on your computer man. i hope you find a better use of your life
Stars are vibrations in the water layer above the atmosphere. Look it up
Why did you assume space would be small?
Holy shit, you Gaybears are fucking hardcore. I guess he doesn't need Amy anyways. You'd probably suck him off for reading your superchat. Enjoy your cult, my friend. Try not to take anyone else out when you kill yourself.
Stop being a cuck.
Damn, you got me bro. Are you a cub, or have you crossed the $5000 threshold and received gaybear status?
You're just very very very very tiny. :^)
Stars create perterbations in the aether that are only visible through the lens of the atmosphere.
He can't. Bears are fucking psychos. I've never seen anyone jump so quickly in defense of an e-celeb, but Owen's fans will lash out viciously if you mention him in a bad light. It's kind of sad, in a way.
Agreed, he’s probably a manlette and jealous of Owen’s hot Mexican wife. Idk what Owens talking about nowadays cause I haven’t followed him but he seemed like a good guy and the marriage seemed wholesome.
like i said, gave him ten dollars once. wish you a better life man.
Sam Hyde after he lost all that weight
oh look another bear thread promoting a half jew schizo. Also stop fucking calling yourselves bears it's really fucking gay.
Holes in the veil to heaven
Fireflies, dumbass. Everyone knows that.
Not even a bear, last stream I watched like 6 months ago, but damn are you salty
I've never seen this many obvious clowns instantly react to a minor e-celeb.
Yeah, good luck to you. Stop giving these people money.
What's gay about bears?
It’s watching mental illness in real time
>goes from fucking Christina Ricci and being in Adam Sandler films
>to ranting in a shack on his property in gig harbor Washington becuase his wife doesn’t want him in the house
>rants about the moon being a hologram, the earth might be flat, nuclear weapons aren’t real and uranium is as safe to eat as cereal
Owen is a narcissist retard
>He's like Sam Hyde but not funny.
It's literally a term that labels fat hairy gay men
It's a term used in the homosexual community for a really hairy fat homo.
>he's like sam hyde
yikes department.
Points of light in the firmament.
So, gay men get to say that the word "bear" is now gay?
Why do you tolerate that?
There's nothing gay about bears.
Drug (adderall to be precise) addiction is no joke.
stars are fake
>why is bear gay now
I think that battle for that word was lost a long time ago. But go on keep using it, people will just assume you're part of some weird gay scene. desu i'm torn if that's weirder than being associated with some weird half jews cult. Equally fucking retarded maybe.
you can't keep getting away with it
this is a troll...
he is trying you guys start to ask it to him in the chat and make him spiral. how can you guys be so dumb.
stars were real
stars are gone
See, that's the thing.
So long as one man continues fighting, the fight is not over.
There is nothing gay about bears.
There is nothing gay men and bears have in common.
The guy names the Jew and then says the Earth is flat, bombs aren't real etc.
Talk about pooping in the punch bowl.
Owen? Is that you?
I have also fucked his wife. He’s a total cuck
There wasn't, but there is now. Sorry champ.
It's impressive how retarded and insane he became in a short period of time
What some men can establish, other men can destroy.
There is nothing gay about bears.
There is nothing good about being a sodomite.
Ok man you can go about unironically calling yourself a bear and trying to wrestle it back from the ass bandits, good luck. The rest of us will just laugh. Even if it wasn't a gay faggot term it's still cringe btw.
Hi Owen's brother. It doesn't count because she was drunk and thought you were Owen.
Jesus Christ are you Nick Fuentes/Nightwave guys still butthurt from those previous assblastings?
Ok Owen, hugs from huezil sopa de macaco
Cringe boomer faggot.
Was that the episode where he cried? Poor BigBear
I've been a bear my entire life.
Let's assume for the moment that I'm a native indian, and my totem is a bear.
I'm now a gay man?
Who would tolerate that?
This is it
lmao cope more lil fag boy
He seems like an okay guy, I just don't find him that funny. Vox Day is more entertaining.
His humour is too normalfag, I think. Sam Hyde is still the official court jester of Jow Forums.
>i'm native indian and my totem is a bear
yes you are a gay man.
They can be far away without being as far away as we believe. I think a lot of it is closer than currently espoused, but the distances remain astronomical... as they say.
Also, who is this chucklefuck?
An actual answer to the question.