Serious Question

Why are most of you ok with racemixing with other races, but when its women from your own race wanting to racemix, it's all of a sudden forbidden fruit and Jewish conspiracy.

I'm not talking about just white men either, blacks, indians, asians, all seem to have this insecurity about their women racemixing.

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You really don't get the basics of tribalism?

Struggling with nature are ya bud?

Are you projecting again, user?

Woman are property

Stop argueing strawmen.
The male population here who are against racemixing are against all racemixing in their own nations.
Not in others.
You don't dilute your own gene pool, you invade and dilute the enemies.

That assertion doesn't apply to me at all. I am 100% against miscegenation in all of its abominable disgusting amoral subhuman dysgenic forms and instances. I strongly advocate instant death penalty for anyone at all even remotely suspected of indulging in, supporting, propagating, enabling or promoting racemixing in any and all instances of it. All racemixers and xenophiles must be entirely exterminated without fail.

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I'm not ok with it. I want someone who looks like me. I would love a red haired girl. They are all coal burning sluts it's fucking unbelievable

>3 rhetoric posters right off the bad

Struck a nerve I think.

That's good, that's how it should be. This whole thing with men going crazy over women of other races but then pissing their pants when their women want a different man is cringe and hypocrisy.

You've just conquered an african tribe, there are milkers everywhere, the men are mostly dead and you haven't seen a white women in months.
What do?

Go home and get a white woman

Why don't you try that again without LARPing in the 1600's.

this. when a man fucks a woman of another race, it is an act of conquering that brings both glory to his people, and shame to hers.

Correct answer.
Reminder that Africans have aids.

I was actually Larping in the not so distant future. Some time after the great reset. When history begins to repeat itself.

Harvest their Adrenochrome

Rape and pillage.
Losing your women to other tribes has historically labeled your tribe as cuck.

Kill all the females aswell obviously and then begin to prepare to repopulate the region with white people. That's what to do.

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Those redhair genes gets flushed away. God roasties should get the rope as well for setting an example that racemixing is the lowest a woman can go.

but race mixing white men often don't act tribalistic but marry these women and integrate them into their home community.
That's the definition of destroying your tribe. Going abroad and impregnating someone doesn't affect tribalistic interests. Mixing them into your tribe does.

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Beautiful couple. The only acceptable race mix, really.

Jews are whites, so not to worry, Jews will go extinct along with their white brothers, the Christians and atheists. But sadly, Jews will kvetch the whole way to their extinction. At least other whites are going down without bitching about it.

>trendy thing to do

No, it is the smart thing. Whites are going extinct. These white girls understand and accept this. Thatus why they are breedi g outside their race. They want their genes to live on in some way.

Their children will still come out messed up. I'm eagerly waiting for the hapa uprising.

because a woman can only have so many children during her fertile years which are pretty much up in mid 30's, because a woman who carries a baby of another man will always carry some of that dna for the rest of her life and pass trace amounts of it on to all her other children. men can father an enormous number of children so womb real estate is more vital to the fate of a people than sperm, that's also why males are treated as disposable and always expected to put themselves between women and danger. Basically a man fathering a child by a woman from another race is an act of conquest.