Why don’t socialist college students talk about how high staff salaries are?

Why don’t socialist college students talk about how high staff salaries are?

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They know not to fight the hand that gibs (ironic)

I'm pretty sure capitalism did this.

UT is a public university.

Because leftards are like this. They know they're full of shit. They probably give some trivial excuse like, "Ohh uhh they deserve it."


True, and when right-wing death squads are lining progressives up against the wall that will also be a form of capitalism

They do actually. Staff, especially the president's salary was a hotly contested issue at my school

That's pretty cheap for some useless fuck. Ameriburgers have parsasites costing billions per week.

Tenure and public subsidies

hypocracy runs deep with socialists

I'm pretty for sure capitalism would supply us with an actual free market in education and education INDUSTRY. Not a government backed, controlled and propped up EDUCATION SYSTEM.

Stop blaming capitalism for socialism's parasitic failures. The government owns the education system, the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION makes these decisions, not the free market.

good to see that student loan money going to someone who deserves it

That pays no taxes? Isn't that correct?

That's where a lot of their parents work.

how many student loans does it take to pay him

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Brainwashed amerimutt. You can have completely free education payed for by the taxpayers to benefit every citizen. You just choose not to. Your leaders need you as debt slaves.



>Paid for

Achmed these are two different things. Does German education not teach the difference between "free" and you're actually paying for it? Socialist brainwashing.

Payed for by the taxpayer to benefit every citizen that wants it you subhuman gas chamber candidate.

$75,000 is nothing, especially in a city like Austin. Cops make more then that.

>if i captilize RANDOM words in my sentence, that would make it more important and mean i don't have to dig deeper into what i said
why do boomers always do this?

Lol poorfag tsips, Thanks and Gig 'Em

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>Muh rage at anyone making a high amount of money