What the fuck is wrong with you?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
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Didnt realize bongs were dog eaters but now they disgust me even more
It's not native British people.
I feel like Britain is having its dignity circumcised on the world stage for all to see but rather than the audience helping stop this insanity we either laugh, play on our phones, cheer and clap, or get in line to be next.
If somebody would eat my cat I would burn them alive.
There is literally nothing wrong with eating dogs and cats.
Cats are vermin and are closer to rats than pets. What the fuck is wrong with you keeping that thing in your house?
Meat is meat burgertard
That's how they are gonna take the burgers from us. It offends some fucker somewhere when you eat cows and we will have to cut it out because of it.
Blame India
Cats are fucking fantastic if you haven't eaten one you haven't lived.
Why? They both taste like chicken. Woof, Meow.
If I ever see someone kill and eat a dog or cat Ill kill and eat them
lots of gooks itt
the white man has never eaten his allies.
except that when people move to NA, they are eating burgers and drinking cheap beer within weeks. American culture is too strong to defeat.
>intelligent and sentient lives are now less important than feelings
Meat is meat
You fat-asses already crossed that line when you started eating pigs. Even after hundreds of years as farm animals, they are still somehow smarter than dogs. Yet, do any of you give a shit? No.
millions of years on the planet surviving everything thrown at them, and now we should defer our culture of caring about them to appease some fucking gooks? nah, If i see one of you fucks chasing down a dog or cat ama fuck you up and throw you in the sea,
>can't have laws because it might offend niggers and chinks
UK is so pitiful it can't even be considered a joke. UK is the Doonsbury of humor.
>still doesnt know a pig is classed as a monster, A human/ animal hybrid.
>government tells him what he is allowed and not allowed to eat
next will be beef and you will be left with bugs
kike anglos deserve their living rot
We are beyond all redemption
exactly, so get on my plate
>Breaking: Britain overrun with rats
Guess bubonic bongs will eat rats too cuz diversity
dogs and cats taste like shit, that's why the only people in the entire world who eat them are a small subset of asians. most asians won't even touch that stuff because it's so awful.
Cats taste much better if you raise them on a diet of peppermints.
Angry mud nigger confirmed
Mutt flag checks out
I asked my pets their opinions on this. Nugget said Rowf, Rowf. And Fluffy said, Mew, Meow, purred.
Brits are colossal cucks.
Cats are anti-vermin, you're confused. That's why we domesticated them.
Im a rapist and laws that prohibit rape would offend me
In the meantime, china has banned dog eating since 2007.
Who cares Europe isnt white or Christian anymore. They chose the path of degeneracy and now they are brown and muslim
Cats and dogs can be delicious if done right
Fucking cunts
This shit has been getting cooked as fast food fior decades along with other such delicacies as pigeon and rat, fuck knows why he has waited until now to be get upset about it. Must be a slow news week
This tbqh
>Cats are anti-vermin, you're confused. That's why we domesticated them.
We didn't domesticate cats, toxoplasma gondii domesticated us.
I might have to take a vacation...
Given to choice of ground up cows ears, eyelids, lips and hooves ground up into a burger or a nice clean McCat fillet burger id deffo go for the McCat fillet.
>ItS oNlY bAD tO eAt ThIs AnImaL noT TheSe Ones
fucking hypocritical faggots
if you're not vegan you have no right to complain about other people eating meat
go fuck yourselves
What's wrong with that rainy shitty island ?
Are we going to war ? I hope so cos tt could save me from doing a stretch at HM pleasure.,
I might dine on a mutt too if I was subjected to English cuisine
Yeah, with meat scarcity on the horizon and the need to eat less beef to save the planet, I'd raid the SPCA for dog and cat meat, before I'd stomach crickets and onions meat.
>onions meat
what the hell are you talking about
id do much much worse than that if anyone ever hurt my family
I'd eat dogs and cats before crickets and onions 'meat' for protein. Sorry, accidentally swiped my Android keyboard.
>implying you aren't dining on dog in more than one way
what a wordfilter
If anyone is gonna eat my cat it's gonna be me.