why are right-wingers triggered by this?
Why are right-wingers triggered by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Thot training camps
Truly the greatest timeline
Why would right wingers care about russian whores performing an ape mating ritual?
Because its white women enjoying black culture. White women are flocking to black men in record numbers and its killing white men inside.
Because they are sexually frustrated
Not "triggered"
Just disappointed.
You need to understand that this a highly provocative gesture and its being taught to little girls as young as 6. When your daughter comes home pregnant with Jamal's baby, only then will you understand.
>Russian women
Not even once. Fucking sociopathic lunatics is all they are.
>black culture
good joke, memeflag
>black culture
Ah yes, the majestic "black culture" of shaking your ass cheeks to some nigger mumbling over a speaker high on drugs.
Funny you posted that, the girl in that pic would unironically be giving that reaction to people talking about how bad OP's pic is.
Your query says more about The Left than it does "right-wingers" (or the wide swath of Independents in the middle). Your celebration of degeneracy keeps pushing normal people further right.
god im so glad i trained my children to avoid nigger tier shit
Bad bait
Remember to pay the black man on your way out cumskins, wouldn't wanna get beat now would we
Dude. I'm a leftie and even I recognise this as being total degenerate trash.
>implying this is black culture
Ghetto culture isn't black culture
White males are weak. They get upset seeing white girls getting themselves ready for the next wave of brown migration.
>black culture
Why are you promoting this?
shut up white boy
Because the most technologically sophisticated societies to have ever existed are embracing cultural products of boggling low artistic sophistication. The technical term for dances like twerking is literally "primitive" because of the astonishingly simple techniques. Actual peoples that bring to mind the word primitive, such as the Koi of Africa, the Papua of New Guinea, or the uncontacted Amazonian tribes engage in dances that are far more sophisticated. It's the artistic equivalent of going from realistic paintings to chalk outlines of hands on a cave wall.
Plus we're all mad about turbosluts on birth control. The technophobic Amish are going to outnumber American technolords by the 23rd Century because technolord women can't fathom what do with our borderline magic technology except exhibiting how they shake their butts and drink alcohol. It's the female equivalent of suicide.
Come home white man.
>implying these girls are white
Good try nigga please
Are we making this a wh*Te hate thread?
White women devoting themselves to blacks is their subconscious acceotance that the white race is dead.
These white women are still affected by their biological imperatives though, and still desire to leave offspring behind in the evolutionary sense, even though they know whites are essentially a dead race.
Russians really are white niggers
come on, user, you know.
I'm upset that only a couple of them are doing it properly.
I dont give a fuck about russians tho
Who is eating sardines?
do you get paid more for those, JDF?
This is a shill thread.
whine about white people being barbaric while africans do this to their own people
lynching is way more humane than being stoned to death
imagine the stench
>emember to pay the black man on your way out
all of those sweaty gym pussies wafting that fragrant cunt aroma around the room
I lauffed at this that's really bad
Imagine the smell
>previous era LARP
How does it feel knowing you can only feel good about the past? While we dominate and live in the current. That's gotta hurt.
Too bad i dont have the video saved of my buddy beating a niggers ass and then of me beating his cuck witeboi friends ass
Imagine the smell
>some white dude got so upset over BBC that he sat down at his desktop to make that collage
Weimar intensifies
>black culture
People are strange. I bet it stinks to hell in that room. Like shit and rancid vinegar.
>shit that definitely happened
not an argument
keep seething
Go for it, Chaim! It may be one of the last few you get in for a long time!
(((sexual liberation))) == goyim control
I'm only triggered by the fact I was present.
You are the cancer killing this board.
Kill yourself.
>k-keep fucking with us, we're gonna snap
>black culture
>black culture
>how does it feel knowing your entire race has had nothing of value to add to the entire history of the human race
Why do women get mad when they are objectified when they go out of their way to train to become objects?
You're a cancer to your family and your race.
This is a shill thread.
Fuck I kept watching this wishing he would just die after the thing probably punctured his brain. Reminds me of 2 guys 1 hammer. Fuck surviving this shit man
locking up people for petty shit is bad for society because it increases the prison population(which burdens society)
i hate that guy btw. he thinks catholicism is the solution to society's problems lol
So why do your women prefer us? That's pretty fuckin incredible that the shackles only came off not even a hundred years ago and we are already breeding aryans en masse. One word: superior.
they only get mad if they are objectified by ugly low status males
A slide thread
this is.
I'm right wing and I literally don't even know what this is? Care to explain, OP?
Only because our politics allow you to. Were we to change our minds about you, you would be put right back where ever we felt like putting you. Just like we did to you before.
This board is a fucking joke.
And then, for no reason at all...
Do not reply to slide threads
just like your country
Shit wouldn't happen. Black men are biologically superior.
I hate niggers
its a shit test and they know modern men will do anything just to get a whif of their sweaty vaginas
Locking people up for petty shit has been shown to reduce crime across the board
Almost like petty criminals are severe criminals that havent had the chance too be severe yet.
Also if you cant avoid getting locked up you deserve it. Dont act like a nigger and you wont get treated like one
i learned of it via this
a room full of skinny white women and only three k ow how to shake their ass
>some nigger got so upset over white dick that he sat down at his desktop to make that collage
keep telling yourself you're going to be safe, Chaim.
It has been since the election, this place is pretty much /b/ with politics on the side now.
Everything memeflags post is meant to trigger an emotional response
your mind is being fucked with
post redpills.
>This board is a fucking joke.
It's a battleground.
post redpills.
How did biological superiority allow you to become enslaved then? Lack of intellect.
i thought that was tom green
he'll be ok right
Is that Tony Stark?
Pop off then, cumskin.
kikes have to larp as niggers on here because they know in reality theyre pathetic weaklings and they dont have the physical strength to knock out anybody.
you are not going to prevent people from jerking off.
societies that have banned porn turn out to be more degenerate than societies that don't have porn banned. south korea is probably the only exception but they have kpop fancams that dudes can wank to.