How can Iran be so retarded?
>be literal third world shithole
>fuck with one of the most powerful countries in the world and welcome war
Jfl do they actually think they can win or is (((something else))) happening here?
How can Iran be so retarded?
>be literal third world shithole
>fuck with one of the most powerful countries in the world and welcome war
Jfl do they actually think they can win or is (((something else))) happening here?
Goddamn I hate snakes
hehe that looks like a woman's pp
Things are heating up for sure.
They don't actually think the U.S. will fight back. And they are right.
Not sure you can attack 50 different nations and then play the victim OP and expect anyone to believe Iran is the aggressor. We've heard that story many times and it only works for so long.
>be literal third world shithole
they don't have to win.
they just have to make it cost so much that it's not worth fighting
Yeah why is Iran being so aggressive?
Literal retards
You forgot to append "but nothing ever happens" to "Things are heating up for sure."
There will likely be no major happening, maybe a little skirmish but that's as heated as it gets.
Iran didn't do it. It's obv a mossad setup like every other war-inducing action in the last 115 years.
Something else happening here
>t.iranian shill
>"3rd world shithole"
Iran might be a bunch of Shia towelheads but no way they are suicidal enough to risk all out wars. Trump knows this as does the Ayatollah. US and Israel will bomb the shit out of their heads.
>survived Alexander the Great
>survived Arabs
>survived Genghis motherfucking Khan
>survived Ottomans
>survived Russians/Soviets
>survived Brits
They will survive America and the Jews too. Cry and cope harder. There is nothing you can do. The Persian people are eternal.
They survived in the sense that native Americans survived the Europeans -- ((After)) getting fucked.
They only have military to stall till negotiations.
>unironically comparing native americans to persians
US and Israel have the bombs, International support, UN, EU in their pockets.
In my opinion, native Americans were in a much better pos.
What are u a secret Shia bitch??? Go fuck a Saudi sheik then.
don't dash my hopes user
I'll take "How do (((they))) install a Central Bank?" for $100 please Steve.
let's be honest hellenism and that sweet greek DNA sure did help them
If the US went to war with Iran, everyone would find out our country is a walking corpse. It is technically possible for our military to level Iran, but we can't.
looks like a vagina and butthole haha
Why are there so many Jews on this website!?
Iran is gonna get Iraq'd
>What you mean we found no evidence of missiles being fired after we invaded Iran?
One more israeli plot succesfull
The United States has 780 neutron bombs in its enduring nuclear stockpile. I suggest we use them all on Iran.
Who cares as long as muslims die?
They will just wear the USA down to a nub then Tehran will get nuked and missiles will start flying every which way.
Iran predates the influence of Hellenism and Greek admixture. Wasn't that faggot Alexander a massive persoboo?
The whole Iran thing is a fucking con-job. Some bought off, Rothschild plants in Iran are going to start a war with some bought off, Rothschild plants in Israel and the USA. All normal people in both countries will die or suffer, and lose a shit load of wealth, and the Synagogue of Satan gets a fuck load more money as usual.
The US retired its W70 in the 90s. You don't have anymore jewtron bombs.
Iran is so far from being
>third world
however they are very mean and nasty
also Zoroastrianism is an old religion
>How can Iran be so retarded?
Honestly, it's not all that different from Poland in 1939. This is the problem with military juntas whether formal (Poland) or de facto (Iran). Both countries' last war was a kind of victory against a power that should have beat them. Both haven't fought a war in 20 years. Both have/had domestic problems that could theoretically be done away with by a wave of nationalism brought on by a successful war. Under those conditions, the rulers start to believe they can win against great odds again and begin looking for reasons to doubt the strength of their obviously much stronger adversaries. Iran is also using the Polish technique of doing everything in their power to provoke a war without having to be the one who formally declares war.
He did marry a Persian bitch and had a son with her.
nothing is going to happen. Iran wants to disrupt oil supply just enough to to cause pain in europe, japan, singapore, china, so that they'll push the US to drop sanctions to reduce prices.
this would have worked with Bush, Obomber, Hillary, and Biden. Trump doesn't give a fuck about those countries or our relationship with them, and doesn't give a fuck about Iran and knows that invading is the most pointless endeavor of the modern era without a declaration of war to unleash the full fury of the Armed services.
Uh huh.
Greatest western hero was a massive cuck for BVLL persian culture. Lol.
I've made up my mind on this potential war with Iran. Even if it disrupts the oil supply, we shouldn't bomb or invade Iran. The Europeans and Indians can handle the situation. We will be too busy dealing with these ZOGite traitors, preferably starting with Ilhan.
>dat vagine
Shame no doctor used that in reassignment surgery yet.
It would be *swallowing* dicks whole then.
He certainly cares a lot about Iran given that his Jew masters in Tel Aviv demand it from him.
Fucking kike would then go around jerking off to Persian girls in wraps then.
Remember that Iran is not small in area
1) Iran is literally on the exact opposite side of the world from the USA, you could not get a more distant war if you tried
2) Iran has a close border to Russia and China vis-a-vis Central Asia, it's absolutely impossible to cut off supply lines of weapons
3) Iran is fucking huge, the size of Alaska, with the population of iGermany
4) Iran's territory is mountainous. Notice how the US had it easy in Iraq with all that flat desert, but in Afghanistan the war never ends? It's the mountains, you can't deploy tanks or Armored vehicles on small mountain roads
5) Iran is actually not so backward as you believe. They very good scientists capable of building a nuclear bomb.
6) Iran has more missiles than you have ants in your yard. Their stockpile is so enormous, they can fire a hundred missiles a day and never run out. The US naval presence nearby would be doomed.
7) Iran has world-class air defense, the US would not have free reign over the skies
8) Yes, in a 1vs1 battle Iran has no chance. But the US is managing conflicts all over the world, stretched extremely thin. From the political struggles in Ukraine, to Chinese aggression against Taiwan, to North Korea, the US is managing all of this at the same time.
All Iran has to do is knock enough planes out of sky for the americans to lose support for war. I look forward to seeing if those s300 actually work
>How can Iran be so retarded?>be literal third world shithole>fuck with one of the most powerful countries in the world and welcome warJfl do they actually think they can win or is (((something else))) happening here?
keep up. Kerry and Obama have been working closely with Iran leadership trumps entire term. trump, being Hillary and comey's bitch, hasn't done shit.
He probably does.
because they know the US military is filled with beaners, niggers, faggots and trannys, and they wont have the will to fight on Iranian soil
Cat shaped paradise >>>>> icy eskimo shithole
>cat shaped
damn that's pretty tight
Iran is making boneheaded moves. They know that israel its itching for the war. The US seems to be restraining themselves yet Iran seems to be doing everything they can to help Israel b8 the US into a war. That is pretty much nigger tier strategy. Iran is essentially incapable of resisting the urge to buck-up. They are like a nigger trying to keep it real at the worst time possible. Contrary to what people think, Iran would be somewhat easier to deal with than is suspected. They are a government not a terrorist org hiding in the mountains. They can be destabilized and targeted easily. Also I am not dismissing Iran- they are in all honesty a moderate military power at best. It could be a little costly to fight them, sure. I feel I am being fair to them though. Iran however, is not being very fair in their estimation of the united states. The US is by a few magnitudes, the most powerful military in the world and if something *did* happen, the most likely scenario is that they would be severely decimated. That's not flag waving, that's just telling the truth. I fear Iran has been drinking the proud warrior kool aid and are about to end up like a conjuror who has heedlessly stepped outside their circle after conjuring the most powerful devil possible. They are borderline deranged and have become so obsessed with their struggle that they dont realized who they are playing with. Playing a game of chicken is dangerous because you never know what Israel will try to pin on you. If you purposefully jack up the tension because you dont believe USA will attack, you are still making it exponentially easier for Israel etc. to frame you.
Drones flew 500-600 kilometers from Iraq?
Through Kuwaiti airspace?
Israeli elections are Sept 17. The attack will help which side?
Cut in oil supply hurts China much more than USA.
Neo-cons are happy. Who needs Bolton?
America couldn't beat Vietnam. America got bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Tehran has more people in it than New York. Let that sink in. How the fuck do you think you will do anything to them?
Pure air campaign? They will shoot down plenty of your planes. And it won't change the regime.
You don't have the resources to invade them.
This is borderline fantasy. Look at what a single salvo of drones and cruise missiles did to Saudi oil production and global prices. Now imagine that all across the gulf. US aircraft carriers regularly pull back to the Indian ocean during increased tensions. American military strategy for Iran depends on 100/100 factors going in their favour, which is statistically impossible to guarantee without tipping off Iran.
>>fuck with one of the most powerful countries in the world and welcome war
>saudi arabia
A snake's mouth is indistinguishable from a vagina.
I have to ask.
What did God mean by this?
>How can Iran be so retarded?
it's a false flag op
their leadership is literally crazy muslims who think the next great war and confrontation with israel will bring forward theier messiah and allah will come down to give them heaven
you cant expect those "people" to be logical. they are muslims. they are literally trying to start a nuclear war for religious purposes
82 million versus the 30-odd million in Iraq. The country is much larger, the terrain is different - mountainous and subtropical vs desert plains, their GDP is multiple times Iraq’s despite the sanctions... It would be worse than fighting Iraq and Afghanistan put together
Why you dumb anglosaxon cuntfucks always fall for government lies and stated false flags and start wars? All last wars were started by your regimes
just a bit of banter
and this matters to israel how exactly? it's not like it's going to be jewish blood that is going to be spilled.
What does this even mean - was the USA attacked? Or have the Saudis just told Trump it's time for the USA to attack Iran on their behalf?
>Israel have International support,
and yet US doesn't respond
you can be the most powerful military in the world but if you have to invade and control on the opposite side of the globe then you're at a huge disadvantage
Trump has to make a deal or he will have a huge disadvantage trying to explain all of his failed political promises of making a deal with NK, Iran, wall, etc and Iran is not going to buckle because they know Trump's time is running out
If US starts a war in Trump's presidency you can say goodbye to Trump's chance of winning with the amount of debt the US is already in
See when you're behind you have a lot less to lose in an even confrontation
Iran is the one playing 3d chess
5k Chinese troops are already in Iran. They are getting their own nukes, and the world economy is about to collapse if there is any other disruption in the oil supply lines.They are pretty safe. Americans don't want that war and can't afford it anyway.
it's because they had no choice. the sanctions on Iran have been destroying their economy and that combined with record low oil prices for quite some time now were making it even worse. thus Iran really had no choice but to try and cause an event that would cause a sustained increase in oil prices. basically they need to get more for their oil but they also needed to impact supply and increase demand making it more attractive for 3rd party nations like China to risk ignoring the sanctions or trying to get around them and buy Iranian oil. while Iran does have a pretty powerful military that are 6-12 months off from major domestic problems because the sanctions are crippling their economy and have been for the past few years. this is why they ramped up their proxy war organizations so much the past few months.
Trump has put out a tweet authorizing not just release of the strategic oil reserves, but to expedite the permit process for pipelines in Texas and various other states.
In other words, Iran has helped break the political blockade that has held back pipeline construction in the US.
>oil price increases
>barely profitable shale will now bring in big money again
Seems these guys have forgotten that OPEC isn't a powerhouse anymore.
everything is a vagina if you're brave enough
took me a while to realize this was satire
This, but the normal folk in Iran will be fine, I’m pretty sure there will have been white hats on the ground preparing the population for regime change
>2nd post best post
>be retired 5 star general and nato boss
>Become a whisteblower and inform the public that the permanent government wants to invade a lot of countries, like the Nazis did
Americans stay ignorant
Iran isn't retarded, it's a false flag. Again and again. You never learn, thats why they do it.
America was trying to conduct regime changes in those wars or they were fighting truly asymmetrical threats. And they DID topple saddam in Iraq by the way. If the US just wanted to demolish iran and not build a country- they could do it easily. The US's biggest weakness is being hamstrung by their faggot media, but Iran couldnt resist their urge to go full snackbar against an american target- in which case the red tape would be cut and the US would feel justified in accepting collateral damage. Even if they dont go full snackbar the Israelis will false flag them or the Iranian proxies would do it. Once this happens, their infrastructure, hard military installations, and ports would be obliterated from the air. I'm not trying to underestimate Iran- they are a moderate military power, but the US also wont be playing a clean game. They will be pushing coups and rebel groups. As soon as things get shitty there is a real risk of the govt being toppled. Iran is a centralized identifiable government, not a group of rebels living in the mountains. Iran are not pushovers but they are hopelessly outmatched. Also I there is a more serious chance in such a scenario that Israel and the Saudis actually get involved in a real way. Leave Israel and the Saudos to clean up the mess- let them take the brunt of Iran's ground threats. American involvement, if restrained to demolition duty, could be pretty effective and lower cost than is expected imo.
Because they know no us president other than Regan has the stones to go to war with them
Don't you mean Israelies?
>spend 20 years watching the american military fail to achieve any of its goals in your two neighboring countries,
>are richer strong and larger than both combined.
>spend 20 years preparing for inevitable war.
americans have no idea what they are fucking with.
Iran doesn't need to import many goods to sustain though, they don't even need to export oil to sustain, they can use their current production of oil to feed their local factories
they have been sanctioned for 40 years now and their whole economy is built as a resistance economy to survive during maximum pressure
that's why trump's policy of maximum pressure was shortsighted and misinformed - there is no solution to buckling iran except for military confrontation which they have effectively ruled out with so much at stake to lose (israel, middle east oil, afghanistan, syria)
so all the administration can do is posture and hold frame or release the pressure and make a bad deal
Also Alexander was based, I say this as a Persian
o fug the serpent was bagina
wrong Iran needs to export it's oil and it needs the funds for import. again Iran's economy is absolutely fucked and if they don't do something they're be street wide revolution in 6-12 months when they can't fully feed their populace and people can't eat oil. their leaders know this, our leaders know this. desperate people do desperate things but their luck is running out
The global condemnation on a full blown war with Iran would be incredible. No US president is going to go balls deep.
Even if the US did go balls deep you're talking about a huge country with difficult terrain in places and huge urban centres.
There is no winning it.
Could always just carpet bomb all their major population centers and production facilities on rotation so nothing can really be produced. Yea they will survive but poor as shit and at what cost? The better idea however would be to just ignore that part of the world altogether and let them slaughter each other.
>we can just wage war on them and they will never retaliate.
There is a 99% chance that iran is obliterated by the US in my opinion- of something happened. I'm not dismissing Iran, or underestimating them- it is the opposite- Iran is underestimating the US the way I see it. It's actually dangerous of a group not to have a healthy respect for their opponents capability. I respect Iran's capability- it is noted- and despite that, I still dont think they have a chance in hell.
You can try to get into the politics of it all you want, but the danger in what Iran is doing is that they are setting themselves up to be framed by Israel. Playing chicken because you dont think trump will do anything is dangerous- Israel could easily force his hand with a meaningful false flag, let's say on an american target. Building the tension just makes it exponentially easier. It is a very dangerous strategy. Also if the US doesnt do anything, you will at best have simply destabilized the oil industry in the ME and given the US the chance to sweep up their market share with all the volatility Iran is creating. This isnt the 80s- there are other competitors in the oil market now. The US in particular.
Please tell me what part of the united states they would be able to threaten?
when the pentagon wargames war with iran, iran has always won until they changed the rules were iran is not allowed to attack us naval assets.