Why is this drug illegal pol? Why do they want to prevent our awakening?

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oy vey, betta come up with anudda yiddish label to give people to further conquer and control

Cant tax it right just yet.
How much for one gram?

You answered you first question with the second. The answer to the second is power. Power has a tendency to be jealously guarded by those who have If more had it. And if the goal is to keep us in the material realm and materially minded, what better way than to ban a looking glass.

Fuck off you scheming scaly dick curly headed demonic fucking kike. You know exactly why this shit is banned.

Any McKennan larping faggots who want to try DMT, when you break through ask those “entities” who Jesus Christ is. Tell me what they say.

DMT can vault your consciousnesses thru the quantum firmament to experience the other side, ergo they don't want you fucking with it because the forces of evil are actively working to control both the holographic universe and the Absolute universe (the afterlife)

>Any McKennan larping faggots who want to try DMT,
He was full of shit anyways. If someone talks about seeing DMT elves disregard whatever they say.

pack a bowl of changa noon

DMT elves are a meme by gullible idiots that create a self fulfilling prophecy
Praise Christ

Is this it?

> lay around and do drugs all day goy, you don't need to have a functional brain

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>prevent our awakening
*prevent our enslavement to demons

>using drugs
>not extrapolating the information provided by the people who took the drugs so you don't have to
remember rabbi, when we figure it out, you're not coming with.

>Why is this drug illegal pol?
because it was associated with hippies.
It was a capital-media-governmental immune response against a perceived threat to stability
It has very little to do with the drug, no one who wrote that legislation had any intention to "close your third eye" or whatever, it's just the effect of the cybernetic interplay of institutions trying to keep themselves alive.

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Alright Shekelberg, I will show you further good faith. I watched it.
I don't agree with everything he says, but he is right about the power structure's desire, he's right about it diminishing faith and venerating of worldly powers. He's right it's a reconnection to spirit, but more dangerously it open humanity open to the ability to manipulate the world around them in a non-physical manner. This is the greatest hidden truth that is trying to be concealed. Also a concealment of the greater dangers humanity faces.
All that being said, I really don't recommend people take DMT. You take it if you need to, if you're meant to, you do not take that shit for recreation.

if you were a kike would you really want the goyim to be creative? no

How does one know if he needs to take it, if he is meant for it?

Jew law

You've never tried DMT user

funny you should ask israel
i for one was explicitly told by a red/green/blue orb that circumcised men (pertaining to jews)must and will be eradicated whilst i was flying through the fabric of the cosmos at incalculable speeds like i could taste it

You're in tune with your gut feelings right? That's how. The more you learn to interpret those feelings and focus on them, the more quiet insights you can gain.
Part of me wishes I had not.


its not, its in every plant almost and easy to make your self. you are just dumb.

>Part of me wishes I had not.

Material experiences are simple, quiet whispers in comparison to what you will experience there. One really doesn't have any idea just how extreme the feelings, sights, and sounds are until then. It's not a pleasant experience and requires willpower that I think most common people lack. Core Jow Forumsacks may fit the bill for being able to handle it, but again I do not recommend it.

I have.
Pretty fun, the table top turned into some super colorful city skyline. It's hard to remember details though. No psychedelics actually "open your mind to new truths." That's just faggots either drinking the koolaid or buying in to the psychedelic delusions. Really shouldn't be illegal though, honestly less harmful than alcohol or tobacco.
>INB4 degenerate druggy
The government shouldn't be able to tell a free man what he can and cannot consume you bootlickers.

What did you see/experience/hear/feel? Is it possible to explain it using words?

What do they say when you ask that question?


You'll get over it

People don't really sell it, it's more the kind of thing that's given. I rememeber one of the first things I thought after my first DMT trip was that I wanted to save the rest and give it to someone else.

I take a look at all the people in society with allegedly functioning brains and realize it's just not for me.

Probably puts you under some kind of Semitic Spell

>Is it possible to explain it using words?
Not really

Let’s just say they get pissed.

I am going to ask them if traps are gay, or at least if passable traps are gay, so we can settle that debate for once

The opposite of that, maybe.

Because it lets' you talk to extradimensional beings.

Also because Jews being Jews.

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Drugs don't awaken you, they just trick you into thinking you've been awakened. Quiet meditation is what you need.

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>What did you see/experience/hear/feel?
I'm not making this a blog post user, so here is a one event that stands out.
Somewhere in my journey I happened upon an orb. Some source maybe, not sure. It was reflective like a mirror. Reaching out to it rapidly began connecting me with everything. People, places, everything until it felt like the weight of reality sat on my mind for my willpower to hold it up. I got out of that event and only after pulling out got the vague seemingly external message of "That is infinite, don't touch that."
> Is it possible to explain it using words?
Yes, but only partially. Metaphors help a lot. It certainly cannot explain the feelings.

You can make it at home, so I doubt there would be much market.

i got 2g for 32$ on empire market.
50x105ug acid goes for like 90$, drugs are cheap nowadays.

>DMT can vault your consciousnesses thru the quantum firmament to experience the other side
This is true but you can do the same thing & go even further by studying schools of mysticism & practicing meditation.
Drugs are essentially cheating. You have to put the hard work in to achieve a genuine transcendental experience. Years of dedication and adherence to your chosen method will bear a far finer fruit that the "shortcuts" like LSD, mushroom, DMT etc.
To clarify though, I don't think they should be banned/illegal but neither do I hold much credence in them and their worth as they let the unworthy & profane experience what they have not earned and pearls are cast before swine.
For an example, astral projection beats any drug induced hallucinogenic experience because it is not achieved by an ingested chemical but rather one's own discipline (or latent talent - some have that - sleep paralysis is a sign of latent talent for AP but you have to overcome the fear it holds) and once you successfully AP you KNOW there is more to this life than the mundane meatspace we inhabit.
Just my take.

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It's not an awakening. It drives you further ino the dream. The awakening is for those wo know how to use the dream, and how their enemies do, to their advantage.

Get into detail please

...go on.

Nomans Tek

>It's not an awakening. It drives you further ino the dream.
This desu. Hallucinogenics lead to little more than pointless, introspective navel gazing in most cases.

DMT is trash. Shrooms or Salvia for the real patrician trip. Or both, if you don't mind fractal hallucination on six different planes of existence simultaneously.

You of all people should know

You don't want to be awakened along two axes.

>chemicals your brain produces are illegal
only in clown world

Basically this, as long as you're not a retard you can do it

Where do you get MHRB?

In the US it's legal to buy. It's primarily used for dyes.

Apparently it's legal to import to Israel as well, but I've seen an article about a guy being arrested for holding 2 kilos of root bark, even though that's not supposed to be illegal, only the pure DMT

They probably had a case against him for using it for human consumption. The laws are clear that it can be used for all purposes but that one.

Dude weed lmao


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havin a good ol conversation with our ol' jewish pal Israel I see

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Yep, and about drugs the fucking guy hasn't taken himself.

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Is it risky if I get it and all I am is an incompetent retard, with a lot of internet history about extracting the DMT, with no proof that I am supposed to use it for another purpose?

My recommendation is to not do it at all. Your lack of conviction speaks volumes.

Greatest ally, kek
Unless you have a decent record against you, you're okay. They won't break down your door for being on r/drugs.

Serious question.
Do you want this for genuine spiritual reasons or do you just want to do it so you can see ebin trippy shit?
If the former. ou'd probably be better off studying kaballah and kicking off from there into western & eastern esotericism. Like I say, you wont get much out of it if you are resorting to the use of drugs to break through. The other ways are harder & take time but their outcome is far superior and dont (as a rule) end up frying your brain.
I'v met some acid casualties in my time chaim and it is not pretty. Some folk just don't come back from a bad trip. They are never the same again.
If you want genuine spiritual knowledge you have to be willing to put the slog & groundwork in.

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I would honestly like to do this. I would love to try DMT and ask (worst case) demons about Jesus.

I heard it's supposed to be therapeutic, that it can treat depression/anxiety

Lol at the idea of a bad acid trip. What a faggot you’d have to be to freak out from the gentlest and most fun of hallucinogens

They would likely laugh at you.
>Take this chemical, become one with all.
Do it, don't do it. Be mindful that there are chemicals that will make you fall asleep. Chemicals that will numb the pain, and chemicals that will change your perspective on things.

But if something is even allowed to get into your hands, it must not be that important. Or it's a part of the control scheme.

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If you’re a real man, you’re more likely to convince yourself to get rid of a character flaw than have a bad trip

How do you fix astral blindness? The first time I had an out of body experience, as a result of months of trying and meditation, I got out. It was decidedly different from DMT though.
There was still a sense of I, I had greater control of my movement, and could still interact, in a way, with material things. Could feel their outlines and all their being in the same way I felt my outline, but when I tried to open my eyes I ended up opening my real ones.

It's going to teach you to be more mindful and present. It's going to take this concept and force you to feel it.
Quit being a bitch, and start meditating for cheaper and safer results.

I did acid and went to the gym while I was coming up and then went home and fucked my girlfriend. It owned so much

Reading your posts, you are the most fake sounding nigger in this thread.

I want to try DMT for the unique experience that people say it offers.

But he had sex?
Aren't we all supposed to be impressed by his ability?

As we all know, no one has ever had fun doing drugs.

Well, I mean he did say it.

Redpill me on how different DMT is from taking DXM. I've already expanded my mind to ideas I can't normally comprehend and visited other planes of existence.

I don't know how DMT could do more for me.

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Stfu up a Schlong nose, all traps, trannies, whatever you call them are gay as fuck. Kys

You’re ascribing physical omnipotence to the powers that be - they don’t control all existence and in many cases can just be plain ignored. It’s not sorcery if there’s not a supernatural component to it whatsoever. I’m interested in experiencing it to see if there’s anything to it.

why are you taking my shitpost seriously

DMT is boring.
Meditation is better.

Your 'ideas' are wrong.
You will see whatever it is you wish to see. You will understand whatever it is you understand.
The only truth is 'Nothing'.
Nada, zero, zip. Not a fucking thing.
Because what else would the truth be but nothing?
Humans first mistake was opening their mouths to add commentary to perfection.

Not even a Christian but this is exactly why I wont touch it

Have you taken things like DXT and DXM or are you just speaking out of your ass about experiences you have no idea about?

You assume a chemically induced experience is enough to show you the absolute truth of this universe.

Thank me later goys





yeah i had a lab in colledge. but depending on how you extract it it can be a little basic burny or mildly explosivey from the fumes. mix it with nitrous acid and mushrooms and e. now thats a party lol

Why are you taking my reply seriously?

>t. I’m a transvestite myself

Those fuckers who go spelunking through caves where they have to inhale to squeeze through a tight space are crazy.

I've heard DMT can help you with depression/anxiety/addiction, how true are those claims?

It can cure literally anything (even autism) user.

I don't know but let me be the first to call you a kike due to your flag. I bet you have tons of mental problems.

Imagine how dumb you'd have to be to believe that making your brain malfunction is a experience in self actualization.

Because you can't handle the truth, especially you Jew.

No - I’m saying right there that I’m interested in testing if there is a supernatural component to it at all and then what it’s properties are. I don’t actually think there is - I would be happy to be proven wrong though.

DXM is a dissociative, though you're experincing a 'trip' it is nothing like the trip on DMT or any psychadelic. If you're really interested in the subject I believe there's several books about spiritual use of Ketamine, a dissociative like DXM, which has a similar sort of peak involving a near blackout (K-hole on ketamine, 4th Plateau on DXM). I would describe DXM as very 'wavy' where one minute you're fully functional and the next you're not, repeating this pattern a few times over the course of 6-8hours or longer depending on how you're taking it. DMT, when smoked/vaporized, you have approximately 90 seconds to injest as much as you can and that amount will contribute to a near instant trip that lasts approx 20 minutes until nothing physical beaides an afterglow remains. However, this 20 minutes can feel like an eternity and apparently people can be conftronted with things about themselves they didn't expect (ie re-living a time they were cruel to someone but they're now the person who they were being cruel to)

Let me know when your sober brain does anything worth thinking about like the malfunctioning brain of the Beatles or Carl Sagan.