National populism is alive. In CANADA!

Let that sink in. We’re winning

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What does that mean tho lol

when you come to power plz ban Jow Forums across the entire continent thx

qrd for an amerimutt?

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Brave heart is not worthy for leafs

It means that despite censorship, despite the “nationalism is bad, globalism is good” and many other narratives. Normies are waking up, the Overton window is shifting right and our future is white and bright

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Many leafs have Scottish ancestry. Our nation was founded by Scots. Look at our prime ministers throughout history that aren’t French. Thanks

>mfw Mad Max is gonna be in the debates

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But your not Scottish your a leaf

>A degenrate corporate "libertarian" with traditional "Western Liberal values" is the farthest right that can be publicly advocated for these days
If this is what hope is, I don't want it.

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And a person born in a garage is a car

Check out his platform

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bernier is a good goy for isn'treal but carry on thinking your vote matters or that you can elect the past or that the system isn't rigged against you

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And Italians aren't white. What's your point mud?

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He’s as much as a “good got” as salvini, orban, trump, bolsonaro, etc. It isn’t about being a “good goy” if you haven’t noticed Jews play both sides, always have. It’s about bringing white people back together as a group. Calling out the media, etc.

Ok Celt go cry innawoods

I know his platform. Advocate for actually reasonable migration levels. Full stop, that's it. That's his defining difference between any of the other 4 parties, and it makes him a "extremist". No stopping the fagafying of children. No saving white Canadian birthrates. No stopping the CBC and Post Second indoctrination programs.

Seconding this, quick rundown please.

How are we going to pay for the boomers? Immigrants are going to be coming in for at least another 20 years

Fuck off d&c kike.

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Campaigns on defunding the CBC. Withdrawal from in migration pact. Using the charter to build pipelines rather than cycling to B.C. and we like Scheer. Absolute freedom of speech, more gun rights, etc. Open your eyes.

The only thing Canadians are good for is making fun of.

The only thing Americans are good for isndying for Israel

You have to start somewhere, MCGA won’t happen overnight. Reducing immigration levels reduces (((their))) influence and power in the country, as does the very act of electing a Trump or a salvini or a bolsonaro. Once the people regain control over immigration, THEN you can start doing things like dialing back the LGBTP agenda and advancing pro-white policies

Too funny. Non-whites are outbreeding whites. Their grandchildren will be genociding white children. And all whites do is shitpost on/pol/.

Mad Max Bernier is our best hope to curb leftist up here in canada. Conservatives are cucked ( backroom deal so Scheer could be chief instead of Max last congress, Scheer is a boomer neocon faggot) NDP are your tipicall far left mutts, Greens are even worse, and Trudeau liberal you should know by now.

At current it's likely gonna be a minority gov with either the cons or the libs (yes, despite the plethora of illegal shit justin did, he's likely to get a minority because of leftist trahs in toronto , vancouver and anglo montreal)

Here's hoping Max got the balance of power over scheer, and forces the fucktard to unfuck our immigration.

Wtf are you talking about your "nation" wasn't founded by fucking scots. We were there 200 years before you nigger.

its not black and white like you people want to try and portray it. we dont need 350k/year. that's too many

Fuck off you dumb nigger, he says shit like this because he knows if he straight up said "lol fuck non whites" he'd never get into office.

It's called tact, you should try it sometime when you're talking to the cops, might stop them from blatting you in the face darkie.

Who was our first pm?

Something like 75% are voting either cpc or lib.
Something like 75% are happy with way things have been going.

Familly been here for aroubnd 350 years, greath greath greath etc was a fancy prostitute. I,m not a fucking scot mon osti de mange marde

he was put on the debates in order to split the vote and increase chanced of another liberal victory. there is no winning

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>D&C kikery in a thread like this

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no winning with Scheer or Trudeau. Two sides of the same shekel

I guess since the brits took india at one point in time india was founded by the brits AMIRITE

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Your ancestors coming to America made it more Liberal. Same with the Irish, but at least they actually qualify for European status.

what would india be without brits and the scientific/industrial revolution?

t. Not A Fed

My point is, scots founded nothing, Canada was already there. The french founded canada, the brits took it, then made it a dominion and then put a scot as prime minister. retard.

I'm happy that he's in the debates since he'll make a bunch of HuffPo Canada contributors froth at the mouth. I doubt I'll actually vote for him. I wish our elections took more than a month. It doesn't make for good saltmining.

butthurt frog still can't get over the French and Indian War

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No I have it good here! thanks for the free gibs btw.

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The fact that we are descendants of scots, french, brits, w/e you want to say doesn't make us not their brother. If you are 100% Scandinavian and your aunt has children with a nigger, you are more genetically related to any other Scandinavian than you are your cousin. This is fact. Science. Thanks for the bumps

Talk for youself, you might be a mixbaged mutt but we actually are homogenous here, we all descend from the same people, unlike you. We are not brothers you tried to genocide us for centuries but still fail at doing so and now act as if nothing happened.

Ummm... that’s not how genetics works.

Hopefully the liberals lose official party status on the federal election

That is correct actually

ask a masters in bio anything.

the party that is supposed to be natioanlist populist and curbing immigration has a FOB immigrant running my riding. not voting for this civic nationalist shit. Canada is fucking doomed, there's no point in even fucking voting.

he will? FUCK YES

stfu mutt you smell of jewish

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Ironic calling me a mutt when genetic studies are often done here to study the effect of the founders effect since we are so homogenous.

>Commie Block Quebecois
>Commie Liberal
>Commie NDP
>Commie Green party
>Milquetoast conservative identical to commies

Hard choice.

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If it weren't for Quebec that would be a real concern. They're getting BTFO'd everywhere from Newfoundland BC elsewhere.

Half of Quebec is in Montreal you jackass. That's like blaming Ontario's vote on Toronto.

>cut immigration from 350-450k to 100-150k
>won't vote b/c nigger is candidate in their riding
wow i never understood why anyone would laugh at leaf posters

>mfw my great, great, great grandkids will be meming about "And then one day for no reason at all, people voted Bernier into power"

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100% british, 90%+ Scot. Keep bumping hope you enjoy the OC

We should blame Ontario's vote for Toronto. I'm sorry that the rest of these provinces don't draw people away from the metro centres but it is what it is. They're fucking up for not making smaller cities and little towns more appealing.

Fuck 'em.

Don't count on it. If Zognald Drumpf didn't do anything he promised, there's no way Hype Man Bernier won't do the same.

If anything, it will continue on as normal, but look likes it's slowing down

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100% french, whats your point? Scots are still irelevent in canadian history just because the first pm was one doesnt mean shit, he was an alcoholic retard.

Blame anglo then, hint : it's the anglo trash part of montreal (mostly jews and italians) who keep voting for the Libs. Literal mafia activity.

All the french canadians are known for is breeding with subhumans creating welfare leeching Metis and the most liberal PM's (trudeau's for example) who changed this country from 96% white and christian to 70-75% white and christian in the blink of an eye. What have the french ever done besides vote for what's best for themselves while leaving the rest of the country at gunpoint?

zion cuck bernier free trade lolbertarian. Vote green!

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Trudeau was raised as a good anglo cuck, James McMohammed. We had were laughing at trudeau while he was still wearing diapers because we FUCKING HATED his dad.

Explains a lot, in that Scots suck as do leafs.

Basically there's an election in an irrelevant country in a part of the world no one cares about.

Will you vote for:
>Communist Orange
>Socialist Red
>Socialist-lite Liberal-wannabe Blue
>Hype Man like Zion Don; a French guy

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is this why he and his father had major popularity in QC?

opinion discarded, jew

Friendly reminder:

>Before 1763 all of Canada's pop growth was from BIRTHS in Quebec.
>After British takeover all pop growth was Loyalists coming from America and BIRTHS again.
>90% of all immigrants before 1900 were IRISH. The rest were British.
>Only 3000 blacks ever came to Canada in 300 years, and half of them moved BACK TO AFRICA.
>Natives have never been a part of Canada as a country and they have always had shit birthrates.
>Canada had European immigration from 1900-1930 to 1965. All were White.
>We have literally never been anything but white and Anglo/Frech from 1604-1965. Trudeau's father is the sole asshole who changed this entire country, and his Liberal predecessor Diefenbaker.

Quebec will vote conservative this time, or Bernier

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Exactly we don't care about you, we only care about ourselves. We can survive multiculturalism because we actually have a culture and a people you guys don't. We will win in the long run. And for what we created well everything that is canadian is something that you guys stole from us even the fucking word.

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Explains a lot, as Scots suck as do leafs.

ok recede and don't ask for anything, cons or the new ppc will win every election without QC. We don't need you, you need us. Check the equalization payments for example.

Scots won their freedom, lost it trying to colonize panama. If you're welsh or irish i detest you for being an absolute cuck to the eternal Engloid

I don't believe you at all but I REALLY hope you prove me wrong.

I wouldn't be surprised if Quebec went BQ or PPC. I still think they'll hang on to Trudeau though because they love being difficult cunts.

Enjoy your french speaking nigger welfare lines around the block?

Quebec only asks for a bit more than they pay in. Playing by the rules anglos made. As always.

the future is Huwhite my brother

>a bit
This is why leafs shouldn't post

Oh fuck no, I don't think anyone in their right mind will vote Trudeau.

We tried twice but you retards made it sure that it wouldn't happen by using federal money and giving citizenships out by the thousands and importing niggers.

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nice inter species comparison leaf
obviously the country you're born in has no influence on you at all

a rich country that controlled 30% of the world's gdp where diamonds were literally sold on the streets?

if you hate us so much, why don't you fucking leave?


>implying we want "french canadians" to be associated with us
I can tell you have never traveled
>there's a reason americans pretend to be canadian and french canadians pretend not to be french when they travel
>hated everywhere, from the Caribbean to Russia

>right mind

there would be no supply for diamonds without the brits

>Exactly we don't care about you, we only care about ourselves. We can survive multiculturalism because we actually have a culture and a people you guys don't. We will win in the long run
This is true. Being an smelly Anglophone born and raised in Montreal, the biggest thing I missed is Quebec Nationalism. It was annoying being forced to learn French, but after English is being replaced with "Durka Durka Chink" speak, I understand French policy completely.

>And for what we created well everything that is canadian is something that you guys stole from us even the fucking word
FALSE. (((Canadian))) is an insult to French Quebec.
Having been born a smelly English speaker, the biggest thing we (Quebec) hate are English and (Ontario especially).
(((Canada))) only exists to serve their Quebec. We are like Canada's Israel, fellow Quebec amis

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do it you fucking nigger you fucking wont
want to claim superiority to us how about you go nig it up and get the fuck out with rifles
you fucking wont you fucking frog
go croak in hell

Thanks to the hard earned anglo money gibs i can travel a lot and you're just lying, no one hides that they're french-canadian. And you got it the wrong way around it's us that don't want to be associated with you, because well, you guys are just nothing, just a bunch of strangers with nothing in common not even blood.

He explicitly says he doesn't want to harm the social and cultural fabric of canada with immigration, which solidly makes him a civcuck. White nationalists are just not going to happen just yet.

If by major popularity you mean extreme hatred outside the liberal anglo stronghold. Again, you seem wholly uneducated that Quebecer fucking hate that shitstain and his dad.

and how does your statement imply that India would be nothing without the brits? I mean, precious stones are mined in India too.