Attn zoomers

it's your turn to die for oil

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Fuck off faggot

*israeli territorial expansion

Imagine being this cucked lmao

what is the draft cut off age?

I'm 26 and just got my first decent job, don't really wanna die for Israel atm

This. Good job memeflaggot.

Hey as long as we send the spics and niggers from the cities to get mowed down first that's fine with me.

If Israel bombed the Saudi oil fields as a false flag, would Trump bomb Israel?
Asking for a friend.

They can draft you, but 18 year olds are their first pick.

>n-no why are you fighting wars?! That's so cringe!
lmao pussies

>dude what if Israel did bad thing instead of Iran?! Haha Trump BTFO
I don't know, but Iran did something and all you fags want to bend over and let them swing their shitskin dicks around

Early 30s I believe

They're undocumented remember.
How are they going to be found for service?

kek Trump boomer posting is hilarious

I believe the cutoff is 28 for first rounds

Lead from the front, General.

>attention 9 year old gamers
Are you ready to die for ZOG? Sign up now and get the epic desert camp wrap for you M4! Don’t forget to check “yes” for organ donation!

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20 year old here.
Assuming I we’re to be drafted to fight for the kikes, what are the chances I would miss combat and be put into some other role like repair?

> not wanting a turn in the sandbox.

Fucking gaaaaaaaay

America like it's semetic masters


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>dude lets fight wars for Saudi Arabia and Israel

>imports tens of millions of shitskins into vassal state
>stage false flag against mortal enemy
>service guarantees citizenship
Are the Jews /ourguys/?

Theologically, imagine if a bunch of Jews got together and decided to combine Islam, Jehova's Witnesses, and Scientology. It's basically space Jesus, white Mohammed edition, with hints of Masonic/Jewish "you're your own god" horseshit. Tactically, they're basically Jews. They're incredibly nepotisic and change their whole shit to survive as a society within a society. For example, initially, they said that black people were the spirit beings who sided with Satan. Then retracted it because Das razizt, and they're full on cuckservatives. They also had full on polygamy. But then they retracted that too because they were caught as a bunch of degenerates. It's a disgusting cult that many people here supported because most of the American converts are huwhite. If you're looking for a non cult, non Satanic huwhite enclave, look towards the Amish.

Fuck I'm such a boomer. Meant to post in the Mormon thread.

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Is actually happening? I get shoot now ?

How are the /ptg/ boomers spinning this new war by ZionDon

Fuck it, I'll go. I'm going to lose my job and now apparently my son so fuck it. Id rather get shot by a sandnigger than shoot myself.

>draft in 2019

We have an all-volunteer military.
There'll be no draft, and if you don't want to fight for oil, just don't sign up.

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We all know what this is about.

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1. join first so you can pick your job. be in supply or something off the lines
2. take your chances
3. go to jail
4. go to canada
5. maim yourself

26 is safe, they stop at 25

>join first so you can pick your job.
That's bullshit.
They tell you that you can choose your job, or be trained for a certain job, but after you're assigned they just transfer you to wherever they want, anyway.

this shows trump is only going to help them if they give us discounted oil forever

Iran is going to get gang raped by the Saudi's, Israel and maybe Egypt. The US is not going to be very involved and it's going to help Trump win.

Good thing white supremacists are ineligible for military service...

Haha looks like Obama wasn't so bad


If this stupid fucking numbskull attacks Iran, that is fucking it.

We need to go absolutely apeshit and turn his loss next year into a devastating one.

We need to vote the fuck out of Democrats for every single office and deliver a knockout landslide for Big Liz.

Reduce the GOP to a shitty dead rump party that only exists in the cousinfucker deep South until they get their act together.

Make Big Liz President with a gigantic mandate.

Give Dems the Senate and a supermajority in the House.

Elect as many Dem state legislatures as humanly possible.

Not joking.

A lady who will literally discharge millions in student loan debt is a thousand times more redpilled and antikike than the MIGAdick in Chief.

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37 or 38 I forget. If there is a draft do everything in your power to avoid dying for that shit hole israel. Do not let them throw your life away for their glory.

Why does this feel like a trap?

yeah, because we die without oil. ever go through a winter in the north without it? Stop making is sound like its a luxury. For many its life or death in January.

hypothetically, if someone is drafted for the us military but then drops concentrated Jow Forums redpills at all possible times (during pt, during mess, etc. etc.)...what happens to them?

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That war would make Iraq 2.0 look like a stroll down the beach

Go back to plebbit, catamite.

They’ll smoke you out till you vomit. It’ll dampen your spirits and discourage you from dropping more red pills.

We have our own now faggot. We're not going to war over this shit anymore. Maybe we do some drone strikes for fun, but that's about it.

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Get off your god damn roller blades zoomers

>selective service in your general direction

The Amish are assholes too.