Getting high on weird shit
>Pic related
I'm taking 30 25mg Benadryl, wish me luck anons
Getting high on weird shit
>Pic related
I'm taking 30 25mg Benadryl, wish me luck anons
Go toward the light.
Hope you see spiders faggot.
Or you could take one Claritin D 24 hour.
You will literally be raped by demons I took 5 to experiment (rookie numbers) and I was screaming in public almost
enjoy your failing kidneys and 211 hour nap.
TF is going on with your skin? Also Sage
don't do that. you still have time to throw it up
no please dont...
Please don't user. You're gonna feel like shit, sleep until literally 6 or 7 o'clock tomorrow night, and have intense restless leg syndrome bruh.
Are you ina part of the country where it's hard to cheaply get safe/less shitty drugs?
unisom sleep tabs have more more DPH
Man most I ever did was 22 and I'm a big dude. It is an intense high. You will rub yourself. You will stand in front of a toilet every 5 mins because you feel you have to pee. Auditory hallucinations for sure, maybe even having phantom convos. Spiders on the walls. You will regret it because of the comedown. Restless leg syndrome all over your body. Worst feeling in the world. Only thing that helped was distracting from it. I only take 4-8 at a time occasionally now with tylenol/advil and gravol to make the comedown more tolerable. At that dose its almost like a opioid high. Enjoy the ride bud. Careful your breathing gets super shallow it can be dangerous.
That does not belong on this board.
Mods please move thread to
Enjoy your spiders
The light user, go towards it.
Won't get you high. You can literally look it up. If you have five dollars you can buy enough booze to get buzzed or drunk
>i'm aiming for permanent liver damage, hoping to spend my good years on dialysis!
the post
You need a friend to slap you in the face user.
Stop being stupid.
Kek. Underrated.
Just smoke bath salts. Then post under the influence
i took 40 dramamine pills one time, got me so fucked up for hours
I don't like the idea of you getting high off of a medication I actually need when my allergies become unbearable
I was so desperate I crushed up that shit an snorted it. Burned like a bitch but not nearly as much as benadryl.
You will just fall asleep. You don’t really get that high before you get very tired. Not smart you could stop your heart I suppose it acts like oxy or morphine
>bye bye hay fever
tell the shadow people I say hi
You are fucked for life user but you don't realise it
Shit causes Alzheimer’s too
Why are your hands so fucking sweaty?
Make sure you go to the top of a parking garage before you do it.
Goodbye retard enjoy your temporary high then liver failure
Retard. Have fun being drugged for all of tomorrow. I took half that once, and only once. We have no idea what taking that amount does the brain, amigo.
Don't do it. God has a plan for you and the devil doesn't want that to happen.
Throw it up right this instant. It's a literal death sentence. Throw it up now. Now.
He's fine, I took 50 one night back when I was in university. It's one of the worst experiences you could have but if you don't call 911 on yourself like an idiot you'll be back to sober after 8 hours or so.
Worst parts are you always feel two seconds away from a heart attack or seizure, you can no longer remember anything for more than a few moments, so you're just constantly remembering and then forgetting how you feel so bad because you poisoned yourself with drugs, and you slip into very unpleasant pseudo-dreams which are exactly like real life so that you think you got up and made your way to the bathroom to get a drink of water like fifty times in a row but every time you think this you come to and realize you're still stuck lying down in bed.
Also you feel like gravity has increased one thousand fold and every bit of moisture has been taken from your body. And you breathe super-slowly. Basically in every way you can think of you feel like you're dying, and you look that way to anyone else who sees you too. Probably because you are dying to be honest, but still don't call an ambulance on yourself because it's not like they're going to cure you of anything either. They'll likely just try to get you to vomit which will be very difficult since you took 15 times the normal dose of a drug used specifically to keep people from vomiting.
Foot fungus, he scratches his feet, doesn't change socks, and doesn't wash his hands.
Shit, what? I took a lot as a kid, way more than appropriate. Is there any hope for me?
I don't know what you guys are talking about. He's not OD or have organ damage from 30 benadryl.
He's going to have one of the most physically uncomfortable and tiring experiences of his life. I also suspect you might be underage, because it's really hard for me to imagine anyone overage doing this shit.
Bruh if nothin else,if you're underage or something just go to your local liquor store and by some seltzer or something and steel like two or three tallboys and you'll have way more fun than on diph.
Dried cum
If anyone is curious, the benadryl "high" is not fun at all, you just feel delerious and schizophrenic for hours. Also, there will be spiders. Lots of spiders
Damn son. Let us know if you die.
Bennies are not a fun time. The spiders aren't real ok?
>Throw it up
>An Antiemetic
user, do you even?
Best post
Holy fuck OP is in for one hell of a ride. Enjoy not being able to move when you wake up in the morning and remember the insects are just figments of your imagination. Btw Benadryl is pretty gud when wanking or fucking under 200mg some of the best orgasms ever.
Had a friend die at age 38. Coroner found 80 immodium ad pills in his stomach.
Do heroine. It's safer.
It feels like spiders but its like weird black visual snow on walls and stuff. It really is a fascinating experience but barely recreational.
Yes 8 25mg and under while you are high music is amazing too
>If anyone is curious, the benadryl "high" is not fun at all, you just feel delerious and schizophrenic for hours.
For some weird reason benadryl trips have this way of always being terrible yet leaving you with the retarded conviction that *next* time you do it you'll have a good trip. Or at least that's how it worked with me decades ago when I tried it and kept trying it for a couple months on and off. I kept thinking if I took more next time, or fewer next time, or did them at a different time of day, or used music, or didn't use music, etc. that I'd somehow work out the kinks and have a good time.
Getting high on cough medicine?
lol, that's funny. What a fucking idiot. That's something a teenage boy would do.
Anyway, I hope you overdose on one of the ingredients and die.
there's only 27
This Apu makes me feel warm inside, may I save it?
I take three for allergy attacks and I'm out for 12 hours and still groggy after. You'll regret this.
>cough medicine
That'd be DXM, which you can also use recreationally, and which actually would have been a much better choice than Benadryl.
tell the spiders i'll see them soon
It's only one ingredient fag
I only had one perfect trip where I managed to meditate away the restless legs.
Nigger you had better hydrate your ass off if you are going to take that many. Also vitamin C in large quantities can help you have a better more pleasant trip with some psychotropics. You could try to take some to keep from having a bad trip. More experienced degenerate anons might want to weigh in on that idea first thought.
DXM is nuts.
yeah that's a better way to describe it. Also it sort of makes you dream while awake, like it'll feel like you've been having a conversation with someone but you'll snap out of it and realize that no one is there. Not fun at all, and the body high is almost unbearable
Seconding this. Anticipating results. Don’t disappoint high user
i took 300 mg once. It was pretty cool and enjoyable during the high. Felt really relaxed and whenever I closed my eyes I was in vivid dream space. This was years ago when i used to play league and i was playing all day before. When i closed my eyes I was in a league game. Also had waking dreams of weird confusing shit. The hang over lasted 3 days and felt horrible worse than alcohol. Never did it again because hang over was so bad.
>I took 50
Damn I took like 15 once and was having closed eye hallucinations where 1 minute was like a 15 minute conversation with someone who wasn't there until it really hit and I went to sleep.
They both just made me too tired once they come on.
750mg will get you to plateau, but take it from another 700 club member, this isn't a path you want to travel down.
DXM is great if you get a syrup without anything else added.