But loves to advocate it when it's safe?
Why is pol so scared of violence
im sure the nazi would butt rape the glow nigger to death if not American history x the faggot.
They like playing the victim.
because the police and justice system don't cover for us
>nuke mudslimes
That pic was made by a jew
Did you just post the same thing in my thread?() At least shill properly.
Token black man that doesn't belong in history.
People of all colors including me, a Korean, is offended by the same shit.
But please keep believing that it's only white people getting pissed off with this shit.
That was posted by me, actually.
Antifa has the government and cops protecting them
we dont
Got any strawman arguments that can beat my scarecrow? Mine has a fully loaded .357.
>nazi snowflake too weak to protect itself, despite talking big game
>when not even white cops are willing to protect you losers
Come on, i thought antifa are just a bunch of weak basedboys. Surely you can land a few blows on them before the cops tackle ypu to the ground.
Anyone who thinks this is a good web comic needs to be thrown into a mass grave.
Here's a better question:
why does the left constantly have to steal our jokes and memes if we're just loser basement dwellers and they're all super cool well-adjusted people?
god damn leftys are shit at everything
how the fuck do you simultaneously blur and sharpen the same image
also obligatory to state that it isnt funny
I have something to lose you damn commie
It's not some black and white shit
>left wing anarchist
the only positive i can see is that mental nutter is getting slightly better at drawing the comics.
>t. Moshe Silberberg
Just remember who started it once the gloves come off.
I'm all for violence
how else will anything get done?
Let's be real here. When the gloves come off the naziboos will lose again.
>lower classes were coerced into heterosexuality
No words to describe how insane this tranny is
Also, trannies literally cannot into logic.
How the fuck do homemakers create a larger worker mass in leftist minds? The occupation of homemaker was destroyed and feminism pushed specifically for the sake of having more workers.
>the antifa dude is a self hating white dude
Yep youre all a bunch of nigger lover trannies
Comrades, don't forget the plan.
show flag leaf kike
>Be Western society
>Abandon gender roles
>R.I.P birthrate
>Average age of citizens gets older and older
>Lack of young workers to support all the old pensioners
>Old people get poorer and poorer
>Pensionsystem collapses
this is literally a struggle between the mentally I'll and the non-mentally-ill.
at last, I truly see
pfft. everybody knows antifa are pussies
When i created this meme, i thought of making him brown to make you guys even more mad. But then you autists would just NPC quote: "heh, its always the nigs who do violence".
Either way, you'll always find an excuse to play the victim like you did just now.
>be retarded leftwing beta male
>can’t explain why you’re so dumb you think the comic ends after the third panel
Retard. Also why do you faggots project all the time? You morons think you’re being oppressed by whites, men, straight people, Christians, the successful, etc. You retards literally think you’re being oppressed by everyone because you’re all losers who can’t accept your inferiority
Why do leftwing beta males make up the most retarded shot and then get angry when people laugh at them
these are the ppl calling you "incel" on twitter
How does it feel struggling on the edge of being self-aware?
Because for the same violence act rightists will go to jail for life and commie scum will be free and praised in the news
That's right, moshe
We have Generation Z. You have whipped onions cream latte drinkers
>proud retard
Embarrassing. Can any of your faggot friends explain why your cuck ideology fails every time? Or why you don’t just start your own business and pay “fair wages”? It’s not because you’re a talentless loser like every other leftist right?
Seethe harder. I know you want to.
...and yet you guys cower in fear because this cat is going to to into the military and become a gun owner. comfortably winning people don't do what your side does.
No. You have incels of generation Z. That generation is more liberal than ever are you fucking kidding
I’m a complete retard who can’t address what you said so I make up bullshit that was fed to me by my leftwing teachers and favourite leftwing celebrities
>Nazi snowflake
It’s so funny how triggered you are when we point out that you’re all snowflakes. Never forget how you faggots need safe spaces because you’re ideas are retarded and you get triggered by reality
I so want to believe they're trying to make this a thing...
Because that's what everyone does, retard. We aren't knights in shining armor who fight for flowers and friendship and honesty.
>o thought antifa were just a bunch of weak souboys
You observably are
>surely you can lad a few blows on them like that guy who knocked one of you cucks out with one punch when the fag on your side had a baton and couldn’t even harm the guy?
>posts the same image of a kid
>can’t address the mountains of images of adult leftwing pussies
>to make you even more mad
Says the cuck so assblasted he spends his time on Jow Forums getting triggered
>half of all characters in a WW1 recreation game are black
>every character in apex legends is some kind of mixed race mutt
fucking die
Project more, it’s all you’re capable of
Do you even know what a safe space is? It's literally just a quiet room where you get to read and shit. Of course, it sounds scary to you because neo-con shills try to make it sound like it's just a weak libtard thing. God you're a faggot.
They are. Look in bunkerchan.
That Milkshake was thrown on a civnat Asian journalist conservatard. What does that have to do with us in any way? And who the fuck said we don't advocate for anything?
I wish a niggerfaggot would
It's funny how you think the people you randomly assault all have those views. You know not everyone who disagrees with you about something is a Nazi you?
wait, are blacks more susceptible to violence or something?
Seethe. Harder.
And not one seethe taken when there's a game with an all-white cast. This is how i know you're a weak snowflake bitch. You just fear the scary brown people, my dude.
Jow Forums is retarded
A safe spaces is a room for leftwing cucks like you who get triggered by reality. You invented them because you’re all snowflakes who get triggered by reality
>of course it sounds scary to you because blah blah I’m literally a retarded beta male who talks like a woman
It doesn’t. You’re a moron who can’t accept reality
>god you’re a faggot
Stop projecting. Everyone who supports paedophilia and homosexuality comes from your side faggot. Deal with it
I'd loooooove to see some pictures of what you were doing at that age.
*the leader of the white boys enters the thread*
no larp
>I’ll just repeat myself like a retard in the hopes it will cease being obvious that I’m here because I’m severely triggered by Jow Forums
Keep projecting faggot. Also maybe you beta males can explain this while you’re at it
>why does pol hate violence caused by an opposing grouo who get state protection in many places despite being the clear agressors.
>why does pol hate situations where they get penalized for self defense
Gee, I wonder.
Nope, you just changed the definition to cope. Cope harder.
safe spaces are places where your beliefs won't be challenged. it's not like a library at all
Lol, didn’t read your retarded comment all the way until that other user pointed out what a moron you are
>hurr durr only an NPC would think blacks commit more crimes
Yeah because it’s not like they disproportionately rape, murder, assault and rob literally everyone in every fucking country they go to as backed up by crime statistics everywhere. Kek you retards have no idea what you’re talking about
Kek. You can hear how pathetic he is in his language. He knows the truth but is too much of a cuck to admit it
>libfags are forced to make fun of kids
lmao I thought we were all old dying boomers?
>I just make up bullshit like a retard because I don’t know anything about my opponents and I ironically have to get told what to think about them like an NPC as I accuse others of being an NPC
>How the fuck do homemakers create a larger worker mass in leftist minds?
By breeding.
This is so... gay.
>That image
And I assume "anarchists" aka people who don't believe in hierarchies or laws would love to live in a society of free though and expression even though your kind has proven time and time again that you don't even believe in a concept as basic as freedom of speech, even on the internet.
Lmao, you’re literally retarded. 1 you faggots get triggered every time there’s an all white cast. 2 world war 1 was virtually all white anyway so what kind of retard would think it should be anything other than all white
>scary brown people
You mean the scary brown people who you don’t want to live near? Can you name a scary brown country you’d want to live in? Or a scary brown area of a white country? Lmfao. You retards know the truth but are too beta to admit it
Stop posting your face here nigger, it's beyond cringy
>Tfw USA is like that now
No I described it accurately. You’re triggered by reality
Also you got so triggered by me that you dodged this question Are you some sort of loser who blames successful people because you can’t get ahead in life? Maybe you could name that Black Country you’d want to live in whilst you’re at it, assuming you’re not scared of the scary brown people kek
Gonna be honest here, this plan is retarded, good luck
It all makes sense now
>They are. Look in bunkerchan
I'm dying.
>anarchist board begins at top showing board hierarchy of posters
ever heard of socio economics? oh wait, you never graduated from highschool KEK
ADF-Fuensalida is the end stage of any die-hard leftie
The left can't steal memes
I am?
Would you kindly narrow down your target of ridicule, because Jow Forums is not one person, and certainly not you.
>this thread
>I just repeat retarded bullshit like my favourite leftwing comedians and teachers because I can’t address anything you say
Great ideology you’ve got there. I’m sure ifs full of smart and successful people who totally don’t blame the rich for their infeirority. The irony is that I’m clealry vastly more intelligent right now then you will ever be in your life. By all means keep dodging my question about why you don’t set up a business and pay fair wages or the one about naming an area full of scary brown people that you’d like to live in
Why are you ashamed to identify your nation?
Sometimes I forget how you retards are so irrelevant you literally just took Jow Forums‘s name and added lefty like the unimaginative worthless retards you are
Hang on.
Are you saying calling people a faggot is alright?
So all those homosexuals we call faggots shouldn't be mad?
Seriously, this is why anarchists need to be shot, they contradict their own logic.
>inb4 i get called a fascist promoter of violence
Doesn't mean your mom shouldn't suffocate you with a pillow, sleep well.
because muh glownigger this, muh glownigger that
oh, and the overwhelmingly huge media bias against them
Are you seriously expecting logic from someone with an anarchocommunist memeflag