Are you having trouble finding a job?
How’s the job market going in your country, bros?
Are you having trouble finding a job?
How’s the job market going in your country, bros?
Jobs are easy to come by. Whites are being genocided.
No need to talk. There's no jobs. Plenty of spam talking about jobs... but that's not jobs. Plenty of H-1b demands, but that's not jobs. Plenty of wild discounts on mortgages and other zany deals, wild stock market plans and investment banking, but no money and no jobs. No money for this. No money for that. No jobs.
>but muh white race
My big worry is the job market in Western countries never picked itself up after the 2008 crash.
For the younger reader, 2007 and earlier was a time when it was easier to get work. Yes, you really could walk in and shake the boss' hand and start next Monday. I did that in early 2006 and left on good terms to go for an overseas working holiday at the end of that year.
Can you imagine that happening now? Walking in and shaking the boss' hand is a joke. Going on a working holiday? Maybe, but expect to be living at minimum wage for a year, so it depends how much you want to experience being poor in another part of the world.
I don't think the job market will ever get back to the way it was pre-2008.
I have a job in a media company which pays approximately $550 a month, AMA
There are jobs to be got, they're just shit.
Accept menial, slave tier retard job. Try to work your way up.
I used to have a six figure good job. Today I have a part-time one that pays like 1/8 the salary.
Thank me later goys
I live in California. There is no job market.
I can quit my job and have one in less than 2 weeks. There are jobs but they might not be what you want.
I just want to say brandan fraisher UNJUSTED himself fellas.
There are plenty of jobs in Australia just none that pay well / are worth while
What happened user?
Jobs are easy if you work from 15-18$ hr. Cant feed my family with that though.
Plenty of jobs for kids going to high school, immigrants, and those with low education. Other than slave jobs, non existent unless you contract yourself out to people for whatever it may be.
I had more offers than previous job hunts, managed to leverage them against one another for higher income along with a signing bonus which was a first for me in my career. Thanks Trump!
I’m a white male in California and can’t get a job for the life of me. Currently stuck working a shitty, low paying part-time job.
I see literally all the good jobs go to chinks/gooks, Hispanics, blacks, etc
gen x, 47 y/o white male. I just came off a very rough job search. After considerable effort, I what I wanted and at a fair wage, but it was hard. For two technical jobs that I applied for, I had to suffer the indignity of interviewing with a barely literate Indian H1-B and a millenial nigger and quota case. Neither one of them knew shit.
There is definitely blatant discrimination against white men happening out there.
Do you have a degree? Or what do you work in
I love how over valued the stock market and housing market is, essentially making it impossible for any of the zoomers fresh out of college to get a fair shake. I'm lucky that I started working in 2008 and have got to participate in the greatest bull run in recorded history, while buying a comfy house @ a 3.5% mortage with 20% to mitigate PMI.
Zoomers are going to have to go into even more massive debt to buy an over inflated house, then invest what they can into an over inflated stock market, only for it to crash when they're in the better part of their 30's. I don't fuckin envy college kids right now.
Got four offers in the last week. County job 60k, small business job 60k, casino job 65k, large tech job 80k.
Kek. I’ve experienced similar but occasionally I’ll interview with fat nerdy white guys. They’re probably SJW types though. I’ve been trying to get jobs in IT.
Let me guess, you’re on the west coast? What field if you don’t mind me asking? That’s pretty ridiculous.
Learn 2 code
You guys just be doing it wrong or live in the middle of nowhere because it's easy as fuck to get a job in Cali at the moment.
Sure there's a lot of menial slave tier garbage out there too, but even McDicks is paying $15 in most places
As for spics and nigs getting jobs. I only see them getting literal garbage lowest of the low labor jobs. Hell in my 40 floor building there are maybe 10 black people who work here. Get off off Jow Forums and go fill out some job apps. If you're not a complete sperg you can find something by next week
I've held one job this summer that lasted 6 weeks. I wasn't fired- the fucking company went under. Been without a job ever since. Someone get me out of this hellhole country
Do you get good welfare at least?
I had 5 job offers this morning. I wish they would leave me alone and let me neet in peace
I literally can never find a job anymore, do you just kill yourself after looking for 4 years and no one wants you for other than fast food? I have an IQ of 98 tried to go to college and failed miserably, I'm retarded and have a sound engineering vocational one year degree. I've had so many jobs but never made more than 9 an hour. I can't afford anything other than my insurance for my car so I got autism bucks so I can buy food and live with family members till they kick me out. I'm estimating I'll be homeless by spring time.
> dice el putito q se la pasa fumando marihuana y durmiendo
Just fly to the us. No one gives a shit about borders here. Just plop down and start working.
Anyone who can't get a job wants a cushy one that pays a lot. Too bad faggots, that's what you get for believing in college.
Again. There's no need to talk. Talk - talk - talk! People talk. No talk. JOBS. It's about the JOBS. It really is about the JOBS.
I'm literally too stupid to hold down a job. I think I will soon be living off of handouts and sleeping in my car.
well Ive been a NEET for the last 2 years and out of desperation and guilt (for living on my parents dime) Ive joined the Army with a decent MOS that translates well in the civilian world
My kids are young, but im fully on board with them going into trades if they don't know what they want to study by highschool.
Im in the same boat as you, same timeframe and everything.
Here in the USA it's all the goddamn place. Some people have no problem finding jobs in their area while others like me are absolutely fucked. Locally, they cut back on a bunch of jobs when the minimum wage went up, and now they heard a rumor it's going to go up again so they cut back even more - harsher this time. Now there's basically only part time jobs and the whole damn city is fighting for them so a loser like me with barely anything on their application just gets turned down over and over. Of course the answer is to move where there ARE jobs, but I'm too broke to do so. It sucks, bros. Doesn't help that the whole push for everybody to go to college have made degrees worthless either.
Yeah I’ve got one that pays 45k in insurance. I did manage to pay off over 25k in student debt this year, so I’m happy about that. 2k left and 3k in credit cards. About 8k saved. Studying for the cfa right now to leave this menial shit behind. But idk. Might also try and commission in the army or something.
I don't receive government benefits at all and I don't want to either.
I've smoked weed once and that was years ago. You have a good grasp on what the average person my age does here, though.
I've thought about moving but it would mean leaving family and etc behind.
To give a bit of extra context, by "harsher" i mean places like Walmart just axed the entirety of night shift and put everyone on it out of work. Some managed to snag some hours in the day shift, most weren't so lucky. It's going to hell bros.
Kek. What’re your races and educational backgrounds?
If you try to get a tech job in California they’ll just hire a dink or Indian over you every time. Even an unqualified Hispanic.
there are no jobs in SoCal. and im a sotware developer. applied to nearly 1,000 jobs over 3 years. they only want pajeets or trannies or beaners or 23 year old just out of college kids. if i dont get something by 2020, im pullong an effort posting in minecraft. i finally broke my principles and debased myself and started applying to defense contractor tech jobs, since they only want US citizens and deep state work is job security and they value older workers with a lot of experience. but even if i get that job programming weapons systems to kill muzzies, i fear i will be rejected for clearance because they will pull up my PRISM dossier of everything i ever shit poasted here. im a patriot that loves my country. but the version of America i am loyal to is not the kiked up version they emvision. and i can be trusted to not pull a Snowden and keep my yap shut and help code drones and missiles and spy shit to more efficiently kill sand niggers.
This is America. There's limitless fucking jobs of you hit the bricks.
Really. There's no need to talk about your "experience". The marketers want you to "feel" employed. Talk. Talk. Talk. No talk. Jobs.
Minnesota, U.S.A
Work is fairly scare.
In all seriousness, I was working in finance, then there was the financial crisis. I survived it by going outside of the states. Worked in Europe, then the Middle East.
Realized I hated the field, the "money" was all fake, missed family, moved back home.
Finished school, got a liberal arts degree assuming my CV would get me a decent job, so I could just check the box with whatever I liked.
>Cue HR gatekeepers
I applied for positions with my exact same title at multiple wall street firms. Got the same answer from them all - Sorry, this position requires an MBA degree. Just finished bachelors with with 40k in debt, fuck that.
Started 2 businesses, both made enough to pay the bills, but not more.
Met a great, redpilled and feminine lady, married, pregnant.
Hello wagie shit job.
That sounds pretty bad.
Have you tried other cities or Silicon Valley? I’m guessing you have to go through beaner or pajeet or roastie HRs and they simply refuse to hire you because you’re white? Or are you not passing the coding challenges
Plenty of jobs where I live. Shitty jobs, but jobs...