What’s his endgame?

What’s his endgame?

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holy fuck that cant be real

This guy should be drafted and sent to be cannon fodder in Afghanistan.

Twitter is full of these people.

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>Tfw I'm slowly becoming one. Mustache and all

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gee, why would kikes keep spamming this fag?

my queen = my lady / muh lady

How can you let yourself reach such a state? Why don't they just kill themselves?

Why are people trynna ruin this dude. I actually feel bad for him. He looks happy and he enjoys life, that's enough for me to leave a man alone.

to coom

It's actually combatting porn. You keep jerking it you'll end up a cumbrain coomer like him. Now put your dick away.

Attached: WatchHowItRollsOffHisBack.png (518x617, 475K)

To show people that all porn-consumers are freakish losers. To stigmatize degeneracy. To make America moral again.

A few years ago I bumped into this guy in a strip club here in Australia of all places. I guess he goes around the world sampling their redlight districts. Truly a man of fine taste.

Why is this open for the Internet to see?

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Attached: der coomer3.png (463x576, 121K)

He has only one singular purpose in life: COOOOOOOMING

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Attached: COOM-LOAF.jpg (538x604, 279K)

Coomer doesn't even make sense. Its obviously being pushed from a non english-speaking source where they think cum is pronounced coom



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he hath returned

Attached: 1363088583982.jpg (4800x2760, 2.84M)

ding-dong diddly COOMED

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maybe you are just a boomer who doesnt get jokes anymore

what in the fuck

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>kikes making me see the degeneracy and inherent self-destructiveness of porn
Sure thing, moshe

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I cant believe he would just post all this shit like he post to a porn star a picture of him and his nephew

>t. Coomer


Attached: 1568685675647.jpg (623x466, 151K)

He is or was once president of a children's club in his town. Would you trust a coomer around your kids?


Fucking kek

He means to Coom. Coming by any means. user Wake Up!

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IS he aware of his newfound fans?

And yet, this guy is a regular guy and you guys posting his personal info online are the only freakish losers around lol
If you really care about being a "loser" you wouldn't be on this forum full of neonazis sperging about kikes 24/7

>go to pornstar twitter accounts
>look at replies for coomers
>post the best you can find ITT

He coomed for every single one of these porn stars on this day. 11x cooms

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He messages one pornstar every day, thealixlynx. I think he is in love.


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you're on a site that houses pedophiles lmao

refractory period coomer detected

Attached: der_coomer.jpg (2979x3972, 1.2M)

The kikes and the jannies are terrified of this meme because it's causing anons to stop jacking it to porn, thus increasing our collective power level.

Attached: HEY JANNY.webm (514x250, 1.58M)

Was this the dude that was pictured at that blacked event?

...this guy is basically a Sith Lord re: his level of corruption

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>t. Coomer
Stop touching your dick


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>his soul... gone

>those glistening streaks on the wall

This I'm on day 6. Can already feel my power growing stronger

What's does someone like this do for a living besides working in the porn industry?


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At least Jayman has kids. More than you tards ever will.

Attached: this.jpg (3000x3000, 187K)

This meme has literally stopped me from jacking/porn. Everytime I reach for my dick I think about it and stop.

Highway toll collector
AV installation
School janitor

He doesn't have kids. That pic with the boy is his nephew.

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>cooming in this hand
>with no survivors!

man, why did trannies have to ruin pastel

It's a shame that this is the new meme to take over. It's the same as the brap meme:
>forced unfunny meme
>overwhelming majority of people don't find it funny, so they post about how unfunny it is
>fuels the few people that actually do like it
>people begin to post ironically
>can no longer distinguish between ironic and genuine posting
>meme is now normalized

Same thing happened with the "Into the trash" meme. It's a vicious cycle, but they all can't be winners.

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>regular guy

no he said he had a daughter 3 years old on twitter

This is not ironically very creepy looking

every meme is forced

It’s not a funny meme, it’s terrifying. Go read his 9500 porn reviews on IMDb

Attached: cringe.png (800x702, 759K)

Okay grandpa, why don't you go back to facebook then.

Shrek cringe meme died because it backfired with the fact everything the mindless faggots posted was in fact 100% cringe.

Me too unironically.

I'd love to see the twitter profile of the guy in the red shirt.

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I need to plug my other hard drive back in for my cringe memes.

fuck up boomer

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I’m still mad fags stole the rainbow.

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Oh, shit, it's Jayman. Dude, you really like porn.

cooming with no survivors. new oc don't steal

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did someone say brap

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He has even more kids from his sperm bank donations. How do you think he's able to afford his life of luxury.

Wow, it's incredibly unfortunate that this mutant has now become a meme. It legitimately makes me sick even if I just gaze at him for a millisecond. I guess this will be the new logposting.

In other news, this porn star says she's going to put on her hard hat and boots and start doing some real work. Do you guys think she has what it takes?

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Are you telling me that he makes a living from cooming?


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I do think he is saying that he does do it for monetary compensation

Jow Forums is one of the few places with real freedom of speech, if a few pedos slip through and post things on occasion that doesn't mean the site is housing them



I almost can understand the cam girl thing, you think she's personally giving you attention and you have some kind of "relationship" with her. But to be obsessed with the big budget plastic strung-out LA porn "actresses."

Pervy boomers are worst than Indians on the internet.

The coomer is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a cumbrain, incel, loser, porn addict, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a coomer and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out."

Attached: der coomer4.png (514x452, 213K)

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his end game is he is demoralized and just enjoys getting his COOMMIES.

Do this is the origin of the coomer meme?

Same, its the best no fap remedy every, im going to print out Coomer and use him as a reminder to no fgap, and also what happened to USS Liberty.

Attached: coombrain.jpg (599x495, 82K)

based immortalized

Attached: dercoomer.png (1525x159, 40K)

Im telling you
>Kikes bow to Jayman
>Jayman sells coom to aliens
>rumoured to possess special reproduction abilities
>controls the porn industry with an iron fist
>own brothels and spermbanks all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient royal pornstar blood line
>will bankroll the first Spermbanks on Mars (Jayopolis will be be the first city)
>own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Coomer Babies

Attached: TheCoomPill.jpg (612x344, 6K)

to those who havent seen it.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Blacked.com. The videos are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Critical Race Theory most of the references will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Greg Lansky's Jewish faith, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Noel Ignatiev's philosophy, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these videos, to realise that they're not just sexual- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Blacked.com truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, raw contrast and eroticism, which itself is a cryptic reference to Cleon Peterson's artwork. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion at Greg Lansky's genius wit unfolds itself on computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, my girlfriend DOES have an Ace of Spades tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the bull's eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 9 inches beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

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