Alright Jow Forums let's start a debate

Alright Jow Forums let's start a debate

>Boomers or Gen Z

Which is worse

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Why not both?

>generational D&C

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Gen Z
>Had terrible parents who didnt know how to raise them, victims of social engineering. Just trying to live the best way they know how since no one ever taught em.

>Literally used up all the words resources, bought up all the land, handed the world to the jews and now turn around and call everyone around them lazy for now owning their own mansion by 25

You tell me

Boomer aren't a problem, Zoomers technically haven't caused any problems yet.

It was the millennials that fucked everything up.
Sometimes I think Gen X is to blame, but I just think they weren't ready for tech to blindside them like this

All we can do now, is hope generation ALPHA (Some call it OMEGA), can unfuck this shit show of a society we have.

Who cares?
Gen X are the worst.


Gen X
Just as greedy as Boomers but way more retarded

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As a zoomer, I can say that the majority of other gen z people that I'm surrounded by in college are just complete bug men (which is why I'm leaving soon to go learn welding at a trade school), but there is a great portion of gen z including myself that have come to understand the circumstances we find ourselves in and who's to blame for why the world we live in is so chaotic and degenerate. A better question would be between millennials and boomers as far as which generation is worse. Gen z are victims of circumstance because of the failures of boomers and millennials and have yet to make any sort of attempt at change within our generation. Millennials are also victims of circumstance because of boomers but millennials didn't even fucking attempt to make things better or improve. They became arguably just as bad as their parents. In time we'll see where things go.

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Boomers. Then Millennials.

One thing I know is is that I'm going to raise a family of four and name my first son Chad.

Oy vey goy let us talk about generational differences, that will really show those chosen people

everyone is terrible and this world needs to be destroyed

boomers because they think their shit doesn't stink


Majority of millenials are fucking idiots

Gen X are the people running places like Salon, Slate, Huffpost, a lot of CNN, and oh so many blue checkmark twitter kikes

Boomers are the worst generation. Gen Z hasn't fucked anything up.

Boomers are just the fucking worst.

Retard take

Opinion discarded.

Low IQ pasta
Search the archive this is a bot reply report and move on

Why don't we talk about the reasons you haven't killed yourself yet?

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>see flag
Sure you aren't the (((bot)))?

based coomer


based and cringepilled

boomers are non human. Zoomers are just idiots but nowhere near as bad.

I love Monika!

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Generational DDLC

Boomers are based.
Millennial are the worst.

Oh yeah, just waste another 30 years waiting.

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>The generation that had owned the least, and has the smallest influence of today's world is the one to blame

Gen X