Oswald Mosely depicted on "Peaky Blinders"


Attached: Mosley.png (842x551, 790K)

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You're 5 episodes late, mate. Just glad they finally did something with the character.

Good speech. Mosely was more inspirational. Hopefully this will help people to discover who he really was.

Yeah was referring to the speech in the latest ep

Did anyone see the actor who plays him say he "admires" Mosley in an interview? The Pajeet interviewer freaked the fuck out - "I really, really hope you're joking" - before the poor lad cucked out and said he was.

What's with the fucking frame-rate? I now have epilepsy.

Attached: Beady wins again.jpg (600x600, 32K)

They used parts of his actual speech and what blew my mind is they used part of the National Action speech in Darlington, England.
Imo the best English speech if all time.
(Banned in UK because it's so powerful)


Attached: 5aaa53d4dda4c85d308b45ca (2).jpg (900x506, 99K)

That national action speech is one of my faves. Got it saved for posterity

Attached: 1567430001098.jpg (640x336, 58K)

Just found out it's even banned on bitchute now.

I really hate how they had Shelby's character say to his family before meeting him that he "was the the devil", even compared to all the shit bags they'd dealt with over the years.
>And don't think I didn't notice your trademark inserted niggers, BBC

Bitchute deleted my Johnny Gat reupload about how the kikes killed JFK after only 3 views. Three fucking views. Its still sitting on youtube as we speak, untouched for a month, with something like 3k views.

Im not defending jewtube, Im simply saying bitchute is not the solution.

Had no idea bitchute was so cucked.
What about minds.com ?

On the one hand it was impressive to see that speech but remember the world we lvie in, their intention is for the average viewer to see Oswald as "the literal devil". Notice how he uses the term "false news" in the heads of the average Trump hating normie this draws a paralelism with Trump calling out "fake news". Still, this might be an unintentional entry level redpill for many.

Do you have the NA white jihadi training methods vid that one was my favorite

Amazing speech. I can't believe this is being aired on TV. I want to vote for him.

Attached: Cohen Eating Turtle.png (540x421, 270K)

>Not asking back the pajeet if he was willing to allow pakistanis take over India instead.
>You don't like it? You fascist indian supremacist bigot!

>Jewish finance
He would say international capital. He didn't really have a thing about Jews until they started attacking his rallies, but that would not have been at this point. Even then he took a very "I don't fuck with them, but they fuck with me, so I fuck back" approach to the JQ.

>>the capitalists in New York, the Jews the money-power, they they run an international system in which the infinite mobility of money can bring down any government that dares for one moment to oppose it.
i no longer if its covert redpilling, or jews just blatantly telling us what they're up to, fully knowing that we can no longer do anything about it

Attached: 04c.jpg (222x250, 11K)

>nothing in that speech is refutable
>he's right on all counts
>main characters go "omg he's a monster"
>main characters are also murderers, drug dealers, liars and abusers whereas Mosley isn't any of those things, he just made a speech

This just means that the people who you think are going to be bringing you genuine National Socialism, are already kiked and controlled.

the jew has learned that there's a better way to handle truth than to lie - they just bury it in the old volumes, in the wrong category, under a pile of fables. and
like he said, you just throw the prophets of doom in halloween clothes, a few scarecrows on the side and say, "you don't want to be one of THOSE, do you?" and it works for the good-goy that just "want to get along to get along"

only with steel and resolve will we push thru this and force real change