Pol humor thread post em

pol humor thread post em

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I accidentally clicked on this board when trying to get to /po/. And I must say, this is easily one of the gayest boards on this site. No wonder it's on "Jow Forums" and not 4channel. Imagine trying to be just like /po/ except inferior in every conceivable way. Lmao, what a complete joke of a board. Next thing you know you retards will be posting porn in your tents. I hope you all get mauled by a fucking bear while doing it too. I'll see you fags later because this is the first and last time I'll be here. I'll go post where the real cats are. Later you loser faggots. Have fun with your faggy board.

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neck urself

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Ur a nigger

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Ha. Triggered.

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This is someone who does not live in the Midwest

Nailed it.

Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads

Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

These have never been funny.

Kino pasta

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Id like a little comic of a literal maple leaf drifting onto a keyboard through an open window and then the last panel is a pol threadwoth literal shit smeared over it

Can any nazi artists fulfill this wish?

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Chick looks fucken based.


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Pls sir it is such a small request

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>cartoon person (woman) on roller skates
>expecting to be taken seriously

>_ _______ ____

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Poo in loo teaches how to

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Even the comic book characters it draws look deranged.

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Holy fuck no wonder your country is such a colossal failure at everything.


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God, I remember that thread...

Someone should make one of these where a person puts a toothpick under their toenail and kicks a wall

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>2 posts by this id
Post sum humor you fucking cuck

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Not this fucking shit again

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Some of them are really funny but most of them blow and there's really no in between

Anything is better than being a leaf.

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God damn it. I’m never opening one of these again!

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I hate niggers

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What if you didnt open it, but rather it opened you?

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Anti-Semite, Jews are the most persecuted race.

I'm trans and this is such a pie in the sky lie.

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Nigger 50464

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good one fren

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Being a leaf is just a gay version of being an Indian at this point

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>No way to tell they're trans without them telling you

Lol this is probably one of the most delusional things ever included in these shit comics.

I hope you die from sickle cell moon cricket

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