Jow Forumstard finds out his new mommy's secret

>Jow Forumstard finds out his new mommy's secret

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Took me a goood minute to understand that title

do redditors really fall for such obvious b8? (rhetorical question)
sage btw

Can you translate it for me. I don't get it

Sounds like "My stepson, who is older than me, raped my tranny ass"

Also this.

>tranny marries faggot
>faggot's son has sex with tranny
>tranny posts story on reddit
>another tranny reposts the story on Jow Forums
Don't forget to sage.

Flip tranny marries boomer for free US citizenship and dick mutilation, but gets fucked (literally) by the boomer's son.

Daily reminder that trannies are mentally ill.

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18 yo flip tranny (the author) is married to a 56 yo dude who's 22 yo son forced the tranny to fuck him. I guess raping asian fuckbois runs in this families genes.

Women can't compete

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Yeah they do

I am a 100% serious here when I say I cannot figure out these relationships in these types of posts. Loke my brain either cannot form the diagramming connections between all these trannies and what they are/uses to be and how they are related or are interacting with one another. Either that or my brain just does not give a fuck about these trannies to waste any effort trying to figure out how everything is pieced together in their sad little stories.

this two and a half men reboot is looking hilarious

Who said he is a Jow Forumstard?

>tfw your mom’s a dude who is 4 years younger than you so you rape her

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pretty sure he wrote that up using only one hand

And Americans call themselves white. Kek.

>discord tranny makes a post on reddit
>screenshots it
>l-look how messed up you guys are!!

lmao this can't be real, this is some fag using reddit to post their gay fucking tranny textporn.

We'll rake you last.

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the honk is strong with this one

>Jow Forumstard finds out his new mommy's secret
heh good one

>I guess raping asian fuckbois runs in this families genes.
that's a pretty good guess, have a (You)

Post the rest you ultra-nigger!

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I guarantee it's a shitlord from Jow Forums

Even if that were true, what about the response that place gave the post?

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Trafficked child to rabbis house bat mitzvah’d by rabbis son.

Don't fap too much now

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Hilarious post, leaffren. Here's an exemption from the Day of the Rake for (you).

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That's a pretty shitty even by fanfic standards

Well we have to believe all survivors so what are we going to do about this Jow Forums?

The writer oversold it with the housewife larp and taking care of a 22 year old son. This is goddamn laugh-out-loud funny, I used to troll /b/ with this kind of crap.

56 year old guy married an 18 year old transvestite. The old man's 22 year old son raped the transvestite up the ass.
This entire family is composed of faggots.

I bet you its not even that. I bet the hypersexual tranny seduced the son cause the father probably is fat and has a tiny dick.
Now living in America with its insane "victim" culture, she thinks she can destroy both men and end up with the house or something.