
Why shouldn't we take it serious?

Attached: hookie kook.jpg (952x831, 136K)

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Kek, actually true. My parents are both deaf and my father is redpilled about jews, he fucking hates them.

Lol what would a jew be satisfied with in all honesty though?

rarest merchant evarr

well i mean we do have hook noses. I'm surprised they didn't add hand rubbing gestures too.

Attached: jew keks in merchant.jpg (480x360, 37K)

The new Anti Jew symbol?

>even the deaf are making fun of us

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The fact that everyone else gets "racism" but jews get "antisemitism" is the biggest joke of all.

>Only germans allowed to talk the truth about hook noses are deaf.

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But in all seriousness, what sign would you not find offensive for sign language

the dollar sign

Attached: 1516790472149.gif (382x379, 387K)

But blacks use that more often than anyone. Sorry it's taken

Thanks for the lulz

I bet the girl in OP's pic is actually Jewish herself. The author certainly is.

I'm going to miss Israel when it's gone,
like I miss a splinter in my dick.

Sign language is now an anti-semitic trope

the sign for jew should be you masterbating to completetion

That's what I'm saying, there is literally nothing that you can use to identify them without getting push back specifically because they hate being identified

oyy also yawn

Attached: hooknose_is_a_spectrum.jpg (743x859, 201K)

If that’s true than why do Jews have crazy hooked noses?

clearly, the gesture should be hunched-over handrubbing

How about rubbing hands for Jew in ASL

Attached: 406615AF-D5AA-4CEA-9A01-0E33CCA031DD.gif (220x180, 172K)

This is the actual sign for Jew in ASL

Attached: F33CE26E-BFEC-422F-8F3E-52BDB42799ED.jpg (195x233, 8K)

They usually get rhinoplasty

Same here. Both parents are deaf and both hate jews

using the evil hand gesture - obviously. reveals who they are alone then.

NZSL is redpilled on the JQ as well, apparently

Since dollar is taken how about just s shredded dick?

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because jews like barbara spectre

Aquiline noses are a Roman feature.

Postage stamp (1943) displaying death mask of Nazi German official Reinhard Heydrich with an aquiline nose.

Attached: Heydrichmarke.jpg (708x798, 384K)

Deaf people are largely immune to the media brainwashing. They're the most natural humans you can find nowadays.

its Armenian/north Mesopotamian. Usually only armenians, jews, turks and some northern iranians have it

Death to all Jews

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You mean anti-jewism?