Seriously guys. Is Europe fucked? To be honest i can't imagine how we can save it without genocides.
Seriously guys. Is Europe fucked? To be honest i can't imagine how we can save it without genocides
>I can't imagine how we can save it without genocides
There's not way to save Europe with massive racial purges
Arm yourself now kraut, we have a shitload of work ahead
I'm guessing their solution to low fertility rates is migrants.
Sorry, I mistyped
Move to America at least here you can retain your culture like the Amish do.
>Arm yourself now kraut
I wish
>Seriously guys. Is Europe fucked?
>To be honest i can't imagine how we can save it without genocides.
>without genocides
You ain't wrong there.
I wish i had a robo granny
Only Western Europe and you Nazi bastards. East and Slav Europe will eventually welcome Russia back in, we will literally build our Great Slavic Wall this time and protect ourselves from your wretched influence forever.
Japs have kids?
Can't you just deport any non-whites from Europe, even if they were born here and their parents also you can retrace their country of origin and force said country to take them back, it's not like they can stand up to Europe if you guys really wanted to progress with that strategy and this way your hands won't be bloodied.
Are you scared?
Yeah, it's gone. Damage is irreparable. Best to remember it as it was.
Laws, government and judicial are way too cucked. They almost don't deport illegals or criminals. You clould rather invent time travelling than get them out on legal/offical way.
Of what?
You have to exterminate the GM's and those in positions of power in Minecraft.
deportation or genocide?
This could only work if the current system gets toppled and replaced by a redpilled one.
getty images is interesting. read up on how they fuck up photographers with their hawkish rights towards images
Wow, what a boring repetitive thread with the same pictures that has already been posted several times last month.
Be a little bit more original in using OP pics.
Left out the part where the leading cause of death in Japan for men between 20-44 is suicide huh, having one of the world's highest suicide rates.
admitting that you have a problem is the first step to finding a solution... keep up the good work germanopean union bro
This is hilarious and sad because it's 100% true.
Our leaders are fucking retarded.
We just need to be allies again
They chose this path, so they reap its "benefits". If you still swear loyalty to the ideals of your country then I really respect you.
Well I wouldn't want to die in a genocide that's for sure. But if they deport people that look like me, then I have bad news leaf because you'd get deported as well.
Europe is going to be fine.
Wolves in sheep's clothing and very patient until we're not.
It's just sad that we are way to high trust with low in-group preference until the very last moment.
So we have to spend a couple of years scalping motherfuckers instead of innovating and moving forward.
Ah well. Deus Vult
The sad thing is that historically, when things were like this (invaded by migrating populations, decay of social structure etc) it took a collapse to start rebuilding and fighting back.
I'm not an Arab jihadi.
America and retention of culture don't belong in the same sentence.
Japan should send us its robot army and cyber grannies in the upcoming fight.
>import hundreds of thousands of immigrants
>give them voting rights
>the vote for the party that brought them in, hoping they can bring their family someday
>domestic voters vote against immigration
>imported voters continue to overwhelm them
>imported voters laze away on the welfare state
>domestic voters continue to struggle
>government brings in more immigrants
There's no hope. We lost several decades ago.
I mean what do you expect to current system sucks, everything about it is shit. Take for example the judicial system, serial rapist and murders etc. get to defend themselves and it takes sometimes years until their case is processed, in a normal well functioning society it would be over as soon as their crime has been proven they would get the rope. Kids get to act like degenerates in school and if they get a bad grade parents come to school and complain about it. Smart kids aren't being rewarded and are kept in classes with average kids who prove to be a bad influence there by further degrading the future generations of so called intellectuals. Basically our society is constructed in a way that merit isn't being rewarded or the rewards are not justified enough because why would you try and work hard to improve yourself if you'll have to pay tax money to sustain people who were failures in life? Any society that wants to be on the path of progress has to be merit based and it has to punish degeneracy and laziness, that's how it works in nature, if you are predator you cannot expect some other predator to share his prey with you, provided you didn't contribute to his hunt in any way, but this is exactly what happens in human society, we have removed the factor that would let us to evolve and that is namely natural selection. A downfall is needed.
>East and Slav Europe will eventually welcome Russia back in, we will literally build our Great Slavic Wall this time and protect ourselves from your wretched influence forever.
Bosnian-Croat expat here. Come get me when it's no longer "evil" and "a warcrime" to free our country.
Are bows and things like that legal there?
Japan is going down the samr path tho. Its just a matter of time the whole world turns into niggerland.
free from whom? You guys should divide Bosnia between yourselves and the Serbs it would be the best path of action.
>Are bows and things like that legal there?
Yeah, I got a crossbows but that's useless when a pack of 10 or more muzzies or negroes comes at me.
>how we can save it without genocides
ethnic cleansing
Your fault kraut, both for 2015 refugee crisis and ww2.
Europe is lost. You can't fight hoards of millions of niggers and jihadis under an oppressive government that disarmed you. You can only run. Same thing happened here in America. The foot soldiers are niggers and spics and Muslims who run our government. This can't be fought and won. We have to retreat and gather somewhere else.
Short answer: Yes
We will see a stream of actual refugees going east in our lifetime.
>ethnic cleansing
fight against shitskins, niggers and libtards this war would be for sure good idea
>free from whom?
>"Bosniaks constitute 50.11% of the population"
>"Serbs 30.78%, Croats 15.43%, and others form 2.73%"
The Muslims outbred us and took over. I didn't even have a problem with the Serbs. Now my homeland is a fucking history book page.
there is over million bosnian croats in Croatia, God knows how much elsewhere in world, if you didn'z emmigrate so mich croats would be number one
Alot of ethnic cleansing needs to be done, no other way
>save it without genocides
>implying this is desired, or even practicable
Look, no one wants to talk about this, but a bunch of fucking people have to die very fucking soon or else we all die. All politics aside, this is the reality. We can sacrifice double digits percentage of the population, or we can all go down with the ship. That's all there is to it.
>if you didn'z emmigrate so mich croats would be number one
Yes, but I had more family living in Canada. I knew nobody in Croatia, and was afraid to start a new life there. Bosnia was not safe when I had to leave with my sister.
This guy gets it. We'll dress it up in all sorts of ideological ways, or political whatever, but deep down it's an instinctual reaction to severe overpopulation and social distance.
We fucked ourselves with industrial farming techniques which ended the threat of malthusian catastrophes. So we've built up so much that now, if it's not managed before we hit the cap, we're all going to die.
There is no place to run. We have no choice but to stand our ground and defend ourselves.
>he doesn't make his own chlorine and mustard gas
It's like you don't even want to survive.
But what if our economic system crashes and there won't be any welfare for migrants (and basically anyone) any longer? What will you do, speaking for said migrants?
>industrial farming techniques which ended the threat of malthusian catastrophes
Malthus was a hack using elementary-school math that ignored how much you can starve a population and still watch them subsist. Much of the wars in the twentieth century proved that starving a country of its food sources meant little to nothing for the war effort.
If there is a sustainable cap to population growth, we haven't hit it. People won't die faster than they can breed, especially the fucking subhumans.
In the name of the Eternal Kraut, your war crimes will be forgiven this time.
That's right kraut, we can't. Hopefully you'll handle yourself better this time.
its fucked.
some wars wiil break out.
it will start in germany.
nothing new in history.
Nothing ever happens - until something happens. But no one knows when, and how.
>East and Slav Europe will eventually welcome Russia back in
have fun with those "Russians" comrade
It seems kinda fucked killing them all when your country brought them there in the first place.
Yea, they're dumb as shit, retarded, and, subhuman but I still think they should just be sent back where they came from en masse.
Kill any of the ones that commit crimes like rape though.
Our only hope is an economic crisis big enough to ruin economy and fuck the public finance up.
America will send their mutt golems to stop said genocide.
>America will...
No, they won't. Ever since the Nixon regime, you fuckers have been stingy with supporting any kind of active power struggle in Europe.
It's true though. A lot of taco benders come here and never learn English. Their homes and communities are filled with traditional Mexican shit. It's like they still live in Mexico, but with way better perks.
>ruin economy and fuck the public finance up
imanage how niggers will react after cuting off social help.
The far right is gaining more and more traction in Europe. Especially Eastern Europe. History is cyclical and there is no ultimatum for replacement. You just have to work for it. Drop subtle redpills... Information spreading is paramount.
yes and no.
Europe will suffer a troubling time, however on the back end it will be better than ever.
first you have to understand that your standard of living is the highest it will be in for at least 20-30 years. it's only going to go down but don't worry.
I think it will happen something like this
>demographics based economic collapse
the EU doesn't have the demography to have consumption based growth. the consumers aren't there and the ones that are (Southern Europe has taken on massive amounts of person debt and the banking sector will collapse, the cost of capital will sky rocket)
>to solve this they will bring even more 3rd world shitskins
bringing semi retarded apes will boost consumption based growth. so the thinking goes. these creatures can spend your money better than you and they breed like rabbits. they pay the VATs and all the other various taxes you have with your tax dollars, it funds the system and the elites.
>this will cause massive social upheaval
imagine importing millions of 3rd world leaches while your in recession. they will initially put huge strains. this will hyper fuel far right populist nationalists. if your government happens to be right wing at the time you will see mass repatriations if it's left wing expect mass violence.
>skilled Euros and Jewros will be coming to the US in mass, 1880s style
they will immigrate to the US because it's the only developed country that will have a stable economy. we're talking mass migration, which is why bills like HR 1044. what people don't understand about HR 1044 is in the short term it clears of backlog of chinks and poos but it eliminates the cap on European countries. when the fall happens they will be coming here. most likely your educated shitskins, liberal Eurocrats and the other dregs of your society.
so on the back end Europe will be great. shitskins, liberals and Jews will be largely gone. then you can rebuild a better Europe once the cancer is excised
This time together against the true enemy.
>To be honest i can't imagine how we can save it without genocides.
Haha, you're fucking retarded if you ever thought there was another way Hans.
a machine which pulls them into the sea
>Europeans will flee to the US
What, why would they leave their 90%+ white country for a 56% mutt nation?
Bwahaha, yeah, it will be fun for the unsuspecting cityfags xD
Pretty much. Prepare for civil unrest in Europe. It's the only way to throw out the goatfuckers.
Join a shooting club, get your hunting license. Then you can legally own pistols, rifles and shotguns.
It will take years, generations, possibly centuries for the white man to rise again properly. It will happen, but after a big collapse and turmoil
>Stable economy
tell me more about how large US national debt is compared to the rest of the planet?
>born JUST in the right time participate in the niggerarab purge of 2025
Mes amis, meine Freunde, my friends...
Read the Brevik manifesto
Smart brained nigga already gave an outline
Meanwhile robots are still dumb as fuck
Please don't bomb us again when we try to fix our shit.
based and Sarmatpilled, fuck wh*Teys
>Join a shooting club
1 year wait time
>get your hunting license
No money (right now) and no courses running here (starting next year again).
Also I have a feeling that things are going south much sooner than many might expect meaning that neither of these are viable options anymore at this point (at least I think so). I think at this point it's actually a lot more realistic to get weapons by means of the blackmarket. Then again I don't have any contacts in that area so that falls out too (at least for me) and joining a shooting club in hopes of befriending someone who'd give me a gun and sufficient ammo in times of need is way too optimistic and naive for me.
they would quite happily replace you and champion your peoples demise. why should they be given pity?
you know that shit will eventually hit small cities and villages but yeah it will be funny for a while
>starving a country of its food sources meant little to nothing for the war effort.
Uhhmm...what? Hello, WW1? Germans have been beaten ONLY by a fucking blockade. On the field they absolutely slaughtered the Entente with 2:1 casaulties on their favour. War ended with Germany still unoccupied, and enemy forces outside of its border.
Because there is no fucking ''90%+ white country'' in Europe anymore, you dumb fucktard. Germany is 1/4 non-white. France is like 70% white, and UK probably the same. Its fucking over.
Definitely need a genocide.
It will be so much fun for you, to see it from your 99% white poland. I hope you'll enjoy the show
>To be honest i can't imagine how we can save it without genocides.
Why would you imagine it any other way?
kek this
if fucking Croatia, a nation that existed for a grand total of 5 years as an independent state at that point could purge 450k hostiles off its territory in four (4) days, then the old and storied nations of Europe sure as shit can deal with a few million shitskins when the time comes and the traitor governments get deposed.
I remain optimistic.
I hope we will survive, seeing as we take ''gibs'' from EU as well.
>you know that shit will eventually hit small cities and villages
Will be horrible if the roaming groups of scavengers haven't suffered big losses in the city. I fear this here especially since different ethnicities group together in terms of living here. We got a huge part of the city exclusively filled with muzzies and pretty gang scum. Muzzies are one of my biggest concerns here since they got a strong unifying agent while the rest of "us" is divided by political means, be it commies/nazis/libs/etc.
>pretty gang scum
*pretty much gang scum
take every euro you can get, you're the future
Yes, most of Europe is definitely fucked. In countries like Germany and France nearly half of the newborn babies are already rapefugee spawns. In just few decades a democratic change will take place and native population will be replaced.
Well, we can't hide forever, can we?
*demographic change
Based Estonian