Andre Yang: The US should Support Israel

He also said: Why would we reduce the money we are giving to israel?

Attached: YangSupportsIsrael.png (644x861, 278K)

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>Andrew "Jews Fear The Samurai" Yang

Am I the only one who seriously believes he is a Chinese spy?

this turd won't even get close to winning even the democratic nomination let alone any election let alone any presidential election so eh

all the Dems are.

Whats the story behind this? I mean, ok if you want to support Israel but why USA govt give them money?

>Status quo and money for Israel until economic collapse
>Status quo and money for Israel and $1000/month until economic collapse

he bring great shame to family

>Yang didn’t even mention Palestinians
And why would he? He didn’t mention Wakanda either. There’s no such country as “Palestine”.

There is no country called Israel too.

There is on my map. Not that I’m a huge fan of them, but their country actually does exist.

Yeah literally the only place that thinks Yang is relevant is Jow Forums for some reason. At least Tulsi says bold things about foreign policy and has value for that despite polling similarly low as Yang.

story behind this:
yangshills always claim that yang doesn't support israel, always make the argument: AlWaYs BeTtTeR ThAn GiViNg MoNeY To IsRaEl

hence it's funny that yang literally says at the start of the video: "why would we reduce the money we are giving to israel? if it came across like that i'm sorry that was not my intention"

LOL he literally BTFO all the yang shills

Why is it that in old times there was a place called Palestine? Do Jews have the power to magically turn back time and erase it from ever existing?

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since the beginning

Imagine if you shit in my mouth haha can you imagine how crazy that would be? Hey what is your full name I'm looking to make new friends

Well couldn’t give a shit about Palestinian sandniggers either. Has any presidential candidates criticized how much money US sends to Israel?

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Imagine if you shit in my mouth haha can you imagine how crazy that would be? Hey what is your full name I'm looking to make new friends

>Jews Fear The Samurai
But he's chink

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1611 KJV Bible says "Palestine" in Joel 3:4.


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Yang sucks. If he'd say, we keeping muds out, giving away free money, fine. But he is for open borders and money for kikes.

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Are you fucking 12? Fucking newfags

Of course we should, they are our greatest ally

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What's the alternative? Trump is for open borders, money for kikes, and grabbing guns, but no free money for white citizens.

nah, the chinks probably have an all-white boomer crew, they can afford authenticity

You guys expected anything else form Andrew "Spineless" Yang?

You talk policy all day, but at the end of it your strength of character is ALL that matters

Oh okay. So choose the person who will let in more people and not give you yang bucks.


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So Yang's campaign is over, he's probably alienated a lot of his independent voters. It's either Warren or Bernie now, I don't think Tulsi is ever going to get nominated, as much as I like her, she just isn't a sufficiently strong candidate. I don't think Biden is going to last till the elections, if Democrats pick Biden regardless of his dementia, it will mean they are completely out of their mind.

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Yang kissing the (((ring)))


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bye bye yang gang

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You sound alittle to relived to write Yang off. Also you’re in Poland why do you care what puppet we put in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

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Because it's in everybody's interest that America collapses as soon as possible, the US has become the great Satan, so electing a candidate that's likely to destabilize the current status quo is imperative at the moment. It's sunk in Trump isn't going to do buttfuck anything, so we need some else. Someone like Bernie would be a Godsend in all honesty because he's a fucking commie. Warren might beat Trump, but she will just revert to milquetoast corporate Democrat policies, which means no real change.

And I seriously doubt Yang sucking juju cum is going to appeal to independent voters, whereas he's nowhere nearly as compelling as regular social democrats in terms of his economic proposals. He's an autistic Asian dude that's likely seen as part of the privileged class, so I doubt he will do well among minorities or the rustbelt voters. I think he's just lost a large portion of whatever appeal he initially might've had.

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Yang has stated his plan to win is to get republicans to vote for him.

Why would americans really vote for a ching chong? Do you really think congress will pass his $1k dollars bullshit? lmao


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He sure is acting like one.

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He's more of a kike spy.

Trump isn't half as much for grabbing guns as yang. Read yang's website.

oh look

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he looks different here

He's literally the only good candidate, edgelord


nope. I've been saying this about since the moment he started getting astroturfed on here and by all the usual suspects in alt-kike media.

Jews would love to sell America off completely to the Chinese once our military has served it's purpose in establishing Greater Israel.

This kills the yang gang 2020

He's smart enough to know saying anything different would be political suicide.

gotta generate as much support as possible ;)

But America is our friend. Without them we would be lost.

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Yangtards will defend This

Well, he's just proven he's no outsider and just another corporate candidate, so his campaign is over for the most part. He could ignore the issue and focus on other things, but he chose to be yet another juju cumdumpster, it's not like he can compete with Trump of all people in this field.

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i'm off the yang train

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>our friend
Yeah, I love how they shower us with Zionist and LGBT propaganda, pressure us to buy overpriced junk and furtively offer us to the Russians in exchange for their neutrality in the upcoming confrontation between the US and China. With such friends you don't need enemies.

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>saying anything different would be political suicide
But democrats say it so often that Jews created new special corruption group just for dems. Yang also chink, so he has anti-antisemitism card.

yes, because we haven't corrected the jewish ownership thing yet. If we did, we would have visas, and american bases in Poland. We should do more stuff for america, now they are losing turky as a forward base. Why can't Poland be their new place to keep stuff.

Is it a possibility for any politician to put the needs of their own fucking country as a primary concern? Or does that only happen in works of fiction?

Well, our glorious shabbos goyim are going to imburse whatever sum Jews pressured us to pay, so don't worry, we're getting there, we're going to become a new Jewish colony all right, you won't be able to say a word against the Jewish people without getting incarcerated, publicly shamed and ostracized. Instead of the USSR, it's now the US, can't stop winning, dobra zmiana in its full glory.

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>Andre Yang: The US should Support Israel

All of you Jow Forumstard thought he was the Messiah, he is just like the others.

MUHHH 1000$

Why not 6 000 000$? Idiots.


0_o what the hell are you talking about, if stuff was taken illegaly, as it was from Poles, Jews or even germans, it should be returned to them, or they should be given recompensation. Also even if the US were to occupy Poland, which they wouldn't, I give you a few examples of their occupation. Japan, Germany, Guam,S. Korea. Horrible places to live in, equal in how bad Soviet occupation is. There is zero difference living in Poland and Japan after one being in soviet hands and the other in america hands.

>He's literally the only good candidate, edgelord
we must support israel, our greatest ally, yang said so
we must give 1000 dollars to all immigrants that will be welcome to america, yang said so

even ethan kik... i mean klein agrees with him

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He bends the knee.