Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - New Poll Edition

Thuringia: Oct. 27 2019 #ltwth

>Election analysis 2014-2019

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>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>A f D W A V E


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Other urls found in this thread: und umwelt/was-hilft-dem-klimaschutz/pioniere-und-stoerenfriede-muessen-durch-verzicht-den-wandel-vorwegnehmen.html

>Für ein Deutschland, in dem wir gut und gerne leben
>an adult fugee costs around 15,000 a year, an 'unaccompanied minor' fugee costs around 100,000 a year.

Attached: widespread fraud.png (795x2321, 650K)

can AFD beat Linke in Thuringia or nah?

The odds are good, in the last election the AfD always scored 2-3 higher than the polls.

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AfD is unironically Zionist. They openly support Israel and attack BDS. Linke and III. Weg is more based and nationalsoziale

>an 'unaccompanied minor' fugee costs around 100,000 a year

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>Linke and III. Weg is more based and nationalsoziale
Linke are commies and want open borders and 3. Weg is a irrelevant 0.05% party.

Attached: 1.png (325x485, 110K)

DDR was more based than Adenauer's Anglo-American occupation zone could ever hope to be.

>never recognised kikestan
>refused to pay even a cent of reparations to the kikes

The only based thing west Germany did was that time they """"""accidentally"""""" shit dead the Jewish athletes at Munich while trying to """"""rescue""""" them

Die Linke =/= DDR

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the brown cutie chick that leads Die Linke against open borders? I forgot her name

If you mean Wagenknecht, I have bad news for you. She was putscht over a year ago by the sjw faction led by Kipping.

Attached: WagenknechtvsKipping.jpg (796x650, 158K)


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Based. I unironically believe democracy is a rigged dogshit system where the Jew always wins. Just look at how they're not letting trumpf do any of the stuff he promised his people

Putsch when?

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>Based. I unironically believe democracy is a rigged dogshit system where the Jew always wins.
So why are you still posting here if you believe that the jews have already won?
>Just look at how they're not letting trumpf do any of the stuff he promised his people
By the record, Trump has fulfilled most of his promises. The wall, China, Supreme Court justices, slowing down immigration (by giving less funds to the state department) etc.

> decaying post-wall beauty
> probably not fertile anymore
> 1 kid between the two of them

What a terrible fucking waste.

>SPD Thüringen: 7%
4.9% pls. I will be so, so happy.


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Howdy anons.

CDU/CSU + AfD + FDP = 50%
SPD + SED + Grüne = 43.5%

But of course we'd rather get CDU + Grüne or RRG.

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RRG Minderheitsregierung toleriert von der CDU wird kommen.

At least the democratic parties can prevent the AfD! Nothing else is important.

Attached: heise-afd-1488-kommentare.png (674x701, 210K)

show true flag memeboi

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Da wächst zusammen was zusammengehört, die linken Socken

Yeah, Wagenknecht should have bred some kids like von der Leyen.

>von der Leyen.
dumm wie Brot, groomed as fuck

CDU/Grüne is most likely imo

Attached: Stamp Autorisiert Memenstreitkraefte.png (859x880, 419K)

How? 22+8=30. Also the CDU has not the Regierungsauftrag when they land on the third place.

26,5+22,5 = 49

> pic

How long did you sit there hitting Ctrl-R like a hawk? Or did you even go to the trouble of hacking a script to take care of that sort of thing? :-)

Oh nevermind, we're talking about Thüringen. Yeah, they'll probably be stuck with RRG


(26,5+22,5) / (1 - 0,065) = 52,406 %


RRG: 28+8+7=43
CDU+AfD: 25+22=47

RRG is far from a majority

The result is the same. And it's more easily understood.

Doubt thats's gonna happen though, give it another election cycle


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I'm talking about majorities, not coalitions.
The CDU and AfD have the majority of seats together even if the FDP fails to hit the 5% target.
RRG can't rule without being tolerated by either the CDU or the AfD.

Grönemeyer sucks deeply. His music always was shit and now he showed what a complete retard he is. I hope he dies soon


Nothing will change before they get to 50%

If they do get close to 50%, chances are they'll be banned, elections will be banned, or elections do not matter anymore because 1. parliament is already dominated by unelected climate councils that control any decision making and 2. the situation is already so bad there's nothing left to save.

If they do get to a position of power despite all of these hinderances there's a pretty good chance they'll turn out to be controlled opposition that sells out to the globalists just like any other establishment party.

The AfD needs about 48% of the vote to get the majority of seats.
At 40% of the vote, there is no way for other parties to form a government without them other than forming a 5 way coalition that would break apart within weeks.
At 30% of the vote, at least three to four parties would have to form a coalition.

If FDP hits 5% they could join the RRG coalition though, or at least be the ones tolerating them for a 1% majority. Pretty awkward situation, though. Might be even more awkward if AfD actually manages to beat the lefties and ends up being the party in charge of scrambling for coalitions.

>that sells out to the globalists just like any other establishment party.
That's a likely scenario given that most are in it for personal profit, like in any party. The interesting effect will be what happens with the populace: Will they give up and fall into total apathy? Or will they go utterly mad when the party that was sold to them as "lidderall nadsies :DDDDD" wasn't extreme enough to solve their problems?

Thuringia is literally fucked.

Socialist & nationalist coalition incoming.
You know that means national socialism.

>they'll be banned
>elections banned
none of the above. by the time they get 50% they will be pozzed, kiked through and through. there will be talk of responsibility, of compromise, of values etc again.
I mean, gee, m8s, I sometimes feels as if nobody remembers even one election back. never mind remembering the whole history. it's as if nobody has ever seen a politico turn 360 (again - I hate this particular meme).

Considering most of those 'minors' are actually adults with an ape like brain that is deep shit.

>If FDP hits 5% they could join the RRG coalition though
That won't happen.
>or at least be the ones tolerating them for a 1% majority.
Being tolerated by an one percent margin is the same as not having a majority at all because some of the FDP members will always vote against.
>Might be even more awkward if AfD actually manages to beat the lefties and ends up being the party in charge of scrambling for coalitions.
The Linke will most likely win by cannibalizing even more Green, SPD and CDU votes.
And even if the AfD wins, no party would be willing to form a government with them so the other parties would scramble to form a minority government instead.

Isn't he a tax refugee in the UK?

Die Wagenknecht würd ich schon mal schänden die geile Magd.

There is no perfect party that works for its voters. You're chasing a fantasy.
"Good enough" works fine for me.

She isn't even that cute for a half-Iranian.

She already hit the wall. Even the tons of makeup can't hide it anymore.

All establishment parties report to the same neoliberal olgiarchy. Red-Red-Green-Black-Yellow could work for much longer than you think.

There's also a strong push to change the constitution and the remaining democratic institutions to hand over control to the neoliberal UN programs of wealth distribution.

Page 209 summarizes some of the central concerns on these ideas (a constitution that requires any and every action to put "sustainable development first" and unelected climate governors who can veto anything) which are pretty likely to pass regardless of who's formally in power.

The party system is just for show because global governance is made in the back offices of the oligarchy. Colin Crouch already pointed this out in 2004 with his definition of post democracy, which is a good starting point even though I do not fully agree with this views.

>You're chasing a fantasy.
I'm perfectly fine with the AfD as the tool that she is. All parties are inherently corrupt by their nature, this one simply corrupts in a direction more desirable than the others. I was merely pointing out the benefit I'd expect out of the inevitable betrayal.

Die Endlösung war für die Linke immer der Sozialismus bzw. Kommunismus, mit allem was dazu gehört. Jeder Kommentar den dieses geistesgestörte Gesocks loslässt geht in die Richtung.
Wer immer noch glaubt das einer dabei ist, der nicht die DDR zurück will ist einfach nur dämlich.
Das sind nur deren hübsch lächelnde Marketingstrategen, die dir den Sozialismus wieder mal als Lösung für alles Übel verkaufen wollen.
Wer Links zur Macht verhilft macht sich mit schuldig an all deren Verbrechen, die da noch kommen.

>All establishment parties report to the same neoliberal olgiarchy. Red-Red-Green-Black-Yellow could work for much longer than you think.
In theory maybe. In practical terms such a coalition would never happen.
>There's also a strong push to change the constitution and the remaining democratic institutions to hand over control to the neoliberal UN programs of wealth distribution.

>Die Endlösung war für die Linke immer der Sozialismus bzw. Kommunismus

Wer hätt's gedacht
>Die Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands (SED) war eine marxistisch-leninistische Partei
>Aus ihr entstand 2007 durch Verschmelzung mit der WASG die Partei Die Linke.

Nadsi Rechtsmediziner !!!!!!

>other parties would scramble to form a minority government instead
So Weimar all over again.

>So Weimar all over again.
Weimar conditions require Weimar solutions my friend.

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Don't know about tax evasion, but he lives/lived in London. Probably the whole BREXIT stuff over there melted his brain.

>In theory maybe. In practical terms such a coalition would never happen.
There's no reason to believe the neoliberal puppets of those parties will reject wealth and power for some abstract reason like fulfilling voters' expectations, and certainly there are no longer any significant practical differences between them anymore either.
>>There's also a strong push to change the constitution and the remaining democratic institutions to hand over control to the neoliberal UN programs of wealth distribution.
So? They have an advisory role, but their views are certainly consistent with those of all established government and "opposition" parties, and certainly with the UN Agenda 2030 program that's the current driving force behind this wealth redistribution program. Climate change laws and constitutional changes to allow for "soft" expropriations in the name of environmentalism are coming.

Did you see that ???

>Seine »Hockeyschlägerkurve« galt bei vielen Anlässen als Kronzeugin des Klimawandels: die Kurve, die erst leicht und dann stark ansteigt und somit den von Menschen gemachten Klimawandel dramatisch vor Augen führen soll. Doch nun ist Michael Mann in Kanada mit seiner Kurve vor Gericht gescheitert.

Der Prozess lief ja seit Ewigkeiten und hat auch Bezug zum Climategate der University East Anglia (den gefälschten Klimadaten).

Look into The First Global Revolution, published in 1991 by the Club of Rome think tank that's behind much of what the UN has been doing.
Big oil, big finance, big everything-unethical people announcing that environmentalism would be used as a tool to unite the people to a system of global governments.

I found it at 1,480 comments and just waited. It was like 5am. Number went up and down, users were commenting while Heise was deleting. Quite fun to watch. Just enjoy the big bunch of deleted threads/comments:

Ahem. Zentrum party is revived from the dead. Rhineland and Bavaria rejoice. Mallinckrodt becomes chancellor and dismantles the federated states.

It's lower taxiation for artists there. Go figure. He is literally a rat.

Fake News. Already dismissed.
Timothy Ball is a creationist. That says a lot about his mental health.

>Just enjoy the big bunch of deleted threads/comments:

Wonderful...looks a lot like a typical Zeit comment section :-)

Verzichtsideologen again tell us how to live:

>Folglich könnte eine wirksame Nachhaltigkeitspolitik hierzulande nur in Reduktion bestehen: Genügsamkeit, Sesshaftigkeit, regionale und lokale Versorgungssysteme sowie ein gradueller Rückbau der Industrie wären unausweichlich.
>Begleitet von der wachstumskritischen Nachhaltigkeitsforschung kann erprobt werden, welche Versorgungssysteme, Arbeitszeitmodelle, Bildungsinhalte, Ernährungsweisen und wie viel Konsum, Mobilität, Wohnraum, Service-Komfort sowie Digitalisierung mit einer global gerechtigkeitsfähigen Lebensführung vereinbar wären. Nur so lassen sich weitere Teile der Gesellschaft und schließlich auch die Politik in Resonanz versetzen. Unersetzlich sind dabei Pioniere und Störenfriede, die den Steigerungswahn durch praktizierte Gegenentwürfe delegitimieren und damit zugleich eine Alternative anbieten. und umwelt/was-hilft-dem-klimaschutz/pioniere-und-stoerenfriede-muessen-durch-verzicht-den-wandel-vorwegnehmen.html

Heise is now a leftist shithole. Traditionally they were rather free speech and liberal. But that changed after 2015. I got repeatedly insulted and banned by their admins.

What is Fake News??

>Verzichtsideologen again tell us how to live:

Fucking Malthusians. Why can't they just follow their death cult ideology to its logical conclusion? Man up and pic related, folks!

> Heise is now a leftist shithole. Traditionally they were rather free speech and liberal.

Interesting that it lasted that long. Got little experience with it...I never cared enough to sign up for yet another forum just to hear the same tired lines from the same kind of people one found on Usenet. And after Usenet had mostly ceased to be a thing I graduated to Jow Forums anyway...

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>What is Fake News??
Your lost case is fake news. In fact it was put down because Tim Ball deemed himself too old to continue the process. Nothing Mann said was disproved. - “How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump”

>NOTE (importint):
Even if you do not like Trump, or do not have faith in him (honestly it is a naive thing to think Trump supports Israel, but to each its own), if you want to help destroy support for Israel by turning ALL Trump supporters against it, this is the way to do it.

Another thread related: - “If you think Trump supports Israel, you're retarded” - “Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law” - “Just for some perspective” - 2 minute read, redpills anyone. - “Mega Group, Maxwells, and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal”


Attached: 3_Jewish_supremacism_post_4.jpg (1384x9954, 3.64M)

>goyim you come from amoebas, we tell you

Attached: Happy-Merchant.png (1027x1200, 510K)

Stop with your Fake News:

I signed up at heise in 2004. I came to Jow Forums around 2008 or 2010 or so (I don't know exactly as I lost all Jow Forums folders from before 2012).

Heise was mostly fair over all those years and even defended my right to write somewhat controversial opinions while many users repeatedly demanded that my account should be killed. But it takes one moralfagging admin to call me an asshole and permaban me and that was it.

Are you literally fuckin retarded?

How can one person be so tremendously fuckin stupid?

>I signed up at heise in 2004. I came to Jow Forums around 2008 or 2010 or so (I don't know exactly as I lost all Jow Forums folders from before 2012).
kys newfag

Or was it 2006? I've absolutely no idea. I've little memory of the time from 2005-2010. It's like this period of time didn't exist for me. When was the "Who's awesome? You" meme?

>Who's awesome? You
like 2007 iirc
2005 wuz happynegro and longcat

>sowie ein gradueller Rückbau der Industrie wären unausweichlich.

Morgenthau 2.0

>But it takes one moralfagging admin

Yeah. That's the thing that always irked me about any sort of forum. There's always some asshole with admin rights that will swing the banhammer at the drop of a hat. That's why I hung out on Usenet back in the olden days and went here later because neither required you to register a user account that's always prone to banes.

She is 50. What do you expect? For her age she looks awesome.

You do know who joe malchow is right?

>be german
>have historische schuld
>feel entitled to dictate england, russia, america, italy etc. how to do politics
how exactly does this fit together?
>adolf hitler ruled over germany for 12 years
>merkel ruled for over 16 years
>somehow hitler is a dictator and merkel is the face of "freedom"
god damn i can't take this society anymore. how many levels of retardism do you have to have to bluepilled in 2019

According to KYM it was around 2008. That would fit as I came to Jow Forums around Project Chanology (also 2008) I think.

>The English equivalent "Who's awesome? You're awesome!" was first adopted into an image macro series on the popular imageboard Jow Forums[6]. The earliest known image macro of the pointing dog began circulating in 2008

In that case it was one of the two(?) main admins. Not just some random asshole with admin rights. He banned me before for days or weeks. I learned to keep my wording on the safe side, so that other users still got angry a lot, threatened to sue me and all that, but the admins had no reasonable point to delete my posts or ban me from just looking over it after tons of complaints came in.

I bet the Chinese are behind it.


>how exactly does this fit together?
Because we learned our lesson of history so well, that we now have the moral duty to tell others how to do things.

>somehow hitler is a dictator and merkel is the face of "freedom"
It's not about the years. While I dislike most of what Merkel does, it's not on the same level of a dictatorship (yet).

That Höcke interview from two days ago is absolutely perfect. I only knew some of his speeches until now, which make him seem like a complete buffoon, but here he seems fairly intellectual. Plus the interviewer seems like a manipulative, pompous teenage ass:

Attached: buttfly.jpg (432x341, 20K)

at this point i don't even care what afd does. same with trump. not voting afd/trump means that other parties are stronger. lefties have a very hardcore vote ethic. none of them would ever stay home. even greens would rather vote cdu before they left afd govern.
do whatever you want höcke. shit in public. take drugs. i don't care. i will vote afd just to prevent more altpartei dictatorship.
just canceling rundfunkbeitrag is more reason than enough for me to vote afd.

Apathy is not cool, friend. Plus that Höcke interview is perfect for him and AfD.

She is an oligarch (or a puppet for one), which is worse. Just as harmful if malicious and none of the accountability of a dictator.

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