Why are so many Asian women choosing WHITE men over ricecels

Why are so many Asian women choosing WHITE men over ricecels

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Asian women are the most traitorous whores on the planet. They just marry into anything that has money and their mongoloidizing genes devour the rest. Kill all chinkoids and kill all leafs.


Based Serbian rager

Asian women like to feel stretched.

Because white men are the best husbands for asian women and they know it

Because most ricecells look like (insert pic)

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Because they're whores who will fuck literally any white guy
t. yellow fever fag

Based and Serb pilled

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Because women always try to date upwards


nobody cares about your bbc fetish

It ain't a fetish if you have one

>They just marry into anything that has money
That's all women.

> Black men at the top of the sexual hierarchy.

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show it with a timestamp than with Jow Forums written on it

Fucking yellowniggers always with his TBC shit

Asian women gross me the fuck out.
Only the lowest betas actually fuck gooks.
When I see any gook I think of gutter oil, plastic milk, nasty car accidents, mangled children on pedestrian crossings, and shitty ingrish.

When u fuck a gook this is what you are merging with.
> inb4 b-but muh iq!!
Is it really worth gutter oil fried maggots?

Gook womem don't even have the decency or tact to try to hide it.
Naked shamelessness. Absolutely ZERO class or subtlety.

Australian women all look they have downs syndrome.


Any girl over the age of 15 knows that black males the most raw and passionate. "Once you go black" has been a thing since the 70s. It's something everyone knows

Not showing you my dick. But it's long and thick. And black

Fucking whitebois with his insecurity shit

Because woman is race traitor?

GTFO of murica Wang Weilei Ling Bing Ching.

I don't even know what you TRIED to say.

Women in Aus aren't hypergamous? Damn

>Not showing you my dick. But it's long and thick. And black
very believable. we both know that you don't have anything to show. go back to your black fetish subreddit fag.

A mix of status, money, having desirable genetic traits and most importantly anyone above the age of 25 being rejected by most asians for being too old/divorcees.
It's still a very small minority who does it from both races though, thankfully.

Is our chink friend trying to sound interrigent?

You must bevone of those Miserable Guys That Only Wank.


> "Once you go black" has been a thing since the 70s. It's something everyone knows
> once you go black, you can't go back
It's missing a part though.
> once you go black, you can't go back, because no decent white man wants anything to do with your coal-burning ass anymore

My people want to stick with their own race little bitch.

Bitch the saying is "once you go black, you WONT go back"

Because white(small) dick isnt good enough anymore. Once shes had black dick it's like when eve bit into the apple. She cant go back to her ignorance, shes been enlightened. That's what BBC is, showing these women what a real orgasm is. They WONT want your lil 2 pump chump ass anymore

Says the guy asking for BBC dick pics. I'm here for you to fetishize me

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You don’t have a BBC. You have a mutilated baby dick.

It's funny that you niggers keep pushing the BBC myth. Niggers have the same penile length distribution as everyone else. Porn companies only hire the biggest dicks on the spectrum to perpetrate this myth.

When ur a gook thot with a tiny gook cunt, even a white boi incel's small dick is relatively huge. It's the closest thing these little rice dolls will ever get to BBC. So they just close dem slit eyes, easy to do, and imagine a bbc.

muh dick

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Ok, jew.

How could they not? White men have dominated most feilds of human history. Not to mention we are most atractive race, strong jawline, jewel eyes, long healthy straight hair whats not to love?
>Muh meds are not white

Hahaha sure nigger. You ugly monkies only date fat whales or crack whores.

oh shit thats the Wonton Don.

Faggot jew always with his BBC bullshit. It's the only material you have on these boards. See right through you.

Yikes, put the flag away u fraud

Brody, let's keep it 100, it ain't a myth.


Heres a vid of Estonian women saying how they prefer black men and they would date black men if they had more in Estonia. Go to 3:10
>they know what they are doing a little bit more

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Most Asian men expect their wife to do everything. They are looking for a substitute for their mom. Also, Asian men get drunk with work buddies and have sex with hookers.