Jow Forums's thoughts on Ed Snowden?

I have mixed views on him. On one hand he is a traitor, and on the other hand he also exposed shit about the glowing niggers that was pretty big.

Attached: snowden.jpg (968x681, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:

honestly if he didn’t do what he did we’d be living in a society like china’s be thankful for what you have

Actually based
Only retarded boomers think that he betrayed USA he would've been tortured if he didn't leave for Russia, its a really unfortunate situation, he confirmed every single conspiracy that these boomers believe too
If you're against Snowden you're against privacy thus against Jow Forums as a whole

Very good points. I've always been a big fan of privacy and hating the glowing niggers. Excuse my ignorance.

>he is a traitor
Fuck off, no he is not.

he's literally a psyop.

people forget that Snowden was cia contracted to the nsa, where he began leaking things about the nsa and didnt say shit about the cia. Snowden was just doing his assigned job that the glowniggers gave him.

This. Basic knowledge. He was CIA attempting to bring down NSA. NSA had uncovered all the corruption

"Snowden" was a CIA op to save their bot Obama's imploding Presidency by distracting America from IRS, Fast & Furious, and Benghazi.

It worked.

Attached: Obama - Worse Than Nixon.jpg (260x318, 32K)

He betrayed the Zionist government, not us.

>Brings awareness to private corporate working with the CIA to illegally spy on American citizens in violation of the Constitution.
>Left thinks he is a hero
>Left America proceeds to sign away their privacy and rights voluntarily to same corporations because Google and Facebook fight "muh white supremacy."

All for nothing.

>Jow Forums's thoughts on Ed Snowden?
Wanna see this fag executed one day.

He hasn’t exposed shit

A complete fucking faggot. Just look at him. Fucking faggot, completely

Snowden finally gives Q an answer.


To Q3021 (from 10 Mar 2019):
Parades or Restraints?

Attached: SnowdenParade.jpg (900x358, 45K)

>honestly if he didn’t do what he did
What did he do ?


The fucking brilliant thing about the CIA's "Snowden" op is they ran their limited hangout exposing nothing about themselves, only things about their enemy the NSA.

>elite glowing cia hacker
Butthurt sharepoint admin who got kicked out of the army for shin splints.

And now we've reached the stage where the climax to this story nears its apex.

10 Mar 2019 - 11:48:58 PM

Banking on HRC to win?
You never thought she would lose.
Banking on BRENNAN to bring you home?
You never expected a new DIR to be appointed.
Agency rogue elements still in control of OP?
GINA (EX_UK_DIV_) open attacks?

I wonder when the op started whether "Snowden" had a clause in his contract that stipulated the CIA would bring him back to America within a certain number of years.

He's a true American hero. Talk about standing against tyranny and sacrificing your life for it. Normies don't realize this, but Snowden single-handedly altered the course of history.

Trump just rides the pendulum swinging wave and gets his entry in the history books, but Snowden caused a tsunami with a god damn pen drive.

go back to sleep finn

Snowden did the right thing and as a result has been exiled and subject to a big disinformation and propaganda campaign to make the public turn against him. He's lucky he's not in a jail cell or dead.

>Snowden single-handedly altered the course of history
By making sure Obama wasn't impeached and Eric Holder and Lois Lerner didn't go to prison.

Attached: Obama - Shhh.jpg (220x249, 19K)

Why? It's 3.50pm here.

So he fucked up his entire life for CIA's interests? And how does that make blowing the whistle on highly illegal and immoral dragnet surveillance any less significant?

If a feminists BTFO's the Jew hard, do you tell the dyke to fuck off and defend the Jew?

>Normies don't realize this
Thank you for proving my point.

If he was such a hero he would have got the same treatment as Julian Assange. The fact that he has been plasterd all over the media like some kind of hero is proof that he is nothing but a good goy.

The normie is you, Sven.
Just because a blackmailed pedo makes a movie about Snowjob doesn't make it true.
If anything, it's as good an indicator that he's compd AF.
Funny how the 2 Bills, Cooper & Binney, have never had a movie made about them despite being way bigger patriots than Eddie will ever be.

Everybody knew the NSA was spying.
Wonder what he really has?

Please at least attempt to address the issues Your failure to understand the impact of the revelations is not surprising. You're a normie.

>Everybody knew the NSA was spying.
No they didn't. If you talked about dragnet surveillance or the fact that mobile phones are in fact microphones and location trackers that intelligence agencies can access at will, you were labeled a full-on tinfoil. They would've told you
>there's no way they can store all that data
>do you know how much that would cost

>Everybody knew it all along lol
This is exactly how NPCs cope when they find out something that makes them anxious/afraid.

Nice try Glow Nigger

Attached: YeahSureOK.gif (200x233, 555K)

>Finnish glownigger
You sure are a smart fella.

>the revelations
A few cheesy Power Point slides with information that had been widely known in the infosec community for a decade aren't "revelations."

did you even read the post you replied to?

looks like a pic related drinker

Attached: soy.jpg (400x322, 28K)

He is a great hero, but we will still be living in China like conditions very soon. Everyone who was paying attention knew about what he disclosed before he did it, and since he disclosed, not a single politician including Trump has done a single thing to restore our privacy. And the slavish people don't care.

He make a da chinee ver nervous

People who think he's a traitor are brainlets. The government is not supposed to spy on its citizens and they're definitely not supposed to cooperate with tech giants to impinge our freedom. Our rights have been drained away. The only solution is to hang Congress, the CIA, the Feds, the house of Representatives, the legislative branch, lobbyist leaders, and the shareholders / leaders of companies that have sold us out to foreign powers.

Just another incel getting hurt his code was copied and used in other projects without his consent



he's probably an asset of some type, if he wasn't he would never get headlines

>if he didn’t do what he did we’d be living in a society like china’
he didn't change anything, just now you know how BIG DATA is enslaving your mind

You obviously didn't.

is that you jeb

He is a traitor to the corrupt state that has managed a slow burning coup, but a patriot to the United States Constitution.


Attached: GabbardAssange.jpg (640x688, 115K)

>he didn't change anything

Bill Cooper scooped him decades earlier.
But, did he get a big Pedowood blockbuster made about him?

Nothing but a wiseguy traitor. Why won't he come home and face justice?

Attached: snowdentweet.jpg (600x339, 33K)

He is a traitor.

Attached: snowden.png (642x348, 51K)

Attached: npc.jpg (415x381, 22K)

Truth tellers are heroes

Attached: 4FA9CB09-97D2-4116-ACCF-1D1185EFF5C6.jpg (1024x1024, 126K)

Fuck off. Trump is more trustworthy than any (((MSM))) news "source".

Glowniggers do the jobs they are assigned, is that so hard to comprehend? "Fucked up his life" was part of the assignment. Be a good little soldier and get rewarded later.
William Binney blew the whistle on this stuff back in 2003.

Here's a hero, you're the traitor for allowing it to get out of hand.
Do you even know the shit he exposed? Do you even know the correlation between the shadow broker releases and the Snowden leak and how the code matches for Certain equation group tools to the NSA tools?
Are you even worth discussing this with or are you a fucking potted plant, cause I think you're a fucking potted plant.
Eternalblue and Doublepulsar are the most elegant buffer overflow attack ever witnessed, bypassing all virus software because it was a base code exploit.
Honestly OP I think you're a faggot that's never even looked at the tools and what they can do

dont you just love the dichotomy? people who think he did this all out of conscience are diet woke normies

I'd give him my life, and I think both CIA and NSA should be burned to the ground.

>Everybody knew the NSA was spying.
>Say this conspiracy before Snowden leak and get called a retard
Know how I know you're underage?

OP is a bootlicking dog.

Go die in the sand thousands of miles from home for the glory of the motherland.

Pretty much true.

Fuck off, you communist antifa cuck.

Hey CIA. Whatsup?

>"Fucked up his life" was part of the assignment. Be a good little soldier and get rewarded later.
Completely baseless conjecture.

>William Binney blew the whistle on this stuff back in 2003.
Gmail and Facebook did not exist in 2003.

>trump says x
>he must be right!
kek, I was spot on with that diagnosis. You really are an NPC.

Sup glownigger, not enjoying the discussion of your stockpiled 0days?

So this is why the deep state is deep sixing her campaign.

Snowden was a limited hangout to gauge the public on how outraged they would become when they realized what the alphabet soups were up to

Nobody cared and they continue as before.

true patriots are always traitors
patriotism =/= loyalty

Your government doesn't follow your constitution. It's literally an illegal government. Snowden is a hero.

America should welcome him back. And work on the problems you have.

Keep baiting glowniggers, this shit is funny as fuck.
I didn't become a hacker to prevent the blackhats at the NSA from going fucking nuts or anything.
Switching sides because you realize the government is the black hats is the ultimate redpill

It’s common knowledge in Buryat that Snowden isn’t there. It’s an open joke.

>CIA engaged in long-term civil war with NSA
>Snowjob NSA reveals: bla bla bla bla bla bla
>Snowjob CIA reveals: (crickets)


Tulsi is a communist who will put us in chains the same as any other. Don't be a complete cuck bitch because you think she is pretty. She also could never defeat the establishment anyway.

Calm down, or I'll report you to the local constable for hate speech.

You're a brain dead faggot which is why I rarely post here, on Jow Forums I can talk to people of the same intelligence level and actually feel engaged

Everything Snowden exposed was treason. Government spying on it's own people is against our constitution. The fact that Trump was a faggot about this changes nothing. And if Snowden had some ulterior motive? Who gives a shit. He still disclosed more reality to the American public than any government figure in history, including Trump. Reality that we deserve to know, especially given the fact we pay for it.

>Snowden was a limited hangout.
Which is why he is exiled?

No, Snowden is an extremely objective, morality-based non-psychopath. This is something the DC community cannot accept, or for that matter, comprehend.

>Completely baseless conjecture.
get back when you do a little actual digging and understand the framework that's being talked about. how was goog created, how was fb created. that it was snowden's assignment is not baseless conjecture if you have been paying attention, cia contracted him through booze allen hamilton for his nsa assignment. Binney has been talking regularly since 03.

Pretty much this, they hate him cause they ain't him.
I don't believe the hackers in the NSA have ill intentions, I think their handlers do and at this point the people writing the exploits are just code monkeys for boomers who have worn out their stay on this planet.


blue pilled


The memeflaggot would agree with the absolute greentext shitpost, I'm surrounded by idiots

sloppy job

>prove me right :^)
I know how FB was created, I have access to just like you. I also notice you follow the classic pattern of never really replying to anything what I've said.

Go eat a bag of dicks.

>Continues to shit up the thread even more
I'm going to Jow Forums you drooling retards can have fun discussing this while I actually go and do it for a living

>Nobody cared
>unironically believing this
Wanna know how I know none of you fucking faggots are techies who can remember 9/11?

He is a hero

>On one hand he is a traitor

>exposing war crimes makes you a traitor

lel ok

How is he a traitor?

>telling the American people they're being spied on by their government is traiturous
Commit neck rope bootlicker

A traitor to Israel and kikes like OP

NSA tools all had MLP names.
NSA are definitely /ourglowies/

The normies would never believe government spying claims without him

>literally shilling for the intelligence agencies to keep their boot on your neck

Imagine being this bluepilled and authority worshipping

If you have mixed views on him for him "being a traitor" you're a retard, and there's no point in having a conversation with you.

>I'm going to Jow Forums

Seems like you spend more time at /butthurt/ and /seethecope/ than Jow Forums

What specifically did he leak about the secret space program?

Modern-day Julius Rosenberg. Russia knew the use of metadata, but Snowden's providing them the exact process by which it could be filtered for useful data cut decades off the time needed for Putin to develop a working system.

If the US ever catches him, they must either hang him for treason, or accept the death of their nation. Bradley Manning should have suffered the same fate, but there's still hope for a recovery as long as the Democrats who freed him never gain political power again.

Attached: Screen-Shot-2017-01-17-at-7.02.14-PM-600x245.png (600x245, 85K)

i always did wonder where the stars of mash were.

hes one of the few Americans that stood up to the government. Now you only have mutts that say muh guns and log onto Jow Forums

>I seen all dat dere nutin dere
gives some direction
>why u no answer me
put the helmet back on, mom's got some ice cream for you

>muh zoomer normiepilled angryness
put your phone down kid, lunch isnt for a while yet and you shouldnt be here if you're not old enough

He did the world a massive favor and no one cared. I feel bad for him

Has anyone ever showed you what a VPN is?

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