Why richard stallman resigned

In a recently unsealed deposition a woman testified that, at the age of 17, Epstein told her to have sex with Marvin Minsky. Minsky was a co-founder of the MIT Media Lab and pioneer in A.I. who died in 2016. Stallman argued on a mailing list (in response to a statement from a protest organizer accusing Minsky of sexual assault) that, while he condemned Epstein, Minsky likely did not know she was being coerced:
>We can imagine many scenarios, but the most plausible scenario is that she presented herself to him as entirely willing. Assuming she was being coerced by Epstein, he would have had every reason to tell her to conceal that from most of his associates.
Someone wrote blogpost called "Remove Richard Stallman" quoting the argument
Media outlets like then misquoted Stallman as saying that the woman was "entirely willing" (rather than pretending to be) and as "defending Epstein". Some examples:
Note the deposition doesn't say she had sex with Minsky, only that Epstein told her to do so.
Since then Greg Benford, who was present at the time, has stated that she propositioned Minsky and he turned her down:
>I know; I was there. Minsky turned her down. Told me about it. She saw us talking and didn’t approach me.
This seems like a complete validation of the distinction Stallman was making. If what Minsky knew doesn't matter, if there's no difference between "Minsky sexually assaulted a woman" and "Epstein told a 17-year-old to have sex with Minsky without his knowledge or consent", then why did he turn her down? We're supposed to consider a dead man a rapist for sex he didn't have because of something Epstein did without his knowledge, possibly even in a failed attempt to create blackmail material against him? Despite this Stallman has now been pressured to resign from both MIT and, more importantly, the Free Software Foundation he founded.

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Other urls found in this thread:


He should've refused to back down to political animals.

I think Stallman's point was broader than; ie that the term 'assault' may be unhelpful in describing otherwise consensual statutory rape. But certain groups of people have been gunning for him for a long time before this.

Oh also, remember Nixon: The media is the enemy.

This looks like a 9D chess move, Stallman is shady as fuck.
Looks like the jew... got jewed this time. * puts sunglasses *

Stallman openly criticised Israel on numerous occasions and boycotted Israeli universities on his lecture tours.

This. Learn this lesson, guys. Dont fold. Dont even bend.

Glownigger character assassination, you don't need to look at the source goyim, we promise there are no backdoors

How many in here would be fucked if the blue checkmarks were able to get Congress to raise the age of consent to 21?
>You are now a pedo if you have sex with an 18-20 year old.

Are the leather-hag roasties trying to get it to 21? Where'd all the sex positivity go? Oh right, they're mad that men desire young women and not blown-out old catcher's mitts.

>at the age of 17

The author of the Medium piece happens to work in R&D for a defense company called Triton Systems.

Source??? Wish someone did a dig on the vice/dailybeast 'journos'

They murdered Aaron Swartz for discovering even more heinous material in their (((media))) lab

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This is much more than just fucking 17 year olds
Much worse...

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Stallman is the kinda autist who would start talking about how hebephilia isn't pedophilia and could be morally justifiable, in an ordinary conversation.

I thought it was because they found a child's severed arm wedged between his asscheeks, but maybe that was just a rumor.


that time RMS went to the doctor

Attached: screenshot-rms.png (648x610, 57K)

Can you post a screenshot/snapshot, archive.is says network error, and link directly requires login fuck that shit

>I know; I was there. Minsky turned her down. Told me about it. She saw us talking and didn’t approach me
When it is public knowledge what Eppstien is doing.
When people, attending a party, recognise Eppstiens sex-slaves.
When it can be implied with a fair grade of certain, that the girls have not been there once.
When RMS and Minski aside, lots of knowers, who know each other, profited from Eppstiens services.

To me it looks like the typical cabaal of pedophile jewish academics taking a swamp-bath together. Everybody is guilty, fuck his legacy.



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I think linkedin blocks archive.is now

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Looks like any other insta bitch, don't see the links to dod anywhere



my resume is shit compared to hers kek

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Stallman is no saint fellas. He's pro legalized cp and lower age of consent laws.
And a gigantic commie who hates the US and western values.

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MIT is fucking silly at the moment. The Media Lab is utterly reliant on corporate donors. Til a week ago, the general public didn't know about the Lab. Now, most know it as 'Epstein-funded'. I wonder how many donors will walk. I would say that most students there think it is all nonsense, though most are keeping quiet with their heads down. But there is a selection of noisy social media types who are driving. The ML director resigned, they're pressing for the MIT president to resign, and Stallman's out because it's open season at the moment. There was an Epstein-related protest at MIT the other day called "They Know". Only ten people showed up. The social justice types are a vocal but somehow effective minority.

And stalled the release of a GNU operating system for years, threw retarded temper tantrums, is associated with questionable big noses in big tech...

>who hates the US and western values
Who doesn't? Western values just means globohomo's multicultural shopping mall now.

You've been spending too much time with jews.

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Yes, of course, i attend parties where underage sex-slaves are passed around? Nothing to see here.

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This is all a cover for Aaron Schwartz's murder.

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He never did, that's why they attacked him on wrongthink angle, no elevator incidents, eating toejam feels rapey also didn't fly, he defended his deas friend - this is where we get him

he's just a leftist getting eaten by his own

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Hes pro abortion liberal so fuck him and his legacy, blupilled hairy fat fuck

so I guess fuck GNU

does this make BSD /ourOS/ ?

for once the uruguayan is right

BSD is the unjewed version of GNU and it gave room for big collaborations between OSS communities and private corporations.

sorry, paraguayan

I mean, the license. Sincerely, this retarded license, the GNU previous gay kernel, his gay jewish temper tantrums, he looks more and more like a kike infiltrator sabotaging everything.

BSD is nearly the BDSM version


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>can take your work and make it closed source without giving anything in return

Yeah, the world isn't full of unicorn, rainbows and people hugging each other. Sorry. Check the licenses of several important projects.

Hebrew first name


>Comments that reinforce systemic oppression related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, mental illness, neurodiversity, physical appearance, body size, age, race, or religion.
>Unwelcome comments regarding a person's lifestyle choices and practices, including those related to food, health, parenting, drugs, and employment.
>Deliberate misgendering.
>Deliberate use of "dead" or rejected names.

This. Never back down, never give in.

Though MIT - which is hoping to sacrifice Stallman to distract from how it was knowingly taking pedo millions from Epstein - probably threatened his retirement money unless he resigned.

My point still stands Being a knower he is. Together with all the other jewish academic pedophiles.
This is not a question if a girl was 17 or 18. This is about the rabbithole of jewish academic, practicing pedophilia and sex-slavery hidden in plain sight. And about the absolute state of ivy-league education and the swamp it was grown.
The "defended his dead homoboy-angle" is a smokescreen.

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I am scratching my head trying to figure out what the hubbub is about, and why this would stain Richard Stallman.

It makes sense though, if you talk with your name on what you say in a room big enough for enough people to hear you are guaranteed to be attacked. Anonymity is absolutely necessary for free and casual speech of the kind humans normally have.


>turn down child sex slave
>just as guilty
Retard alert

MORE guilty! They beat her for hours, and then let a pen full of hogs rape her for the next three days on cctv because she wasn't able to get him to put out on camera. Kek.

>i attend parties where underage sex-slaves are passed around
pic related

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If you think my theory of mass corporate sabotage is too paranoid, read this:


Yes, more literal gay jewish sabotage.

>Being in the known
>still associating with the cabaal
>even partying with them
Yes Jude, retard alert.

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>You're obligated to engage in reprehensible actions because reasons

yeah no

>that screenshot name