What the hell happened?

what the hell happened?

Attached: brazil.jpg (1334x750, 127K)

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I will go ahead and assume leftism.

Is the whole world going crazy? i thought it was just america.

Because commies

I wish it was just America, no it's literally the whole world.

Blacks overbreeding all over the world

Attached: 1540652103064m.jpg (1024x442, 99K)

Attached: 1564224283623m.jpg (1024x512, 119K)

this is Brazil in the 70's

Attached: brazil 70.jpg (534x750, 59K)


Who cares? Accept the blackpill, buy a cheap DSLR, and document the fall of rome with a smile on your face.

South America was unironically nicer 100 years ago than it is now. Brazil is basically what the US is going to be in another 50 years.

Capitalism happened.

until the early 2000s when 95% of the population was thin or even underweight.

femin virus

the green one to the south happened

Attached: 12_tribes_division_of_israel_map_1.png (1053x1309, 218K)

check out the ratios closer to 1942 and closer to now


note they move their kingdom north and call it Israel in 1948

Brazil is in America.

Jerusalem not even in jewville

You can find a very white 2019 pic and a very black 1942 one. Both have existed for centuries in Brazil.

Latin america is 20 years ahead of North America, North America is 20 years ahead of Western Europe, Western Europe is 20 years ahead of Eastern Europe.

By ahead I mean demographic point of no return .

Attached: chairman_mao.gif (256x188, 3.56M)

wtf, this is literally what's happening with the USA

Attached: Screenshot_22.png (810x280, 19K)

That’s just sad bro

The USA is already some kind of Brazil. You just didn't notice it because Brazil itself keeps getting worse.


Attached: CARACAS.png (1920x1080, 1.78M)

That's what America's cultural hegemony has done to the western world

Brazil, like SA had it harder because white were a minority so (((democracy))) fucked it up

The us in the other hand...

>muh socialism

go away, boomer


Carrying a DSLR, in areas like the right side of OPs picture, WILL put a target on your back and you will get mugged

Attached: 1568600036939.jpg (863x752, 249K)


Toxoplasmosis encephalitis

Incorrect, socialism kept Central and Eastern Europe, as well as half of Eurasia ethnically frozen. Socialist states had the most robust and enforced borders.

Capitalism, specifically the hyper globalised consumer development has resulted in this.
The moment the state's and the people's priority became the GDP graph is the moment you lose.

The whole world is influenced by what happens in the US

The jungle came to the city to turn the city into the jungle.

>muh (((socialism)))
To be exact

love how badly the jewish god jewed the Levites

This is what happens when you have a white exodus.

Attached: BiOJW3TIcAAcluD.jpg (522x782, 74K)

Fuck your big cities lmao, they all will become shitholes, the victory lies in the farms.

This happens when you share your freedom with someone. Adding in one place - you begin to lose in another. What to do? Concentrate on your true culture and be proud of it. Do not let the invaders get into your head.

Only accurate if you lived in Kabul.

the Levites were administration
the Levites collected taxes and guarded the temples
thats why they didnt get land
so Joseph the non jew got double portion from God, also not jewish.

>Jow Forums logic:

>Always doubt (((media))), they are trying to brainwash me ith their fucking propaganda they want to force an opinion on me but i'm based and smarterthant that, i can see the strings that pull the puppets.

>spam basic kike propaganda images

Lol that’s cucked


This is the result of bad policies and cultural marxism in the educational system. You can see that this is happening worldwide.

I'm seriously curious as to what the fuck happened

My thought is that everyone is regurgitating out american SJW bullshit, seeing American news media like BLM , Pride movements, and replicating that to feel relevant.

However, notice how i said "American" , this behavior does not originate here , it is from culutal Marxist thought in the Frankfurt School in Germany.

So the Germans are at the root of these cancer.

They got niggers and soon after the gay.
Instructional video:

The use of relativism to weaponize uglyness, the dumbness and all sort of shitty things.

They made people proud of being weak and retarded.

Sadly this

Why did crime became so widespread?
Even this failed shithole state was livable in the 50s. My grandpa told me people could walk on the street safely in his times.

Now half your country forms caravans and heads towards the southern border. Literally what the fuck happened in Guatemala ?

this guy gets it
based Ostrogothi

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I dunno if it was a LARP, but I'm inclined to believe this is partially true.

Attached: 1568698706486.png (1876x4500, 704K)

>Frankfurt School
>not ousted from Germany
>not pampered by the US
>brought back after the war by US
Not sure if Shlomo, or just stupid.

Still originated in Frankfurt Germany. I understand the US took them in with open arms , and put them into professorship positions etc etc. HOWEVER still from the fatherland. As was Karl Marx, almost as if all forms of dangerous thought originates from some singular place? hmmmm

Same as iran in the 1970s. It is a very recent thing where fundamentalist islam rose to power and regressed their cultures 1000 years.

This was true for Cairo, Beirut, and any other major cities. Fundamental islam existed only for backwater dirt farmers and the uneducated.

Iran mid 70s

Attached: iranian-women-fashion-1970-before-islamic-revolution-iran-48.jpg (880x580, 143K)

Attached: 1508070029133.jpg (608x402, 27K)

Cairo 1950s

Attached: 414e7dccebf86ed8e937e1ce8d705b4c.jpg (1280x1814, 550K)

they have been doing this shit since LONG before israel was formed

kikes parasites have been picked off their hosts for thousands of years

>Iran mid 70s
they still were subhuman shitskins

Oh lawd

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That's what I'd like to know. Too high of a class divide and no upward mobility I guess. You either are rich living in a gated community or live in the ghetto surrounded by criminals. People get tired of that and go where they can.

But at least they didnt treat their women as if they were the property of jealous cave trolls.

Attached: iranian-women-fashion-1970-before-islamic-revolution-iran-32.jpg (880x606, 128K)

Attached: ted cruze uma delicia.png (490x507, 284K)

Is Brazil used to have segregation?

Can anyone please tell me about brazilian history of racism

No, even on slavery times blacks could become very powerfull. Racial segregation is mostly a US thing.

i am not a muslim but how they treat their women is the only good part of their religion and it's far superior to how we do it

No it's continuation of communist program which was international.

what the hell happened?

it's called time and it's happening for centuries...read some history fag

Attached: notevenonce.jpg (700x368, 70K)

holy digits for a unholy poster

I am almost willing to bet money that's not rio on the left.

I'm not trying to be funny/snarky, but isn't that 2017 pic of Rio what most of Brazil looks like? Why is this supposed to be shocking?

You see that pic captioned as Paris under German occupation WWII around here.

you fags spreading degeneracy like a cancer.

FUCKING RETARD that was due to (((Western influence)))
Are you retarded? Islam has existed for over a thousand years and controlled these lands for over 500 fucking years. FUCKING MORON.


Fucking RETARD.

But we can know history, we can know the causes. For example, taking the picture you posted, you would assume most of the damage would have been done by the barbarian Visigoths during the Sack of Rome of 410. What happened instead is most of the marble from Coliseum was taken by the rich Barberini family around 1625 to build their own palace.

We have a saying:
>Quod non fecerunt barbari, fecerunt Barberini

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If that pic is legit then that man is a useful idiot and has a really warped way of valuing human life. But that's what happens when you think purely in quantitative terms and become obsessed with efficiency after drinking too much of the coolaid.

iranians arent arabs fucking retard

Sadly, it is m8.

Attached: images.jpg (640x453, 61K)

i tho brazil was always a shithole, wtf?

yeah I don't buy it

Arab is supposedly a linguistic term and they speak Persian.
But they are genetically as close to each other as Danes are to Swedes.

Nonetheless, it is MIDDLE EASTERN culture to make women cover their bodies, because the men there are masculine unlike the faggots of NW Europe who want their women to be whores.
This culture predates Islam.

You are not a man

So you're saying the jews did it?

Kek, you guys literally call chinks "yellows"

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Thats a different pic. Its pic related. Thats Rio m8 from the Life magazine 1942 pics. Most people are deeply ignorant on brazilian history, geography and demographics so I dont blame you for not believing.

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They have infiltrated every nation and every institution are using the same handbook

Did you know that ethnic Europeans have a hooked nose just like many Semites do?
Swedes have the upturned or "Aryan" nose as you portray with the Iranians, but Poles and other Southern, Eastern and so on Europeans, have a hooked nose.

Just because Iranians have a nose slightly distinct from say Palestinians, does not mean they are much genetically distinct just as Swedes and Poles are not much genetically distinct.

Decadence is inevitable

Alright, I see.
Regardless, brown people were a mistake.

No it isn't. Empires have existed for hundreds of years without decadence, followed by new non-decadent empires.

that's what happen when you combine leftism with jude

That's Russia.

al-ghazali persian philosopher 1058-1111

Attached: Al-Ghazali.png (317x271, 143K)

>60 years from Black Hell
This but unironically. Too bad people don't want to see their future.