Burger meme aside, what are pol's thoughts on the military? Specifically the U.S. military?

I turned 18 last month, and the military has been on my mind lately. Should I join now and recieve the gibs early in life? Perhaps, die for Israel??

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Other urls found in this thread:

US military is awesome, I want to know all the weird secret shit you guys got.

I’m about to join the Air Force. It’s ZOG but I just want the money and don’t want to be a regular wage-slave. I want to serve my term, earn my money and then drop off the grid Ted-style (minus bombs). If I can get the Jews to train me and pay me for it it sounds like a good deal to me. Unless we start attacking Iran, I’d probably bail then

I was in the Army for 4 years. It sucks unless you are A. a bully, or B. like to be bossed around and treated like a child. If I did it all over again I would join the Coast Guard or the Air Force. The money is pretty shit but you can literally save every penny because food and housing are free. But you'll probably spend it all on strippers and alcohol.

I'd worry more about coming out a tranny than dying for israel.

That sounds pretty comfy. Also, checked.

Just don't. The u.s. military is the single most corrupt institution in the history of the world.

if you bear the mark of the jew (cut dick) then you should join the military.

My thoughts on Soldiers?

When soldiers came back from Nam they were viewd as monsters by the populace and many of them suffered severe mental trauma from the outright slaughter the government asked them to do. This caused volunteer rates to drop massively and the jews saw that if they were to maintain a standing army without conscription; they needed soldiers to be loved. So they created a hero culture around them, painted them as self sacrificers and all this

I got nothing against soldiers, but they are out there for the gibs and the paycheck; not because they are Captain America incarnate. The hero worship is dumb

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If you go to the military today you will be stationed on arganistan or syria and you will be used as an Israel puppet, join the us military but in the reserve or national guard and try to earn as much ribbons and degrees as possible, also do not be "just another rifleman" give your 110% and become special forces or a warrant officer, if you give the military a reason to invest on you they will give you all the tool to succeed

boy do i got a treat for you

Bro. Do 4 years in the chairforce in some deskjob or office work AFSC then go to school for free. They even give you housing and food money while in college when you get out. I watched YouTube videos for 4 years and played PlayStation on midnight shifts when all the NCO’s were in bed with their fat disgusting wives, then I went to trade school with a bunch of dumb fuckers who paid 50k to go there. Trade school was 16 months, by the time I graduated I had profited nearly 30k from housing allowance, a difference of 80k from the retards who went there out of high school who are still paying their student loans. AND because I studied industrial electricity and did pretty well in school (which was amazingly simple) I make a pretty good living now. I also got to travel all over the world on taxpayer dime and drink insane amounts of booze.

I told myself I would enlist to either the Navy or the Air Force if I was stuck in a dead end job and had no gf by the age of 25. I'm 29 and married now.

Air Force will be a nice smooth ride. You will have it better than Marines, Army, and Navy. Don't let anyone shame you into joining a different branch because Muh chairforce.

t. retired Combat Medic

Join the Air force. You’re not going to “die for israel” in fact, its pretty comfy after basic training. I was in the Army and I should have gone Air Force, unless of course you want to see action up close then go Marine/ Army infantry

Become an Officer if you join the military. You get better pay, more responsibility, and a nicer pension.
Military is not a job, you are under military laws. If you do drugs, and suck at lying, you will be dishonorably discharged, lose your right to own a firearm, and will have trouble finding employment.

There will almost certainly be a world war in the next 10 years, probably in the next 3 or less

Do it faggot, die for Israel

>Should I join now

Go for it, but don't get married while in there.
Unless you're into Jody fucking her while you're deployed then never mind.

Do it but make sure you get into a good position. As an 18 year old you won't be able to qualify as an officer, but one of the combat arms or intelligence are the way to go.

Also try to see opoportunities in college with the military, you lotarally have all the tools to become a leader.

Go warrant and fly only way to do the military

America is probably the only Western country left with anything remotely resembling a "hero" culture.
It's the current super-power, so yeah...

Not worth it

T. 7 years

Depends on you MOS but yeah, low Iq fucks will try to bully everywhere you go. The greatest red pill is realizing that they can’t actually do anything to you. It’s also important to know that as long as you’re not insubordinate, fat or criminal you can’t be kicked out. You could be the worst soldier ever but barring any of those things it just means you need mentoring.

>Specifically the U.S. military?

I know very few details.
I know it is large, expensive and comparatively successful in battle. Also, employs a lot of people.
According to Best Korea, the latter's army is much better though.

I haven’t signed shit yet luckily.
I’m thinking of doing a linguist job for them. I’m a bit worried about how I’ll adapt but I think it’s the best branch to join for someone like me.

thanks anons

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Don't be an Israel dier or zog server. Join but when the time comes, you'll have to disobey orders to murder your own people for a black female jewish-controlled dictator. Stay safe.


>dying for the Israeli foreign legion
Uhm no

This! I joined the Airforce and got stationed in Japan, Singapore and Thailand.....Dude it was a awesome!!.

Enjoy dying in a worthless desert for the Jews, I guess.

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Every American male should serve. Yes, user. Head down to the recruiters office. Sign up.

>Thoughts on the U.S. military?
Disposable goy army ready to die for their masters in Israel and Saudi Arabia

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thank you for your service to Israel and the jewish people

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>not specializing in an East Asian language so you’re useless for desert operations and are just good for talking with chinks and gooks
You gotta think ahead when you join ZOG

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Based and Honestpilled leaf

>should i
fucking fuck yes, do what i did with a stint in the navy as an airframer or AD. dont pick the other aviation rates they are for autists and dorks. if you do the bare minimum with any sense of work ethic whatsoever you will be considered God's gift to the squadron because in general people are so fucking dumb and lazy. do 1 your GI BILL, get PTSD from working on the flight deck and maybe do an IA to afghanistan if that's still a thing and you'll make a shitload of tax-free money and get all kinds of BRAVO ZULU. or don't take my advice and do some retarded shit like working on a sub or shore duty.

t. Fat, pasty, basement dwelling neet

all those men, out in areas, no women, just men, sounds like traps are a key to this all

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Uh....did you see were i was stationed? Can you read?

do 1 tour and get your GI BILL* minimum of 3 yrs service means 100% bennies unless it's changed.

they don't care, it's just bants. obnoxious people don't have SHIT HOT ATTENTION TO DETAIL

>what are pol's thoughts on the military?
I had a good time shooting up kebob in afgan even if it didn't do on fuck of a good. If you join up I'm sure the kikes will have you in a warzone fairly quickly, and you will find out right away if you like shooting people, directly or indirectly.

DESU with you user just join the chairforce like said. Dont get me wrong the army sucks, but so does every other branch (airforce less so). Unless you're a complete retard like what talked about then you can come out of a 4 year contract with at least an associates degree for free and 30k in the bank. Enjoying my 4 year right now doing fucking nothing in germany. Biggest tip is just score a decent asvab/aqft score (mine was 93) and get a cushy MOS with a decent sign on.... or just go airforce

Breivik said he regretted NOT serving in the military of his country’s multiculturalist regime. Serve, let the Jews give you weapon- and survival skills. The cost/benefit analysis is heavily towards you. If you’re not prepared for DOTR what are you even doing with your life?

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I know, Im just trying to help some anons to Japan like they always wanted!

Terminal e-4 here. It's surprisingly /comfy/.

I literally don't have to do anything at work except have to perform PT every now an again.

I got a dumb wife who sells cosmetics over the internet and I finally paid off my Dodge Charger.

Also I get to kill people 3 month out of the year and the local BX sells the /spicy/ Tornados, which are yummy.

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good luck in the south china sea war. you may have been better off with the mudshits.
>whats that user? you speak perfect weaboo? close enough.

yes you protected wall streets interest in east Asia
thank you for honouring Jerusalem

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>(airforce less so)
this is the dumbest fucking meme. joining the air force is essentially ruining your life, because you'll have to tell people you served in the air force. i can feel the embarrassment splashing in physical beads of grime off of, for instance, a person telling me about being an air force "crew chief" and i describe the life of a glorious NAVY PLANE CAPTAIN.

U.S. Army. Ama

Isn't the US army for people dumb enough to get a real job or a degree or something like that?

Like literally the bottom of the barrel job?

If you're only 18 then military might not be a bad idea.
I almost joined Air Force when I was 26.
Then I realized I would probably be getting bossed around by a bunch of 19 year olds and said fuck that. Plus not being allowed to move out of the dorms would suck.

A bunch of retard mercs pretending to fight for their "nation" rather than a full bank account.

well since you phrased your question like some obnoxious, bratty fucking know it all why dont you tell us all about it?

Are you gay?

there were 30 year olds in my navy basic training division and if you do even the bare minimum, like i said have a LITTLE work ethic you can be 2nd or 1st class by your 2nd enlistment and living a cushy life so long as you dont spend money on retarded shit or marry/knock up some dependapotamus.

NW Russia getting uppity lately

I just noticed that I left out a "not" out of my original post.

Eh who really gives a shit what anyone else does at the end of the day. If you're going to suck it up and join, and if I could do it over again i'd went chairforce.

worth it!

>if I could do it over again i'd went chairforce.
please stop with the air force cope dude let's be real. let's be real. come on.

>I turned 18 last month

Time is of the essence. The longer you wait to make a decision the worse off you'll be. Whether it's a good decision or not, whether you're going to die for Israel or not, is irrelevant. Speed is the only thing that matters make a decision any decision as fast as possible. If you decide you don't like the military get out of 22 and decide to go to college. You'll still be roughly the same age is anyone else who's attending and you'll still fit in.
t. Vet

So you thought about the army, did your dad say you were fucking high?

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Thats the gayest looking man ive ever seen

> Air Force

We are all a bunch of meme spouting nerds. Like trust me, if there is ANY branch of the U.S. Military that is basically Jow Forums with access to missiles and bombs it's the USAF.

join. we have to seep in and make a faction inside

You should probably join, it is good for you and you will get the guns. You may even like it. However, the memes are real and you may die for Israel. 20+ year Army vet. AMA.

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Do well on your ASVAB, you'll have less of a chance having an MOS that's filled with niggers. You'll still have niggers, but they will be more civilized niggers.

>missed joke..

Real talk it's not really the weapons you need to worry about. If we go to war, we've had weapons that can kill mass amounts of people in a targeted area from like fifty+ years ago.

It's the small things.
Like testing communication bugs, surveillance equipment, etc.
Stuff that you'd never notice and it's all around you.

Granted people unironically let Siri and Alexis data bomb them, so maybe it doesn't seem that cool.
However I watched a device the size of a worm during a practical exercise that can climb stairs, technically climb walls, enter a house, listen and video tape, and have enough explosives in it to kill everyone in a 10x10' area.

You feel something touch your leg and BOOM. Dead.

There is also a mosquito like drone that can inject poison directly into the blood and burn out afterwords leaving no trace of who actually programmed it, not to mention no marks on any of the pieces used to build it.
I think they took the idea from City of Lost Children with the weird guy and his fleas.

Regardless, imagine a swarm of these things attacking an entire city.

Look user, the culture on deployments is very gay. Most people get so horny they cant contain it anymore. Theres alot of sexy black men in and you are probably gonna have to give up your hole to one.

Die for Israel faggot

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jealous are you?

No, you shouldn't.

>giving more than 100%

Yu so smrt

He probably wont die but he will have to give up his hole for black men

Wait a couple years, take some college courses, get in the best shape of your life, and go 18x.

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Literallly me, except I am really old and don't want to go back to a Call Center as a civilian and I am rank enough not to actually show up to shoo, nor am I an NCO that has to do anything.

Sham Shield 4 life.

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Fuck off u old fagget

I have couple of questions for you military buffs:

Number #1:
> Is changing demography of USA is represented in military?
Do you see increase in minorities (africans, asians, arabs, hispanics) signing up up to serve?

Number #2:
>How this multicultural and diverse environment will impact USA role as World Police?
What will be the unifying idea behind your wars? "Spreading Democracy" and "Fighting for Freedom" ain't gonna fly anymore

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Sure. If you choose right they'll pay you to make you a true warrior.

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I dream about joining the Coast Guard, but am a father of two and would feel like a shit parent (and husband) going underway aboard a cutter for months at a time.

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Thank you for your service to Israel

> 5 posts by this ID
> all demoralizing and all about homosexuality and niggerdom
Nice try, ISIS

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I took a ride down to the recruiting office when I was 18 with my dad. If you aren't strong, they will destroy you and build you into what they want. Don't do it if you care at all about yourself. You can just quit a bad job.

If I was in America I would probably join in the electronic warfare side of things.

I heard the coast guard is much whiter than the military?

Join only for something that will benefit you in the future. A technical trade or how to fight when shtf. Who cares about the pretextual wars for Israel. Practicing your trade against muslims and blackies isn't really a bad thing. Then gtfo and do something with your life. Take advantage of the free college while you're in and again after you're out. Go fight some unjustified bullshit based on Israeli false flags. Don't die, don't get fucked up. Do your time, collect your bennies, and gtfo

If you have no idea what you want to do with your life at this point, then enlist. Join the Army and become a UAS pilot or do something else where you can do something cool without being in harm’s way (if you are afraid of dying in combat/to a random explosion). But even in a combat arms MOS, your chances of being in battle these days are slim. Despite the political unrest around the world, not a lot of active combat is happening.

How the fuck did you get 30k for housing?

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>Should I join now and recieve the gibs early in life?
Fuck no.
Read this.

It was alright. Looking back at it today I would say it was a blast (in many ways than one). You grow up quick, get fuckded in the head (if you’re not a POG), and make a lot of memories.

He blew his CO

I just got back from visiting a MEPs station.

The ethnic breakdown of new recruits were easily like 80% Filipino/Asian admixture. Everyone seemed Patriotic and Right-Wing.

Nobody looked like a jock or an asshole.

This isn't 2004, nobody seemed to have any delusions for who orwhat we are fighting for. They just wanted to fight, get paid, get a free education, medical tteatment for life and a slot at doing something with honor.

Kojima, realized.

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My unit was almost entirely Negroid, Latin, and Samoan.
For every 8 diverse people there were 2 white people.

Nothing ever got done, white people ended up doing everything. If diverse people were involved projects ended up taking hours longer then they should.

For instance.

>my 4 man team has 2 million dollars worth of equipment in communications, support, specialty gear, etc.
>takes two hours to do whole inventory

>meanwhile the other 8 teams always end up needing our help and even with help takes 5+ hours to finish inventory

I left the military as soon as possible.
Unless you go warrant officer or get a luxury job in the airforce or signal corp. The whole thing is a huge waste of time.

Now imagine this in a warzone.
The largest issue with the U.S. military has and always will be wasted time regardless of the cause of the wasted time.

Over 80% of my day was waiting or doing busy work.

When we were allowed to conduct team specific exercises my day went as followed.
>5:30 wake up to 18:30 time off
>PT 6:30
>food 7:30
>work 8:30
>setup of communications done by 10:30
>specialty training until lunch
>pack it up
>done by 1400 for the entire day

>hours to exercise as I wanted, study, play video games, play guitar, clean room, etc

Now with the entire platoon, or company suddenly i'm not leaving until 1900+ and I end up just sitting there all fucking day doing nothing.

This went on for over three years.

> play guitar
typical Air Force faggot