What do you think the likelihood is that there's a true spiritual successor to the NSDAP that still exists today?As in...

What do you think the likelihood is that there's a true spiritual successor to the NSDAP that still exists today?As in, a part of the NADAP that has a banner that was sworn in by the Blutfahne, or established by some high ranking member of the NSDAP that's still operational to this day. A party that "outlived it's nation" I guess.

I wouldn't have thought too much about this, but then you have to factor in the Catholic church that created rat tunnels for some of the nazis that fled Germany towards the end of the war, and the different bases that were operational in South America long after the war was over

>Is there still a wing of the original nazi party that's active today?

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No. But things can only get so much more worse before history will take care of itself.

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Yes, go look into the BND, they worked with ex SS members. One of the highest ranking SS members ran the West side of Berlin after and before the wall fell.

No, it's over forever,
cumskins btfo, based jews won, Yhvh choose them not u autistic whitey


Hitler has been reborn somewhere

I suspect theirs still some vague influence in the US government (tho likely religated to small and detached cells merely working at self preservation)
After operation paperclip certian national socialist officers actually had decent influence in the US government, not just in NASA but also in the intelligence community and even government.
MCarthy worked very closely with alot of them.
However for the most part they all got nuked the fuck out after the Kennedy assassination with LBJ cleaning house and bringing in alot of people who were much more sympathetic international socialism and much more loyal to israel.

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He was a general for the Wehrmacht, not an ideological nazi

Well yeah, the nazis were Godless heathens and our fight against the anti-Christ wasn't supposed to happen yet

Hopefully here in the US. We will have to dismantle the big brother aparatus that is keeping the US as a world boogeyman and keep the American ppl complacent. Once we have that taken care of the pieces will fall into place. You have to remember that democracy will not solve our problems, the only option is to Ride the tiger until it's time to rise from the ashes.

Based, could I read more about this anywhere?

Who? Gehlen was a top ranking SS member

I mean just for the basics google opperation paper clip

No he wasn't, look him up. He was only in the Wehrmacht

I mean about McCarthy working with nazis in the government to oust communists, top ranking officials in US politics that had ties to the NSDAP, LBJ getting rid of them etc

Stop idolizing this idiot. He handed the world over to the kikes by completely fucking everthing up.

What about these guys?

Attached: 48511128_7.jpg (4283x2413, 760K)

Ya if you didn't already know about Operation Paperclip that's one of the first redpills. The US and the Soviets took in high ranking Nazi Scientists, they weren't "ideological" like you're asking, but they damn sure pledged allegiance to the Fuhrer.

Oh, well to to be honest user I dont know where you could find that info online
I actually learned about it from a reading book
Speficifically this book
Not sure if you could find PFD of it online or something
But its a good place to start.
Its about the SS spymaster who was taken into the CIA and used to run operations in eastern europe for decades after the war,

glownigger honeypot

Archive videos

Attached: Roman Empire.jpg (749x499, 70K)

Fuckoff discord tranny

Who said I idolized them? I'm not a national socialist lol, I'm just curious

I knew about Operation Paperclip and NASA, but I didn't know we had nazis in other parts of the US government

Thanks man

Lmfao that picture is so gay

>Nach der Niederlage von Stalingrad im Winter 1942/43 arbeitete Gehlen mit dem Auslandsnachrichtendienst der SS unter der Leitung von Walter Schellenberg zusammen

Yes, it is called the M.A.G.A and the chancellor is a man named DÖNALT DRUMPF!!

O shit u rite

I skimmed through his english wiki and didn't find anything, I guess I was wrong lol

Lurk more.

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There is no spiritual successor to the NSDAP and there won't be one for a while. The rest is all larp.
