Whos the most powerful person in the world?

Whos the most powerful person in the world?

Do we even know their name?

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Donald J. Trump.

Probably the owner of the biggest international bank.

That statue has a hidden face in the back of the helmet which is a self portrait of who made it

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Jesus Christ of Nazareth, King of Judea.


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>Whos the most powerful person in the world?
I don't think it works like that.
It's far more likely that there are certain sects of people within a cabal that are on different levels like a pyramid.
The "people" at the top of the pyramid aren't people at all. So when you ask the question "who is the most powerful PERSON" there isn't a single one as the actual human beings are probably a group that all have an equal amount of power.

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there is no human on top of the pyramid. there is an idea on the top. a rule that you have to follow. but most people here wont get this because of muuh joooos


Yes,there is, but not one - two

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>The "people" at the top of the pyramid aren't people at all

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Imaginary friends and fictional characters don't count, thats too easy

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Fuck off to whatever normie regurgatative idiocracy you came from you disgusting onions creature

Shut up lizard brain

literally hitler. even in death he is simultaneously inspiring and pissing off the world.


Not even larping , but i completely agree. There are two people who really changed the course of times , first being Jesus , and second being Hitler. Regardless of who you are , in the future those two names will never be forgotten.

>We'll just place the entire world under an embargo!

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I am.

Either Putin or the head of his strategic advisory council.
In the West, some retarded glownig that coordinates the various unknown agencies.

Xi Jinping

If fiction goes... Superman

This. Perception is reality.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

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I see a pattern in the nose

I'm actually a skinny fat, and I never go on reddit.
So you've pinned me completely incorrectly.

Based & MAGApilled. Seriously though, probably banksters because some even have literal royal titles due to England being in debt to them. Royalty isn't subject to taxation either.

The Hidden Hand

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Me. Unironically.

Once the works are known the truth will be revealed. Tbh no person of power wants to be known

ancient spirits of evil

I'll tell Big Bazza about this.

One day i hope i can do something for people and help enough people to remember my name. Even if its one person , i would feel as if my life was worth it. One day , guys.

>Do we even know their name?
A combination of ALGOrithmic and Language.

Who holds the Spear of Destiny?

it's Obama, idiot.

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Daves a pretty good guy

Fallen angel, Samael the morning star.


On paper the most powerful man in the world is Xi Jinping, closely followed by Putin.

In reality you have to follow the money, and you know that takes you in the general direction of the rothschilds, but things are pretty hard to read from there.

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