Is transgenderism a mental illness or a choice?

Is transgenderism a mental illness or a choice?

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He cute

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God, she's beautiful

the ones that have surgery its a mental illness, the tumblr retards its a choice


you make the choice because you are mentally ill. it could have manifested in a different way, like cutting off your fingers or removing your foreskin like a jew, but you just choose to go full in and chop the entire package off instead

Both. Some choose to be trans for attention (mental illness) others are born feeling like the opposite sex (mental illness)

It's clearly listed in the dsm5 as a mental illness. It's not even a question, it IS a mental disorder.
As for a choice, no, but I think you can catch this form of crazy with enough outside influence

It's a choice you make when you are mentally ill


do you guys ever watch old episodes of flying circus and think "wow, how brave"

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Why not both? You can drive yourself insane.


it's a business

It's mental illness that you can choose!

All forms of faggotry are mental illness.

>mental illness or a choice
both. depends on who you are and what decisions you've made. certain illnesses can feed and exacerbated, or starved and killed. transgenderism can be that way for some, and perhaps not so for others. but I imagine that the majority of people coming to it now are in the former category.

Attached: rapid-onset_gender_dysphoria_trans_study_lisa_littman_16_aug_2018_stats.png (869x1137, 305K)

Porque no los dos?


>certain illnesses can feed
*certain illnesses can be fed

I can't stand this, why is it that every dumb cunt male or female that decides to dye their hair ALWAYS leaves the eyebrows the same colour, it looks retarded, is that the point? As a sign that this person is mentally deficient, requiring everything to be explained to them slowly and preferably twice, fuck sake.

I just want someone to cuddle me, I don't care if they have a dick or not.

Idk either.

Transgenderism can be caused by gender dysphoria which is real or by excessive/pathological need for attention or by perverse fetish. It's not good to tell people to disguise themselves as the opposite sex. We should be teaching people to love their bodies and to accept that sometimes people of their sex feel the way they do. Don't put your balls in a blender

Schizophrenia is a mental illness.
Smoking weed when you have a tendency to suffer paranoia is a choice.
Exposure to/non-avoidance of risk factors that increase your chances of suffering from an illness is usually a choice.

It’s a choice as much as alcoholism/drug additiction is.
It is caused in early life by attention seeking mothers who see their son play with barbies one time and make a permanent choice
It is caused in later life by chronic masterbation and porn addiction that rewires the male brain to want to be the woman.

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They removed it this year from the dsm and added video game addiction
Welcome to clown world

>God, she's beautiful
"female beauty" doesn't count if it's not a female.

The point of the beauty is to represent health in a reproductive partner and desiarable traits in offspring.

Beauty divorced from that is intentionally pointless.

It's like saying happiness is the point of life and then having to rebut the idea of being attached to a machine making you happy doing nothing.

Trans people are completely useless and only being used for depopulation. Any beauty in a trans person is fake.

Dark eyebrows are always hot, you cocksucker.

Both. It's a mentall illness known as gender dysphoria and it's their choice to brainlessly indulge in their delusions and try to force it on other.

How are those two things mutually exclusive?

many plants (including for example canabis) get transgender when you disturb anything in their development phase. just think about this.

It's a choice of the mentally ill

True, but its not about what colour the eyebrows are, just the fact that mismatched hair and eyebrow colouration looks like dog shit.

>denying reality
>hates who they really are
>desire to mutilate themselves
How is it not a mental illness?

Mental illness with deep roots in the childhood.

Sure, and so is gay panic syndrome resulting in homocide

Never heard this before.

For most it's just a porn addiction with, most likely, low self esteem and a possible traumatic experience.
I've fapped to my share of blacked and sissification hypnos. Glad to be on the path of righteousness again.


It's the choice to participate in mass hysteria, so both.

It is already wearing pink hair and pretending to have a vagina, mismatched hair and eye brows is expected at this point.

Some blonde can have darker eye brows but still have natural blonde hair that loses its color quickly. My hair gets really blonde after a few inches same for my sister who has long hair.

I think all late onset ones are because of porn.
The mental illness goes like this:
>I wish I could have sex
>woman can fuck when ever they want
>if I was a woman I could have sex when ever I want

mostly mental illness, some are just clueless fucktard following trend

Attached: Victimization over the life span A comparison of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and heterosexual siblings.p (740x409, 109K)

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and tons here

Attached: Autistic traits in individuals self-defining as transgender or nonbinary.png (640x878, 160K)

if this looks sane

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it really doesnt

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Now it’s a gore thread

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now a tranny kike doesn't want to confront his true self. stop self hating, nigger.

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You are worthless

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Ella Hollywood is probably the cutest tranny in existence (sorry jannies, you're cute too)

This desu. I just want to feel loved. Rather a cute trap than an ugly grill.

At this point I honestly think they are most of them victims. Young men, who have some confidence issues, maybe they have some odd fetish issues, are manipulated through the promise that everything will be better and public praise.

>Is transgenderism a mental illness or a choice?

We've had eunuchs for thousands of years; it's nothing new.
What's new is society claiming that they are now "women".
That's new.
And giving them abortion rights.
That's new.
All of those people are mentally ill, and the Left is responsible for enabling the suicide rate of 50% of these mentally ill eunuchs.


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A choice for the mentally ill retards.

What the fuck is happening in this picture

dont look at it. just quickly proceed to scroll down

a mix of both.


A choice to engage in mentally ill behaviour.

Both. Most mental illnesses are exacerbated by unhealthy choices.

It’s demonic possession

Are trannies faggots in denial that try to justify their faggotry as "trapped in muh wrong body"?

Fucking discord trannies.

The ultimate Coomer.

It's either a perverted choice that leads to mental illnesses, or a mental illness that leads to perverted choices.
So, yes.

ah, this one is becoming a body horror classic

I guess it is over.

Call the cops


You can use this to pull the wrong body off your soul

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Mismatched hair and eyebrows are a sign of youth. Young girls with light hair and dark eyebrows will have dark hair when they get older, matching their eyebrows. The contrast means they haven't reached this point yet, naturally.
In this case, it's completely unnatural, but its purpose is [subconsciously] to send off "signals" of natural youth.

both. it just depends on if the person is mentally ill or an attention seeking cunt.


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abortion rights? what the fuck do a bunch of dudes with fake boobs pretending to be chicks need with abortion rights when they don't have a fucking uterus?!?

It's a weapon of social engineers

>whites 26%
Holy shit all of cali must be pozzed at this point.

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Totally fucking yes, I am sick and tired of these motherfuckers everywhere. They are just the worst, they ruin their own family, they ruin our society, and basically they force you to play their stupid little fucking game. Transgender medics deserve to be arrested for forcing a mentally ill person to open a gaping hole between their legs.
And somehow, our society from the 2020s think that this shit is okay, and we're transphobes, when actually the "TRANSPHOBES" are here to help, and not the opposite, they live in a world of fantasy where they can just swallow some pills and chop a limb here and there and walk around in public like he's not some kind of Frankenstein abomination.

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>because of porn.
You're almost right.
AGP is a type of porn, it's self-porn but it's a fetish.
A wise man on Jow Forums once said:
Ask somebody with gender dysphoria whether they want to be a woman right after they nut. 9/10 would be disgusted by the idea.

>Is transgenderism a mental illness or a choice?

Gender dysphoria a is definitely a severe uncureable illness. Transiotion is a choice insofar as you have to choice to do it or to suffer endlessly.

using power point to create meme is based

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You would have to be mentally ill not to hit that

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A choise caused by mental illness

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He's cute

Also, we should ban young children and teenagers from using the Internet. The internet is dangerous because of the Trannies. In Twitter and Reddit you always see underaged kids saying "I am a MTF cute little pie uWu" or some shit like this, they are going to regret this. And the worst part is that their parents support this shit like it's normal, we need Brazilian parents for these retarded 1st World Country trannies. How about slapping them in the face and give them some sense of reality that YOU'LL NEVER BE A FUCKING WOMAN, how about that?
Parents, the Media, our youth is fucked up. They all fear saying the truth because they don't want to be called words.