Why is everything funny?

Styx thinks everything is funny.

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Honk Honk

Why should I care about this satan worshipping edgelord?

You already know the answer to that, Tarl.

If I could make bank sitting around the house naked all day, I'd think that was pretty funny too

He's a delusional faggot who believes everything is either part of some master 4D chess game, or part of some silly cycle that repeats itself, such as the "satanic panic."

he has gotten fat
i stopped watching him a long time ago.

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his job is to smile on camera. That's what he gets paid to do.

What else can you do while observing this clown world?

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When you think about it, it really is funny, I guess?

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he stopped being entertaining long ago.

Because everything is funny

now i see the funny side of things....

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It’s funny really
*spoon clinks*
I predicted this months ago
That’s about all, peace out

Because it is.

Imagine how ridicolous the world must seem if you are such a galaxy brained centrist like Styx.

He's a epicurean, 90% of the time theyre either drunk or stoned.

The answer is so simple, it's simply in between all the other choices.

Fucker needs to hit the weights

He's made a comfy living sitting in his bedroom ranting, and it has gotten him a qt Dutch wife and over 1000 free laptops.

You'd be laughing too in his position.

>being so certain the satanic “panic” was baseless is probably his most glaring bit of foolishness. But what might one expect from a fanboi o’ satan?

did he gain 30lbs, what's going on with his face

Needless greentext*

have you seen his fakin teefs mayte
you need to laugh when you have teefs like that gov

styx on bloatmax

I unsubbed from this dude, i admire the dude for sticking to his guns, but i have trouble listening to people who are either that willfully ignorant or just retarded on the demographic shit, and how it will affect politics.

Dutch pussy is fattening?

He lives near me. I want to meet him sometime, get a coffee and hear what he has to say.

heh, he's a clown

he's starting to look like blimped steven segal

thank you for posting bestgirl.

I'd laugh too if I found a place where people are dumb enough to be suckered into laptops that turn out to be trips to meet pussy

I laugh so I don't scream

soccer moms did 9/11

Autistic narcissism.

I knew today is the shilling day for this channel.

This is what I don't get about people and youtube, if I know that I am not good looking, I wouldn't put my fucking ugly shit face on the thumbnail. I never clicked on any of his videos because I see a hideous mother fucker on the thumbnail, and his username is bad even for 11 years old metal head.

if you are smart af you have to think everything is funny or you go insane

So serious Luv?

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OP is funny

Quit listening to him when every other video he made some hard turn to bitch about Christianity and hiw he keeps moaning about the Satanic Panic when the fucker was in diapers or not old enough to know what the fuck was going on at the time

I dont watch him, but I assume it is similar to clown world. If you cant laugh at the suffering you cry. And crying isnt fun. Literal coping from all of us desu

I want to see styx spend a year getting F A T

Because this nigga doesn't have to work and got a house literally handed to him.

Fence sitting "rational" faggot...cant stand him or that razorfist cocksucker...both cut from the same cloth


Nothing wrong with that. Why play game of the mortgage Jew when you can just inherit?

Because not all of us have family who aren't niggers that are renting.

How come he always drinks tea with a spoon left in it every video?


Well he's technically not wrong.