Best way to dodge the Iran war draft?

No trannies allowed in the military. Future war with Iran and probably a draft. Is it time to go tranny guys?

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When they come for you start discussing Jews and how the military will be perfect preparation.

don't you have the right to conscientious objection in alternative service like a civilized nation?

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They are the main reason im not willing to go over seas and kill sand people. I don't want to kill the people most likely to wipe out the jews.

fucking state of you yank cowards LMAO no wonder you're not a white country

>Best way to dodge the Iran war draft?
how about being too old? Just tell them you identify as a boomer.

Ok retard

Well the real question is, What qualifies you as a tranny? If I just identify as one am I good?

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you'll NEVER be white :)

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rent free

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imagine ben shapiros face when he gets drafted

Just gain weight.
You won't be fit for service if you're too fat to fight.
Maybe try purposefully failing a drug test, so stock up on meth, heroin, oxycontin, and even weed.

Yes but I think it might bar you from certain future jobs and even legally from owning firearms. Don't quote me on it.

All your women belong to Big Brit Cock

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Why are you advocating for him to be the puppet of Israel?
Fuck the middle east, no one should die for that piece of shit, "oil", and money with no real worth.

Give up your mutt citizenship.

I think I'll join up but tell them I identify as a colonel.

Need to be fit enough for the boogaloo

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British do have pretty bad teeth

average british lass

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every british lass has an adobe photoshop subscription?

>Not signing up, breeding some sand niggers, chowing down on some curry dishes and returning home to be praised as a hero while the chair force bombs Iran into the stone age and you get free college

Its not trench warfare anymore man, the mIlitary is the place to be.

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I wonder why she won't show her teeth

register as democrat.

this coming war, the draft will be unavoidable. they will round up every white male and ship him off. retards, autists, trannies and fags, it doesn't matter. put a gun in his hand and ship him off. winning isn't the goal. killing off the remainder of the white males is the goal.

The only thing I could think of would be to purposely fuck up at everything during basic training as to where your not even desirable for kitchen duty.

love winding up yank boomers x

>these innocent civilians deserve to suffer because papa Schlomostein says so
Go fuck yourself jewrat, post your address so we can end you now


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By already serving your 7 year mandatory sentence to not be eligible for draft.

Fucking cowardly faggot.

I wouldn't breed with a sand person they are far too inbred. I would like some military training though. Just don't want to die and kill for Israel

This. However; I will say, if they're going to end up in a war with us. I wish they'd do the Middle East a solid and just glass Israel. They know who put them in harms way.

Thats how I see it. The government/jews see us growing more and more revolutionary and the best way to stop a revolution is to send us all to die in IEDs

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racemixing is worse genetically than inbreeding

Its going to happen either way man, you may as well capitalize on it.

Have you seen sand niggers shoot? They didn't even know to aim down the sights until American soldiers taught them. You will be in absolutely no threat during a war with Iran.

you would know

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holy based

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Just explain that you frequent Pol and would like to serve in Best Korea. I'm sure you would be quietly ushered out of a side door.

Based jew poster

>some 4 times divorced gen X crypto boomer
>knowing what Jow Forums is


They would probably throw me on the front lines as a way to kill me if I did that. Probably better to say I frequent reddit politics and AOC's twitter so that the jew system protects me.

goy, just like all the other goyim, your only purpose in life is to serve the jews, and dying for the jewish state is the most noble thing a goy can do.
do not dodge your ultimate destiny.

just do the original move, which is firing a bullet into your foot

they wont fucking want you if you can pull that shit off

This should go well.


The idea being that they really do not want to be training future white supremacist terrorists, so they won't take you.

“Anxiety” or AdHD

Only response of the Brit